How to Collect Data on Staff

How to Collect Data on Staff

Allows Clinical Supervisors the ability to collect data on staff goals.


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Good to Know!


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Good to Know!


Go to your Company's demo client or create a fake client called “Staff Data”.


Be sure to assign this client to supervisor’s who need to collect data on staff if your company’s client access permission is set to “clients assigned to user”


Go to the Program Library and select CREATE CUSTOM Program.




Fill in the required fields. For Program name, name the program “Staff Goal:…..”. This will allow the supervisor to search the custom library easily when looking to add staff goal programs.


If staff have common goals, you can create all of those goals as Custom Programs. Create a Custom Program in the Program Library


Add the Staff Goal program to the CURRENT PLAN.




When in CLIENT PROGRAM, you can edit the needed information for this staff goal to include, all goal details, data collection method, prompting, mastery criteria and add targets.




Use the COPY PROGRAM button to DUPLICATE the program.


The goal can be duplicated several times to be used across staff. How to duplicate a skill or behavior goal:


Rename the program with the staff’s name.


All staff goals should be renamed with the staff’s name.


Go to DATA Entry to collect data on the staff.