Auto-Archived Appointments.

In this guide, users will learn the basics of how auto-archived appointments work on the website and how to view them from the mobile app.




Helpful Information



Helpful Information

How Archived Appointments are Created

If Client and/or Staff Member are changed in the appointment then the system generates an Archived Appointment and will apply one of the following statuses:

  • Archived-Staff Change

  • Archived-Client Change

  • Archived-Staff/Client Change

Archived appointments will be labeled with a “grey exclamation” icon. The Appointment Status will also appear in the Hover label

Archived appointments will not:

  • Count toward Client Authorizations

  • Block overlapping staff or client appointments

  • Be checked against system scheduling rules and validations

  • Be editable


Archived appointments are created when:

  • Changes are made to staff and or client assignments

  • Appointments are deleted and data (verifications, session notes or clinical data) are synced for the appointment AFTER deletion.

  • If data is not synced to a deleted appointment then an archived appointment will not be created

Syncing Data to an Archived Appointment

If App users sync data to an Archived Appointment then:

  • The data will connect to the archived appointment and any verifications or completed session notes will be connected.

If APP user syncs data to a previously deleted appointment then:

  • The system will “UNDELETE” the appointment and create an archived appointment

  • Appointment will display Status: “Archived-Deleted Prior to APP Sync”

If any of the following changes are made AFTER an appointment is downloaded to a users APP:

  • then the changes made on website will override the appointment details that user synced from APP.

    • Appointment Date (applies only to single occurrence appointment NOT part of series)

    • Service

    • Appointment Type

    • Appointment Status

Appt Date Change Example:

Appt Date 4/26/21 downloaded to APP , then on website appt date is changed to 4/27/21. User syncs data for the 4/26/21 appt that is on their device.

Final Record will reflect appointment date 4/27/21 with the data that was synced.


Service Change Example:

User downloads appointment for Service BCBA Supervision; on website service is changed to Parent Training.

Appointment Data is synced from APP with service BCBA Supervision.

Final Record will reflect Parent Training Service


Appointment Type Changes Example:

Billable to Non Billable or Non Billable to Billable

Travel to Non Billable etc.



Viewing Archived Appointments

Users can choose to Hide or Show Archived appointments in the Individual or Group Calendar on the website

  • The ‘Show Archived Appointments’ checkbox will display near the top left of the screen

  • Archived appointments display with a grey exclamation point





Searching for Archived Appointments

Archived Appointments can be searched using the Appointment Status filter in the Appointment List

  • Archived Appointments can be selected based on the change made: Staff Change, Client Change, Staff/Client Change, Deleted Prior to App Sync.

  • The Archived Status will display in the Status column. The Status column can be clicked on in order to sort the Appointment list by the Statuses.

Reporting Archived Appointments

Including Cancelled/Archived Appointments is an option on the Payroll Export and the Billing Export Reports.


TIP: If running the BER or PER with archived appointments included, that should be for a preliminary report or for audit checks, not final billing.

  • Similar to cancelled appointments, if a funder has the “combine charge” option selected then archived appointments will be rolled up with other charges.

  • Column C of the Payroll Report in the Timesheet Entries Tab will indicate the Appointment status:

Mobile App



Helpful Information



Helpful Information

Viewing Archived Appointments on the Mobile App

Select the “Show Archive” toggle at the top of the calendar to make archived appointments visible.

Once toggle is flipped on, archived appointments will display with a grey exclamation mark.

  • By default, the “show archive” toggle will be disabled and any auto archived appointments will not display.

  • Toggle selection will be saved if user navigates out of the mobile app.