How to Add Client Diagnosis.

Add and assign client diagnoses to any active service line a client has been assigned


How To:

Good to Know:


How To:

Good to Know:

Add Client Diagnosis

On the client’s Diagnosis Page, click “Add Diagnosis” button



  •  A funder and service line must first be assigned to the client before adding the diagnosis


Search for Diagnosis Code or Description

On the Diagnosis pop up, you can search by description, diagnosis code, or enter a custom code


  • All ICD-10 diagnosis are available to search and matching results will display when you type into the search field

  • Any code, custom or ICD-10, can only be added to a Service Line once

  • Options for Service Lines will display based on the service lines added to the client’s funder(s).

Add a Custom Code

Check ‘Add Custom’ box and Type the name of the custom diagnosis

  • Currently a custom code can be up to 20 characters

  • After adding a custom code, these will also display as values in the pull down along with any ICD-10 codes

Optional: Enter a Start Date

Required: Assign the diagnosis to Service Line(s)

Choose a start date and select at least one Service Line

Click Save


  • Options for Service Lines will display based on the service lines added to the client’s funder(s)

  • Users can also select multiple service lines to add the same diagnosis

The Client Diagnosis page defaults to only active diagnosis, but when “show inactive” is checked, inactivated diagnosis can be reviewed, edited, reactivated.


Inactive diagnosis codes cannot be added to new authorizations.

Inactive diagnosis codes that were previously added to authorizations will present with a warning when running the Billing Export:


Once a diagnosis is saved to the client’s profile, they will be visible per service line. You will have the option to edit (pencil icon) or delete (trash can icon).


You will only be able to delete a diagnosis that is not attached to an authorization. You will receive a pop up warning if trying to delete a diagnosis that is attached: