How to Add a Demo Client

How to Add a Demo Client

If you do not currently have active clients when beginning with Rethink, or would prefer to have a demo client within the account, this resource will show you how to add that to your client list. Each account comes with the ability to make 1 demo client.

NOTE: If you meet with a live trainer from Rethink during implementation, they will complete this for you

1. Prior to putting a demo client in the account, you will need to make a demo status for said client

To do this, if not completed already, select Client Settings in the Company Account area

  • Add a new Client Status

  • Title the Status Demo

  • Leave the first box selected as Active

  • Select the second option Demo?

  • Select SAVE

You now have a demo status to pick from so your demo client you create in the next step can be assigned to the demo status

2. Make your demo client

Select Clients


Similar to how you would add a real client into your account, you’ll complete all required fields of this section with arbitrary or fake information

  1. Name

  2. Date of Birth

  3. Gender

  4. Address

  5. Location

  6. Status – Choose the DEMO status

  7. Service Intensity – Leave as Intensive

If you would like to add a parent or caregiver to the profile, select NEXT, if not select SKIP and SAVE

When adding in a contact, you will continue to fill in arbitrary information for the fields required.


Your Demo Client will now be available on the Client Landing page and will be identifiable by a blue circle


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