How to Manage Referring Providers in Client Profiles

How to Manage Referring Providers in Client Profiles

Learn how to add, and edit referring providers connected to client profiles




Good to Know



Good to Know

Locate Client Referring Provider Section


Client referring providers has its own section in the client profile

The referring provider used to be added within the diagnosis section.


Add Referring Provider to a Client Profile

Option 1:

  1. Select from your custom company account referring provider list.


  • The first referring provider added in the client profile will be marked as default.

Add Referring Providers by the NPI lookup

Option 2:

If the Referring Provider is not added to the Company account, instead of going back to the company account and adding there you can add by selecting the NPI Number option and enter the providers NPI number in the client profile.

If the provider already exists, refer back to the referring provider list to add your provider.


  • The NPI number must be a valid number.

  • If a provider is added manually or by the NPI lookup, it will automatically be added to the company account customer Referring Provider List.

Add Referring Providers Manually

Option 3:

Add the information manually by selecting the Add Manually option.


When adding the information manually, the provider’s first and last name are required to enter. It is optional, but recommended, to complete the address detail fields, facility name, and taxonomy code


  • First and last name are required fields when adding manually.

    • Optional but recommended:

      • Address detail fields

      • Facility name

      • Taxonomy code

Editing Referring Providers

Navigate to the Referring Provider list under your Company Account and hover over the Active status for the provider of your choosing to reveal the Edit field.

Once selected, edit any applicable fields and select save. Once saved, this information will then update the provider information under your client profile.





Inactivate Referring Providers in Client Profile

Hover over the active status to reveal options to edit or delete the referring provider.

Under the edit field you will have the option to inactivate a referring provider.


  • If a referring provider is made inactive from the company account but assigned to a client, the referring provider will be inactivated in the client chart.

    • If the referring provider was marked as default, the client will no longer have a default referring provider assigned

Change the Default Provider

Select the default option next to your desired provider.

  • At most, one referring provider will be marked as default. So, if the default flag is set on another referring provider, it will remove the default flag from all others connected to that client.

Add a Client Referring Providers to Client Authorization

If you have funders that require the referring provider to be listed on claims, you can attach them through the client authorization field.

When adding a referring provider to a new authorization, you can select the referring provider from the drop-down menu.


  • You are unable to delete a referring provider once it is attached to an authorization.

  • Inactivating a referring provider will not impact existing authorizations. However, in the Billing Export report there will be a validation “Inactive Referring Provider” that will display on appointments that were connected to authorizations with the applicable referring provider that was made inactive.

Update Referring Provider in Client Authorization

When updating an existing authorization, select Edit on the desired authorization to make changes.

Once here, you can select the appropriate referring provider from the drop down menu.

When saving, your changes will update both new and existing appointments.



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