Location Settings | Account Settings | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite

We need to allow districts to change the list of default locations for the behavior tool.

User Stories:

  • As a district admin, I want to set district-wide locations, so I can ensure reports are consistent across the district

  • As a user, I want to view the locations, I can understand what our defaults are

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user marked “is admin role” and I have permission to view settings, I will see this section

  • Give I am a Role 7 user, I will have permission to edit the locations

  • Given I am a Role 6, I will have permission to view the locations but not edit the locations

  • Given I am a Role 5 user at a district with multiple levels, I will have permission to view but not edit the locations

  • Given I am a Role 5 user at a district with a single level, I will have permission to edit the locations

DESIGN: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=12673%3A134711


  • In Account Settings, a user will click on Location Settings.

  • From here, the user will see the list of default locations.



  • The user may click Edit to modify the list of locations

  • Here, the user may add, remove, or reorder the locations.

  • Clicking Save will save the changes and close the modal. Clicking Discard Changes will not save the changes.


Business Rules

  • Any user marked “is admin role” will see this section

  • Only the highest level admin roles will have access to edit locations. For accounts with multiple levels, only Role 7 users will have permission to edit locations. For accounts without multiple levels, Role 5 users will have permission to edit locations.

  • The default locations are:

    • Classroom

    • Hallway

    • Bus

    • Cafeteria

    • Playground

    • Gym

    • Community/Field Trip

    • Other

  • The default activities are:

    • Math

    • Reading

    • Science

    • Social Studies

    • Writing

    • Other

  • Default location contains the options to add an additional field if user selects +Add additional field

    • There are no limits to the number of customs additions. +Add additional field always shows.