Client Program Tab for Direct Staff

Client Program Tab for Direct Staff

The Client Program is the name of a tab within a Client’s profile on the Rethink Website. All skill acquisition programs for the Client are housed within this tab. This resource is a general overview of the Client Program tab as it relates to RBT/BT job responsibilities. This is where staff can:

  • View details regarding current, future, and mastered skill acquisition programs specific to the client

  • View data collected on skill acquisition programs

  • Print program details

NOTE: Details on Behavior Plans will be found in the Behavior Support Tab

To access the client program tab, first navigate to the client’s profile through CLIENTS and select the CLIENTS NAME (hyperlink) to enter their profile


The client program tab consists of CURRENT, FUTURE, and MASTERED tabs to organize programs. The titles of programs will be listed underneath each tab.

  • CURRENT - these programs are currently available for data collection. These are the ONLY programs one will see when collecting data on the mobile app

  • FUTURE - these programs have yet to be available for data collection (I.e. Client supervisor may not be finished editing these programs)

  • MASTERED - this tab will list programs that have been mastered by your client

NOTE: If a tab does not have a program within it, the tab will not appear

  • Programs with a blue line to the left of the name = Program the supervisor took directly from the Rethink Program Library

  • Programs with an orange line to the left of the name = Custom written program

  • Red D under a program name = Duplicate program

NOTE: The above clarifying information does not change how data is collected for program



When wanting to read program details on a specific program, select the name of the program on left-hand side and view the details of the program in the center of the page


The details viewable on this page depend on how the program was written by the Client’s supervisor. Information may include (but not limited to):

  • Data collection type (e.g. frequency vs duration vs interval recording)

  • Mastery Criteria and Maintenance Mastery Criteria

  • List of Targets or List of Teaching Steps (if a task analysis)

  • Lesson Plan information (How to run the program, needed supplies, etc.)

  • Lesson Plan updates

NOTE: The information about the program on the website is also viewable on the Mobile-App (See Mobile-App Overview Resource)



To view previously collected data on a program, select VIEW DATA in the program details (previous data can also be viewed on the mobile-app)


This will bring you to both a visual graph and raw details of previous data

(The graph below is an example graph)


Scroll further down and select the orange arrow to the left to view RAW DETAILS

  • Select VIEW DETAILS to see trial by trial data collection

  • A DELETE option will show under delete only if you were the staff who collected the data (RBTs/BTs will not have the permission to delete other’s data)


Other options within Client Program include:

  • Viewing Materials for the program

  • Writing Lesson Notes / Updates for the program

  • Printing the program

The above options depend on individual staff permissions


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