How to Use Analyze Data

Step-by-step guide

1.  Click on Clients

2.  Select the client you need to View Progress

3.  Click on the Analyze Data tab at the top

4. Select the program to apply different graphing features



*To adjust the view of each graph, click on each filter to preferred view.  The graph will then update. 

Opportunity Based with Skills:

  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year, or Trial Set
  • Ability to view performance or cumulative targets mastered
  • Ability to view Average vs. Total
  • View trial count per session with or without prompts

Frequency with Skills:

  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year, or Trial Set
  • Ability to also view by total #, #/hour, or #/minute
  • Ability to view performance or cumulative targets mastered for skills
  • Ability to view Average vs. Total #, #/Hour, and #/Minute

Duration with Skills:

  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year or Trial Set,
  • Ability to view graphs by performance or cumulative targets mastered for skills
  • Ability to view Average vs. Total 

Interval with Skills:

  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year or Trial Set
  • Ability to view graphs by performance or cumulative targets mastered
  • Ability to view Average vs. Total 

Task Analysis with Skills:

  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year or Trial Set
  • Ability to view graphs by performance or cumulative steps mastered
  • Ability to view Average vs Total
  • Ability to combine % of opportunities and step detail graph

Mastered Programs for Skills:

  • Ability to view cumulative graphs by targets mastered, maintenance targets mastered, and programs mastered by skill domain.


  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year,or Trial Set
  • Ability to view ABC graph and filter through each category (Context, Antecedent, Consequence, Possible Function)
  • Ability to view scatterplot data

Frequency with Behaviors:

  • Ability to view Behavior data, ABC data, or Scatter Plot data
  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year, or Trial Set
  • Ability to also view by total #, #/hour, or #/minute

Duration with Behaviors:

  • Ability to view Behavior data, ABC data, or Scatter Plot data
  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year, or Trial Set
  • Ability to also view by Total Minutes or Average/Occurrence

Interval with Behaviors:

  • Ability to view Behavior data, ABC data, or Scatter Plot data
  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year, or Trial Set
  • Ability to view % of Intervals

Opportunity Based with Behaviors:

  • Ability to view Behavior data, ABC data, or Scatter Plot data
  • Ability to view graphs by Day, Week, Month, Year, or Trial Set
  • Ability to view Average vs Total

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