Scheduling Settings.

Scheduling Settings.

Navigate to Settings>Scheduling Settings




Basic Info

“Completed” Billable Appointment Requirements

Only billable appointments meeting certain criteria will be seen as billable or payable. Customization of these “completed” appointments can be done at the practice level, with the exception of staff verification - all appointments need a staff member to verify that it occurred.

Defining “Completed” Billable Requirements



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Helpful Knowledge

Select which completed billable requirements are needed.


These requirements determine what your practice requires for all billable appointments to be seen as “completed' and therefore ready for billing.

If you want staff to take action on appointments that are tagged as “No Authorization”, turn this feature on.


Appointments will be tagged with “NO” Authorization when:

  • Appointment Series are scheduled with NO End Date or with a later end date than the Authorization end date

  • Authorization dates are modified and result in existing appointments being disconnected from the authorization

Hours Shown on Calendar

The hours shown on calendar display the time frame for the practice’s scheduling calendars. The default calendar view on the scheduler will show a 24 hour time frame.

Adjusting Hours Shown on Calendar



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Helpful Knowledge

Adjust the hours shown on calendar.


  • By default, a 24 hour period will display unless adjustments have been made.

  • This feature is a “snap to” feature meaning that adjusting the hours shown on calendar will initially show the adjusted times but will not prevent scheduling outside that window. The default calendar view will still show a 24 hour period when scrolling outside of the adjusted window.

Overtime Rules

This is an optional feature to turn on. We cannot prevent anyone from going into overtime but can track it on your Payroll Export.

Turning on overtime rules allows the system to list accurate overtime calculations on the payroll export report. Overtime rules will be dependent on your state and is the responsibility of the practice to know your applicable work laws.

Turning On Overtime Settings



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Helpful Knowledge

Adjust the overtime settings.

Select your standard workweek used for overtime calculations, the overtime multiplier, the rate the multiplier will be calculated from, and any applicable hour thresholds.


  • If your state has two sets of overtime calculations turn on both Overtime 1 and Overtime 2 settings.

    • For example, if an employee makes 1.5x their regular rate after 40 hrs/week (Overtime 1) but they also make 2x their regular rate if working over 10 hrs in a day (Overtime 2).

  • For overtime to be calculated for individual employees, apply overtime calculations must be turned on from the staff member profiles as well.

  • Payroll must be run for the same week that OT calculations are set for

Place of Services

Location Requirement for Billable Appointments

The location can be entered on the appointment level. If you would like to require the location to be entered before a staff member can save a billable appointment, toggle this feature on. Note that the Place of Service will always be required.

If the location requirement above is turned on for billable appointments, you have the ability to control if users can manually enter an address into the appointment location address field. If you do not turn this second toggle on, the user scheduling that appointment will only be able to select locations on the appointment level that pull through from the Settings>Locations section as well as the client’s and staff’s home addresses or if the location in the Settings is titled “Community” or “School”.

Customize Appointment Location Field Values in Scheduler

When scheduling an appointment, Staff Home and/or Client Home can be location options to select if the toggle is turned “on”. To remove them as a location option, turn toggle “Off”.

Place of Services

Choose to default a Place of Service to all appointments and/or choose the Place of Service values staff can select in the appointment details screen.



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Helpful Knowledge

Default Place of Service

Option to select a Place of Service from the drop down to default to all appointments


  • It is recommended best practice to not default a POS if services are provided in multiple locations

  • If POS is defaulted, user can change it on the appointment level

  • If POS is not defaulted, the system will force you to choose a POS on the appointment level from the drop down menu

To dictate what Place of Service options are seen in the drop down on the appointment level, toggle on/off the appropriate locations

  • Only Active Place of Service values will display in the Default Place of Service Field Drop Down and be options for users to select in the appointment details screen

  • After inactivating a place of service, existing appointments using the value will not be impacted

  • If the place of service you are inactivating is set as the Default Place of Service, you will need to select a different Default Place of Service before inactivating

Edit Place of Service Description

Option to edit Place of Service Description if you want the title to be something different than the system has set

  • The Place of Service Code will remain the same

  • Changes will be applied to Existing and New Appointments

Cancellation Types

Cancellation types are optional and allow you to create sub-categories beyond the default reasons of Staff Cancellation and Family Cancellation that you will find when cancelling an appointment. These cancellation types allow you to create more detail behind why cancellations may occur in your practice.

TIP: Do not differentiate Cancellation Types between “Client” vs “Staff” as you will first select who cancelled the appointment in Rethink and then select the Cancellation Type. Cancellation Types are not WHO cancelled but WHY an appointment was cancelled

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Cancellation Types



Helpful Knowledge



Helpful Knowledge

Click Add New TypeEdit, or Remove to customize your type of Scheduling Cancellation




  • Any cancellation type added will be available to use for both Staff Cancellation and Family Cancellation reasons

  • On the appointment level, you can only select one Cancellation Type after selecting who cancelled (Family or Staff)

  • If you add Cancellation Types under the Scheduling Settings area, the system forces you to choose one (and only one) at the appointment level

Your Cancellation Type will be Active by default. Click Save





  • Examples: Sick, Transportation Issues, Weather Related, No Call/No Show, Under 24 Hrs Notice, Over 24 Hrs Notice

  • TIP: Do not differentiate Cancellation Types between “Client” vs “Staff” as you will first select who cancelled the appointment in Rethink and then select the Cancellation Type. Cancellation Types are not WHO cancelled but WHY an appointment was cancelled

Billable and Nonbillable Tags

Billable Tags are not a required field because a Service/Billing Code will be attached to all Billable type appointments on the schedule. Billable Tags can be added to appointments for reporting purposes and to give greater detail to what is actually going on during that billable type appointment. Common Billable Tags are Report Writing and RBT Supervision. For example, if report writing was occurring during a billable supervision appointment for ABA, Report Writing can be used as a billable tag for clarification. For information on how to use Billable Tags to track RBT Supervision, refer to RBT Supervision Tracking.

Nonbillable Tags are required if your practice plans on scheduling non-billable appointments. They take the place of a service name/billing code. Nonbillable tags describe what is going on during that non-billable type appointment. Common examples are Meetings, Trainings, Material Making, PTO, and Admin/Office Time.

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Tags



Helpful Knowledge



Helpful Knowledge

Click Add New TypeEdit , or Remove to enter, edit or delete your custom Billable or Non-Billable Tags


Billable Tags.jpg
NB Tags.png


  • For Billable tags, it is not recommended to duplicate your service names/billing codes as tags

    • For example, it is not recommended to add “Parent Training” as a billable tag since you likely have a Parent Training service name and 97156 billable code you would schedule under instead

Your Billable or Non-Billable Tag will be Active by default. Click Save





Appointment Reminders

Appointment Reminders will allow staff and/or client contacts to receive email and/or SMS notifications for upcoming appointments, modifications to those appointments, as well as cancelled or deleted appointments.

If you would like to utilize this feature, please refer to the following tutorial: Appointment Reminders.

Uncancel Reasons

The toggle “ Allow staff to uncancel appointments” is turned on by default. If Toggle is turned “off”, no staff regardless of prior permissions will be able to uncancel appointments. Staff must be provided permission in Settings>Staff Member Settings>Roles separately.



For more detailed instructions on this feature, please refer to the following guide:Uncancel Appointments.

Uncancel Reasons

To list specific uncancel reasons for your organization, utilize the Add New Reason button in the table to add additional reasons or the Edit and Remove buttons to modify the account defaults.



Note: At least one uncancel reason must be present in your account.

Unarchived Reasons

Auto-archived appointments occur if certain details from an appointment are updated after the appointment has been created. These details may include a staff member or client change. The purpose of auto-archiving an appointment is to ensure that any data or session notes tied to the original appointment are not lost if updates are made and are able to be retrieved, if desired.

If an appointment becomes auto-archived by mistake or if a user decides to reverse the change, users with the appropriate permissions will be able to unarchive an auto-archived appointment.

If you would like the option to unarchive appointments, first ensure the toggle to allow unarchiving auto archived appointments is turned on in your Settings→ Scheduling Settings area. Staff must also be provided permission in Settings>Staff Member Settings>Roles separately.


For more detailed instructions on this feature, please refer to the following guide:Unarchive Appointments.

Unarchive Reasons

To list specific unarchive reasons for your organization, utilize the Add New Reason button in the table to add additional reasons or the Edit and Remove buttons to modify the account defaults.



Note: At least one unarchive reason must be present in your account.