Custom Domains.

Custom Domains.

Rethink’s NEW Custom Domain feature allows you to create custom domains for your organization to categorize programming for many different reasons (e.g., funder requirements, multiple service lines, parent training goals, etc.)


  • Custom Domains are created in the Company Account. If you do not have access to the Company Account, you may be able to USE the Custom Domains, but not create them

    • Typically only system administrators for your Company’s Rethink Account can make Custom Domains

  • Custom Domains are made for the entire account, not just groups of staff members or clients

  • Custom Domains can be added at any time

This resource shows

  1. Where and How to make the custom domains

  2. Where to tag programs to the custom domains

  3. How they display on graphs and reports

Adding Custom Domains to the Company Account

In the Settings area of your Rethink Account is where you will find a section titled Clinical Settings. Once there, select Custom Domains.




  • There is a limit of 10 custom domains per account in the company account area

  • Each domain has a maximum of 30 characters.

  • Examples of Custom Domains may be based on Funder Requirements, multidisciplinary domains (OT, Speech, PT, etc.) or Parent Training Goals

Editing or Deleting Custom Domains


  • Any edits/changes to the already existing custom domain name will be automatically changed in the program library, client program. analyze data (mastered programs), and funder reports

  • You cannot delete a Custom Domain that currently has programs assigned to it



Using Custom Domains within the Program Library

The Program Library is an area of the platform that houses all of the programs (See the BCBA Resources to learn more about the Program Library and Writing Custom Programs). After custom domains have been added to the company account, you or your staff can then tag those programs/goals to the new Domains for appropriate organization. You can do this by tagging an ALEADY EXISTING programs to a new Custom Domain that was made or you can write a custom program from scratch and place it within the Custom Domain.

Tagging an ALREADY EXISTING program/goal to a Custom Domain

  1. Go the Program Library tab within any clients profile (program library is for the entire account not just that client)

  2. Select the program that you would like to create a custom domain for by using the search filters to find it

  3. On the far right hand side, select the tag icon next to the custom domain.

  4. A pop-up will show allowing staff to select which Custom Domain they’d like to attach the program to.

  5. Select SAVE


Writing a Custom Program/Goal and placing it within the Custom Domain

When writing a Custom Program/Goal in the Program Library it requires you to identify WHERE the program will be housed. Only the Rethink Domain option is required, but if you made Custom Domains, you can assign them accordingly.


Editing or Removing Custom Domains

Administrators can remove or edit the tag in the library by tapping on the “x” to remove or by tapping on the tag to edit and select a new custom domain

Filter Programs By Custom Domains

Once custom domains have been tagged in the program library, staff can use the custom domain filter at the top to easily find programs in each custom domain.


Assigning Custom Domains to a Program at the Individual Client Level (Client Program)

If a Program/Goals wasn’t assigned to a Custom Domain at the Program Library level, or you want to change it for this client, it can be done at the individual program level in the CLIENT PROGRAM tab of a client’s profile

NOTE: Only staff members who have the ability to edit programs as a permission can edit or remove the custom domain


  • If you move a program from the client program that has a changed custom tag, it will revert back to the custom tag that was created in the program library.

  • If you move a program from the client program that kept the custom tag that was created in the library, it will remain the same when returned to the program library.


Assigning Custom Domains to an individual Behavior Support Plan (Behavior Support)

Similar to skill acquisition, staff have the ability to create a custom domain tag for behavior support goals. This can be done in the Create Plan or View Plan Tabs.

NOTE: Only staff who have access to Add/Edit new behaviors in their permissions can create a custom tag for behavior goals.


Analyze Data and Custom Domains

Custom domains are also shown in Analyze Data under Mastered programs to show targets and programs mastered. These domains will be shown in the following areas of mastered programs:

  • Targets Mastered

  • Maintenance Targets Mastered

  • Programs Mastered

Note: When using custom domains, the Rethink domains are replaced with the Custom domains under the Mastered Program Tab


Funder Reports and Custom Domains

When running a funder report (e.g., progress report, authorization report, etc.) for a client, you will see the Custom Domain listed above the name of the program if programs were automatically pulled into a report.

Skill Acquisition program Example:

(In the example below the Domain name is Cognitive and the Skill Acquisition Program was titled ***Counting to a Designated Number)

NOTE: If No Domain was tagged to a program, it will say NO DOMAIN above the program name

  • Custom domains will show in a funder report for any new reports run after the custom domains have been set up. It will not apply to reports already saved.

Behavior Reduction Example:

(In the example below the Domain name is Behavior and the Behavior Support Plan is titled ***tantrum behavior (duration))

NOTE: If No Domain was tagged to a program, it will say NO DOMAIN above the program name

  • Custom domains will show in a funder report for any new reports run after the custom domains have been set up. It will not apply to reports already saved.

Recommended Skills or Behaviors Example: