Client Report Template Builder Options Explained

Client Report Template Builder Options Explained

When building a template, each option available to place on the template has individual functionality. This resource was created to explain the functionality of each option in the template builder and to demonstrate how that option would then display on a completed report.

IMPORTANT: Some options explained below are ONLY available when creating certain types of templates. Those will be noted accordingly.

This resource will be organized by the field section on our template builder.



Custom Header




Custom Header

Example Completed Report

Additional Notes

Custom Header

Example Completed Report

Additional Notes

If Custom Header is selected for the Template, the user can choose up to 5 options, from the list below, to display on the header of the completed report.

  • If chosen for session notes templates, it will display on completed session notes (billable or non-billable)

  • If chosen for treatment plan templates, it will display on completed funder reports




Example of completed session note from a session note template with a Custom Header. Options on the custom header were:

  • Client Name

  • Agency Address

  • Agency Tax ID

  • Custom header can only be used for billable and non-billable session notes and treatment report types of templates

  • Changes can be made to the selection as needed

  • If Custom Header is turned off (not selected) for a template, either no header or a default header will display depending on the type of template

    • For session notes, the default is Client Name, DOB, and Member ID

    • There is no default header for Treatment Plans types of templates



Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report

Text Input




Click on the words TEXT INPUT to edit and title what you’d prefer

Leave text area blank on template for staff to complete when writing report

Placeholder: If used in text field, will be seen on a completed report (staff can delete, edit, and/or add to it when writing report). Text saved will be saved on completed report

Description: Words show under the text field, will not save on a completed report

Validation: If a certain validation is selected, Rethink will ensure the appropriate data is entered by the staff when filling out the note before they submit (EX: An accurate date, number, email)

*No character limitations


Text Area




Staff will complete these texts boxes when completing the report for the client

Editing the Text Area option for the template consists of 3 areas.


Description: Words show under the text field, will not save on a finished report

Placeholder: If used in text field, will be seen on a report (staff can delete, edit, and/or add to it when on the report). Text saved will be saved on completed report

Text Formatting and the Tagging Feature options seen in images below are only available when making a Treatment Report Type of templates. Tagging feature allows already added information to the client’s profile to be entered into the text area for Funder Reports.

*No character limitations


Check Box



Click on the words CHECK BOX to change title

To separate out the choices, use the “enter” button on your keyboard to make a new choice

You can have as many choices as you need

Staff are able to choose multiple choices if needed

Options that are not checked will not show on the report

*No character limitations

Example of staff choosing 4 of the 6 options






Click on the word RADIO to change title

To separate out the choices, use the “enter” button on your keyboard to make a new choice

You can have as many choices as you need

Staff will only be able to select one choice from list

This is a forced choice field

*No character limitations








Click on word SELECT to change title

Appears as a drop-down when completing report

To separate out the choices, use the “enter” button on your keyboard to make a new choice

You can have as many choices as you need

Staff will only be able to select once choice

This is a forced choice field

*No character limitations



Line Separator


Used to separate information on a report


Section Title


Select the words SECTION TITLE to title the section with your own words




You can add/take away columns
Rename the columns and table name

Placeholder text cannot be added to the boxes

Boxes stay blank for staff to fill in on report


Digital Signature


Can choose for it to be a Staff or Parent signature option

These are to be used for a signature IN PERSON

Parent signature: Allows caregivers/parents to add a physical signature, also has a field for name/relationship, the name/relationship is a required field

Note: Does not pull in from the staff profile, also does not transfer to the staff verify portion of an appointment


To capture REMOTE parent/guardian signatures, select the Parent/Guardian Digital Signature box to review the option to “Allow remote parent signature” for this template. This is available for billable session notes only.

Note: for remote signatures to be an option, the user creating the template as well as the user who needs to capture the remote signature must have the appropriate permissions selected for their role. Refer to Permissions for more information.




Custom Table

(Only available in certain Template Types)


Updated version of Table with more functionality

Rows and columns can be added in template and can be edited/removed when completing report

Placeholder text can be added into boxes when making template to be visible to staff completing report or can be left blank for staff to fill in

Staff can add more rows and columns to the already existing table if needing when writing the report

More functionalities may include:

  • Bold, italicized, and underlining text

  • Tagging Feature (e.g. clients first name, contacts name, etc)

  • Bullet points/Number lists within cells

  • Merging cells horizontally and vertically

  • Background shading for cells

  • See additional resource on: How to Use the Custom Table Feature

Example of a custom table on a finished report with four of the options displayed:

  • Bold, italicized and underlined text

  • The @ symbol being used (auto pulled clients first name)

  • Bullet points formatting

  • Numbered formatting

(Words Custom Table could have been edited on the template)





Options if Using Treatment Report Type


Options if Using Billable/Non-Billable Session Note



All Options Explained


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report

Client Name


This would pull from the Name that is in the demographics section of the Client Profile





This would pull from the Gender listed in the demographics section in the client’s profile




Client Contact


This pulls in the contact that is in the Client’s profile

NOTE: If client has multiple contacts in the system, it takes the first one ONLY

If you did not place a contact into the system, this can still be used as open text fields for person writing the report

If you have put multiple contact in the system and need both contacts to be there, use a text area (in default section above) instead of this option for staff to manually complete


Client Address


This area pulls from the client’s address in the demographic section of their profile





This area pulls from the client’s date of birth identified in the demographic section of their profile and will also automatically calculate their age when writing the report




Reason for Referral


If reason for referral was placed in the demographic section of their profile, this would pull the text from that area automatically.

If not it can be used as an open text box






The diagnosis code will pull from the client’s authorization

Physician information and NPI number are legacy fields, please check back for an update


Client Medical Record #


This pulls from the client’s medical record number within their funder


Skill Acquisition Progress (For Treatment Report Type ONLY)


Leave this area blank in template for staff to complete when writing report.

With this option in a report, staff are able to pull in skill acquisition programs from the Current Tab of the Client Program area that currently have data of their profile (based on the start/end dates the end uses puts in)

What displays regarding the program depends on HOW staff wrote the program for their client (image in the next cell may differ depending on how program was written)

Edits to graphs are done when staff is completing the report

NOTE: This option can only be used once in a report and pulls in all programs based on the dates the end user puts in (and in no specific order)



Behavior Reduction Progress (For Treatment Report Type ONLY)


Leave this area blank in template for staff to complete when writing report.

With this option in a report, staff are able to pull in behavior support programs from the Behavior Support tab of their profile that currently have data (based on the start/end dates the end uses puts in)

What displays regarding the program depends on HOW staff wrote the program for their client (i.e. function, antecedent strategies, consequent strategies, etc. - image in the next cell may differ depending on how program was written)

NOTE: This option can only be used once in a report and pulls in all programs based on the dates the end user puts in (and in no specific order)



Recommended Skills (For Treatment Report Type ONLY)


Leave this are blank in template for staff to complete when writing report.

This option is for staff to pull in skills they are “recommending” for the future. This function is NOT an open text field, it pulls in programs that have been housed in the FUTURE tab of the Client Program. Programs WITH and WITHOUT data, but only the Goals/Objectives and Mastery Criteria.

If preferred not to be used automatically, consider making a text box titled Recommended Skills and allow staff to manually list skills.


Recommended Behaviors (For Treatment Report Type ONLY)


Leave this are blank in template for staff to complete when writing report.

This option is for staff to pull in behaviors they are “recommending” to target for the future. This function is NOT an open text field, it pulls in behavior programs that have Step 1 completed within the Behavior Support tab and no data collected.




Client ID


If a Client ID was added to the demographic section of their profile


Diagnostic Code


The diagnosis code will pull from the client’s authorization


Insured ID


Pulls from the Insured ID # in the assigned funder on the client’s profile

Daily Data Summary (For billable/non-billable types ONLY)


This option is available and used on billable/non-billable session note types of templates for data to pull from a session into a session note






Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report

Staff Assigned

NOTE: If this option is used in a Treatment Report Type Template, it will pull the staff who is writing the report

If this option is used in a Billable/Non-billable Session Note option, it will pull the name of the staff assigned to the appointment

Name appears as first and last, as well as, title within their profile (title associated to their Rethink profile, not necessarily their job title)

Signature Checkbox

NOTE: This pulls in Staff name, Staff title, date of selection/submission

Often used under a signature box placed in a template


This pulls from the license/credential within the staff members profile and is typically used under a Digital Signature field

  • If in a session note it will pull from the person scheduled for the appt

  • If in a treatment report it will pull from the individual completing the report

The Certification # does not pull in with this field

NOTE: It will only pull if the credential is selected as DEFAULT in the staff members profile
If a credential is not selected as a default, it will say “No active default credential - please type in one”





Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report


Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

Click on the word NAME to change the title (E.g. Name of Provider)

This will populate from the name of the provider/company within Basic Information of the Company Account



Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

This will automatically pull the information from the location attached to the Client in their profile.

The location within a Client’s Profile is originally made in the Company Account


Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

This pulls from the phone number within the location associated with the Client.

If the phone or fax was not entered into the location within the Company Account (as it is originally not a required field), nothing will populate

NOTE: if this field is used BOTH phone and fax numbers MUST be added in order to save the report



Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

This refers to the email corresponding to the location assigned to the client (in the demographics section of their profile). Information about said location is within the Company Account

If an email was not originally entered when making the location within the Company Account, nothing will populate

Agency NPI

Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

This refers to the group NPI that is listed within Basic Information section of the Company Account

Federal Tax ID

Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

This refers to the federal Tax ID number that is listed within Basic Information section of the Company Account




Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report

Funder Name

Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

This would automatically pull in the funder information that is attached to this Client (what funder is listed in their profile)

Note: If multiple funders are added to a client, the FIRST funder that was added will pull into this field.

Funder Address

Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

This will pull from the address of the Funder that is attached to the client. Funder address information is inputted in the Company Account

Case Manager

Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

This would pull from the case manager listed within the Funder for this client

Insurance Subscriber

Leave blank on template for it to automatically pull in information when in report.

This would pull from the Insured’s Name listed within the Funder for this client





Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report

Upload Graph

Leave blank for the end user to upload a graph into their report

This function allows for outside graphs (custom or ones not made within Rethink) to be pulled into a report. They must be uploaded from the device, not Rethink.

NOTE: Files must be JPEG or PNG files ONLY

You can select the words UPLOAD GRAPH and rename what the graph may be if appropriate (e.g. ABLLS Graph)


The image uploaded from the device would show with the words Upload Graph (or whatever it was renamed as) to the left.



Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report

Place of Service

(intended for Billable and Non-Billable Session Notes Only)

This will pull from the place of service noted on the appointment


(intended for Billable and Non-Billable Session Notes Only)

This will pull from the chosen location on the appointment



(intended for Billable and Non-Billable Session Notes Only)

This will pull from the address linked to the appointment

Billing Code/Modifier

(intended for Billable and Non-Billable Session Notes Only)


The Billing Code and any modifiers (if applicable) will populate into this field based on the funder/billing code set up and the credentialing of the staff



Behavior Functions and Stretegies

Section is only available for Behavior Plan Template Type

Please see resources on Custom Behavior Plan Templates to familiarize yourself with this type and why once would use it


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report


Visual on Template

Notes about Functionality

Visual on Saved Report

Function/s of Behavior

Appears as a drop down menu where multiple functions can be selected

Antecedent Strategies

Leave blank on template for staff to complete when writing a behavior intervention plan within Behavior Support

NOTE: This will just be an open text box for staff to complete

Consequence Strategies

Leave blank on template for staff to complete when writing a behavior intervention plan within Behavior Support

NOTE: This will just be an open text box for staff to complete

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