Appointment List Tutorial.

Appointment List Tutorial.

The Appointment List will generate a list view of appointments. This view can be used as a report as there are many different filtering capabilities that can be used to help audit for specific criteria such as incomplete appointments or appointments with billing issues.

Utilizing the Appointment List for review purposes can help supervisors to:

  • Review session notes/leave comments on session notes for staff,

  • Help to ensure that services were delivered/completed as planned

  • Prior to running the Billing Export or Payroll Export as a cross reference (e.g. identify what is ready or not ready to be billed for, etc.)

To access the Appointment List, navigate to the Scheduling Tab and select Appointment List

Only users that have the “Appt List” permission will be able to see this view of the scheduler

Appointment list view.png


Resource Sections



Overview of the Appointment List Features







Header Information on the Appointment List

The Appointment List will show:

  • At the top, the total number of hours based upon the filters set

  • Validation

  • Appointment Type

  • Appointment Tag

  • Service Line and Service

  • Appointment location

  • Place of Service

  • Hour, Day, Date, and Time

  • Client

  • Staff Member

  • Status

  • Session Note

  • Staff and Guardian Verification

  • Notes

  • Appointment ID

  • Actions


  • Column header names can be clicked on to sort the list by that header. Clicking on the same header twice will reverse the sort order.

  • The validation column will show any alerts that might require attention such as if there is a staff/client overlap or billing issues

  • Appointment location is the secondary location designated on an appointment, not place of service

  • If any cancelled or archived appointments are pulled in, the total hours calculation will include the hours of any cancelled or archived appointments

  • If staff have their location turned on in their device when staff or guardians are verifying, there will be a red location tag under these columns

Filter options on the Appointment List

Click on the Filter to show or hide the filtering options


Filtering Options:

  • Appointment ID

  • Must set specific date range

    • Date range cannot exceed 92 days

  • Place of Service(s)

  • Client(s)

  • Staff Member(s)

    • By default, the Staff Member’s filter is set to the individual who is pulling the Appointment List. This can be removed by clicking the 'x'.

  • Appointment Type(s)

    • Can select ‘All’ or any combination of the other three options

  • Service Line

  • Service Name(s)

  • Appointment Location(s)

    • If selected on the appointment

  • Appointment Status

    • Scheduled- Appointment has been scheduled, but has not yet occurred

    • Needs Verification- Past time of the appointment, but appointment has not been completed based on your Company’s definition for completed appointments

      • EX: If you require a Session Note for a billable appointment, the appointment will show as “Needs Verification” until the note is submitted

    • Completed- All appointments that meet the requirements of completion

    • Cancelled- Any appointments that need to be rescheduled, have been rescheduled, or cannot be rescheduled

    • Archived- Any appointments that were archived due to a staff change, client change, staff/client change, or deleted prior to app sync

  • Session Note Status

    • No- A note has not been entered

    • Draft- A draft version of a note has been completed, but not yet saved

    • Yes- A note has been completed and saved

    • Reviewed- A completed note has been reviewed

    • Remote Parent Review Pending- Note is pending parent/guardian review and signature

    • Remote Parent Review Complete- Note has been reviewed and signed by parent/guardian

  • Appointments with Billing Issues

  • Appointment Pay Type(s)

  • Authorization Requirement

  • Created or Modified From/To Dates

    • Enter specific date range for when new appointments were added and existing appointments were modified

  • Validation Column

  • Client Options:

    • Include Demo Clients

    • Show Only Unarchived

      • This filter will only be present if “Allow staff to unarchive auto archived appointments” is toggled on in the Settings section

    • Show Only Uncancelled

      • This filter will only be present if “Allow staff to uncancel appoinments” is toggled on in the Settings section

When filters are set, select Submit to view the updated Appointment List

  • The options listed for each filter are based on Company specific information

  • By default, most filters are set to include ALL options which means the Appointment List will pull over all data within the chosen date range unless you specify otherwise

  • For many of the filtering options, you can select one, multiple, or none. Leaving any filters blank will pull in all within that category

    • EX: If you leave the Place of Service filter blank, then your results will include all different Places of Service selected on appointments

  • Best practice recommendation is to utilize the Appointment List prior to running payroll or billing through the Reporting Dashboard so you can search for incomplete appointments within a certain date range

Appointment Status:

  • For Non-billable and Travel appointments, all that is required is a staff verification. For billable appointments, it could also require a parent verification and/or a session note. Appointment status is based on what requirements for billable appointments are entered in Settings>Scheduling Settings>Basic Info

  • When the Appointment List is filtered using the “ALL” option, or any of the cancelled or archived options, the Total Hours at the top will include the hours of any cancelled and archived appointments




Common Ways to Use the Appointment List




Good to Know



Good to Know

Viewing Appointment Details on the Appointment List

Under the “Actions” column, users can select “Edit” to open and view an appointment occurrence or series.


  • Users can view the staff and parent verifications, and session notes of completed appointments

  • If given appropriate access, users are able to edit appointment details from this view. This is also dependent on if the appointment has already been verified or not.

  • Once the appointment view is closed, the Appointment List will return with all of the previously set filters still in place



Completing Bulk Actions on the Appointment List

When viewing the Appointment List, users can select specific appointments or select all appointments using the check boxes to bulk delete, cancel, or verify the selected appointments at once

Bulk Delete:

  • Check appointments desired, then select Actions>Delete

  • Confirm you want to delete all selected appointments

Bulk Cancel:

  • Check appointments desired, then select Actions>Cancel

  • A cancellation details window will open and show you how many appointments will be cancelled

  • Choose whether the family cancelled or the staff cancelled and complete the remaining fields as needed. Click Save

Bulk Staff Verify:

  • Check appointments desired, then select Actions>Verify Staff

  • User has 2 options

    • Option 1: Digitally sign in the signature box

    • Option 2: Select the “Use the signature on file” option

      • When this option is chosen, the system will apply the signature present in the staff member’s profile to the appointments that can be verified

Bulk Parent Verify:

  • Check appointments desired, then select Actions>Verify Parent

  • The system will show how many appointments are eligible for the parents to sign

  • Parents should complete the verification by signing, and entering their name and relationship

  • Users must have access to “Delete Appointments” in order to bulk delete appointments

  • Billable, Non Billable, and Travel appointments me be deleted in bulk

  • Users must have access to “Edit Appointments” in order to bulk cancel appointments

  • Only Billable and Non Billable appointments can be canceled in bulk. Travel appointments cannot be canceled in bulk

  • Appointments with a status of “Complete” cannot be canceled in bulk

  • Previously canceled appointments cannot be canceled again using this feature

  • Users must have access to “Edit Appointments” and “Bulk Verify” in order to bulk verify appointments

  • Bulk staff verification is not recommended as best practice as it only allows users to verify the scheduled start and end time, and does not allow users to enter the actual start and end time of the appointments.

  • Appointments that were previously verified cannot be verified again using the bulk feature

  • Appointments tagged with “No Authorization” may not be bulk verified if Company Account Setting does not allow.

  • Parents must be present with staff to sign appointments in bulk. This feature is not available for parent guardians with Rethink logins.

Reviewing Session Notes on the Appointment List (Mark as Review Feature)

  1. Set filters

    1. Choose Date Range

    2. Appointment Type: Billable

    3. Session Note Status: Yes

      1. Can also select to view Reviewed session notes to see already reviewed session notes/see the update as you review in real time

    4. *Can also search by a specific staff member as well

  2. Under the Actions column>Click Edit

  3. Click on the Session Note tab>Edit Note (In order to make changes or apply a supervisor signature) and/or click Mark as Reviewed

  4. A comment can also be added to the bottom of a session note

  5. On the Appointment List, you will be able to see which Session Notes have been marked as ‘reviewed’



date range.png
apt type.png
session note status.png


session note tab.png


  • Marking a note as reviewed will update to 'reviewed' on the Appointment List and will be visible in the Billing Export but will NOT be noted as reviewed on the PDF of the session note in the client's file cabinet

  • Applying a supervisor signature will display on the PDF of the note but will not be noted as 'reviewed' unless 'Mark as reviewed' is also checked

  • Users will receive a notification in their Notifications section of Rethink to alert them of the new comment on their Session Note

  • Comments will NOT save to the finished PDF of the Session Note that saves in the Client's file cabinet, but will be visible via the scheduler if logged into a web browser.

Auditing for incomplete appointments before pulling Payroll or Billing

  1. Set Filters

    1. Choose Date Range

    2. Appointment Status: Needs Verification

  2. View who has incomplete appointments during this specific date range and see why by viewing the appropriate columns depending on your company's requirements

    1. Session Note

    2. Staff Verification

    3. Guardian Verification


NOTE: It is then recommended to contact these staff members to have them complete their appointment before pulling billing or payroll for that date range

needs verification.png



Exporting the Appointment List to Excel

Users can export the Appointment List to Excel to view additional information


The excel spreadsheet will show additional information on appointments such as:

  • When the appointment was scheduled

  • When the appointment was modified

  • Staff and Guardian Verification address if obtained

  • Pay Code used