Creating a Behavior Plan Template

Creating a Behavior Plan Template

Behavior Plan Templates are used for custom Behavior Intervention Plan writing with a client. This template would then be used in the Behavior Support tab of the Client’s profile to write their BIP.

Rethink has a default template to use in the Behavior Support tab of a Client’s profile, thus not requiring staff to create this type of custom template.

NOTE: Templates are made for the account and a PERMISSION is required to create templates


To begin creating the template, select CLIENT REPORT TEMPLATES


  • Select Behavior Plan as the TYPE

  • Select FUNDER and NAME the template

    • When choosing Funders, you can select 1 or Multiple to be paired with the template. This selection allows it to be used with client’s who have said funders



Collapse the sections on the right to choose options for the template. Drag and place the options you’d like to use on the template in the center.


Click on the title to edit the words specific to the template (if needed):

Remember this is a template for the account. This means the template is used for any client. Client specific information should not be inputted on this page.

  • The Label is able to be edited and customized with your preferred label for the field.

  • The Description will be added below the text field and viewable when printing the report.

  • The Placeholder Text is stagnant text that can be edited by staff when running a report.  This is typically used if text is standard for specific fields and will save staff time when running reports.

  • The Required Checkbox will produce Red asterisk for a field marked as required, staff are required to fill out that field prior to saving any report.


Behavior Functions and Strategies are specific options to this type of template. When using these options in a template, it allows for a drop-down and anecdotal spaces to place pertinent information specific to your client’s plan

NOTE: This is a template for the company account and to be used with all clients. DO NOT type in client specific information on this page

Once the BIP template is completed, press Save


Using the Template with a Client

To use the template with a client, first navigate to the Clients profile and select BEHAVIOR SUPPORT

Select Add Behavior to create a new plan. You will see an option to select a template (It defaults to Rethink Template which is why it was noted custom behavior plan templates do not need to be created to use this section). Use the drop down to select the template. Fill out the template as appropriate.

NOTE: If you do not find the template, it may be because you did not pair that template with the right funder to be using for the client.


See resources on writing Behavior Support Programs to further review making edits within this page.

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