Parent Guide to Rethink.

Parent Guide to Rethink.

Below are the different areas that you may have access to when you log into Rethink! Review the information and watch the video of the parent overview to assist with creating your Rethink login and using the Rethink system as a parent/caregiver. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us: support@rethinkbh.com

Resource Sections

Area of Rethink

Description and Details

Good to Know!

Area of Rethink

Description and Details

Good to Know!


Registration Email and Creating a Log In

To get started using Rethink, you will receive a registration email in your inbox. (If you haven’t received the registration email with verification code, please check your spam/junk folders).

It’s very important to complete your registration within 48 hours of receiving it. The verification code will expire after 48 hours.



When completing the registration, please enter your child’s information (e.g. DOB, gender, etc.). See the specific questions below:




The last step and screen is creating a username and password to log into Rethink. You will be asked to confirm your password as well. Be sure to save your username and password as a reference.

After confirming your password, Rethink will sign you into your account and take you to the Main Menu Page in your account.




*If your verification code expires, reach out to your provider to have it resent.



Logging In

For continued use, come to Rethink’s website to log-in – www.rethinkbh.com

You will enter your username and password each time to have access.



It may be helpful to BOOKMARK Rethink’s website on your laptop or desktop computer if you plan to log in often!

* If you forget your username or password these both can be reset by entering in your email address.









Overview of Rethink (in video form)

To get started and learn how to navigate through Rethink, watch the overview video for parents. You may also read about these areas in the sections below.



*The access to areas on the platform you see are specifically linked to your permissions. Any differences between your viewpoint and these resources is due to how permissions are set by the company


Navigating the Main Menu

From the Main Menu Page, you will have access to these areas below:

1. Clients - Viewing your child’s lesson plans (skill acquisition), behavior plans, viewing progress, completing assessments, and the file cabinet

2. Resource and Training Center- Completing training, printable resources, and webinars

3. Scheduling- Viewing your child’s schedule and verifying appointments




*The access to areas on the platform you see are specifically linked to your permissions. Any differences between your viewpoint and these resources is due to how permissions are set by the company


Training Section

The next area is the Resource and Training Center, where you will have access to 2 tabs:

  1. Intro to Autism & ABA Training

  2. Resources

The Intro to Autism and ABA Training includes the following:

  • 11 modules, 8 hours of training

  • Guided notes

  • Video Training

  • Multiple choice test with a 90% mastery criteria

  • Practice activities for each module

Resources include the following

  • Schedules, scripts, data sheets, visual cues, flashcards, plus many more printable items for teaching/instruction

  • Webinars on many ABA topics






Accessing the Child/Dependent’s profile

(Accessing your child’s profile)

The client tab is where you will access your child’s profile from the landing page. On this client landing page you may see (if added), your child’s name, date of birth, town they live in, funder(s) for services, staff members that work with your child, and status. Simply click on their name to enter their profile.




Your child’s profile consists of multiple tabs.

  • Client Info

  • File Cabinet

  • Client Program

  • Behavior Support

  • Analyze Data


Client Info: In client info area you will see your child’s demographics, contacts, diagnosis, funders, authorizations, staff assignments, and availability.




File Cabinet - The second tab is the filing cabinet. This is an area of Rethink that you can view, download, and upload documents (depending on permissions) files specific to your child. Typically the BCBA or Supervisor also has access to this area, so you may see files shared with you. Some examples of documents that you may see are session notes, data sheets, assessments, treatment plans, and communication notes.




Client Program - In the client program, you can view and print skill acquisition programs/goals written by the BCBA or Supervisor. Some of the features of the goal/program may include a video model, teaching materials, goals and objectives, mastery criteria, targets/steps, teaching procedure, error correction, and helpful hints.




Behavior Support - In Behavior Support, there are 3 additional tabs:

  • LEARN - access to behavior support training videos and resources. When you click on

  • VIEW PLAN - view behavior support plan(s) added by the BCBA/Supervisor. This is a great area to review antecedent and consequence strategies being used to address behaviors.

  • MATERIALS - view and print out behavior support materials if needed



Analyze Data- View and print progress on both skills and behaviors, custom graphs, and mastered programs. All tabs in analyze data allow you to use different filters and date ranges for the goals and behavior plans added in the previous tabs.


*The access to areas on the platform you see are specifically linked to your permissions. Any differences between your viewpoint and these resources is due to how permissions are set by the company


Accessing the Child/Dependent’s appointments (session note signatures and verification)

If your provider is using the scheduling feature in Rethink, you can view your child’s schedule and verify appointments or remotely sign session notes, if needed.


To Verify Appointments: Click on the Scheduling tile>Open the appointment>go to the Verification Options>Select Parent>Sign the Signature field and enter details into the Parent Name and Relationship Fields>Click Save


To sign Session Notes remotely: If your provider has the remote parent signature feature turned on, parents can sign session notes through their Rethink account

  • As a parent, when logging in, you will notice that there is a notification under tasks and notifications any time a new request to sign a session note has been requested

  • Click on the Task and Notifications on the main menu page



  • Next, click on the specific session note to review and sign the session note

  • Then, you will be taken to the specific session note within the scheduler, review the note, then click on the parent signature button to provide a parent signature and add an optional comment if desired



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