Release 8/13/2022

Release Type: Regular

Impacted Services: Website (Computers, Tablets, Mobile Phone)

New Features / Enhancements


New Features / Enhancements


Auto Complete Address


  • When entering location address in company account location, staff profile, client profile and appointment, addresses will automatically display for user to select based on user location.

Updated field layout in the appointment screen on mobile browser version

The following fields have been moved toward the top of the appointment detail screen:

  • Client name

  • Place of Service

  • Location Address


Added Session Note Messaging

  • Users will receive messaging when they try to submit a session note that has only optional fields and no field has been completed.

New company account scheduling setting


  • Allows admin to control how users manually enter a location address when the appointment location is required for billable appointments.

Refined Travel Appointment Mileage Reset Functionality


  • When users remove or modify location address fields in travel appointments, the system will reset the mileage field accordingly

Issues Tackled

Ticket #s

Yellow dot not going away next to client name


Unable to save funder report


Appointment can be saved without a paycode


Unmastered targets


Session Note Appointment Duration Incorrect


Late Entries Did not Pull


Client Funder Policy End Date 12/31/2100 Error
