Appointment Reminders

Appointment Reminders

Appointment Reminders will allow staff and/or client contacts to receive email and/or SMS notifications for upcoming appointments, modifications to those appointments, as well as cancelled or deleted appointments.

*Please note, this is an “All or Nothing” feature. If you opt in to receive Appointment Reminders, notifications will also be sent when appointments are modified, cancelled, or deleted.


Setting up Default Appointment Reminders

Set Up


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Set Up


Helpful Knowledge

Control setting to require client contact reminders when scheduling appointments



Navigate to Company Account>Scheduling>Appointment Reminders

Click Edit New Appointment Reminder

Turn the toggle on (right) or off (left) depending on if you want to require users to add client contact(s) reminders when scheduling billable appointments

Toggle on: User will be required to enter client contact(s) for billable appointments

Toggle off: Optional to add client contact(s) reminders on billable appointments

  • Users will need permission to view and edit company account to access

  • When considering toggling on or off the requirement for client contact reminders, please note users are able to select “NONE” for client contact reminders on the appointment level, including when client contact reminders are set as a requirement for billable appointments

  • Client Contacts will still have the ability to opt out of reminders, no matter the selections made under the Company Account

New Appointment Reminder settings


  1. Select the checkbox next to “Client” to enable the client contact reminder feature

  2. Select the checkboxes next to “Email” and “SMS” depending on the communication channel(s) you want client contacts to have the option to receive appointment reminders through

  3. Select the amount of days or hours in advance you would like the client contact to receive notification before the appointment takes place

  4. Edit templates to reflect what you want the Appointment Reminder notifications to say

  5. Repeat steps for Staff Members

  6. Click Save



  • The selections in the Company Account are only for default reminders. Client Contacts and Staff Member settings may be updated to override the company account default settings (See Staff and Client Contact Reminders below)

    • Setting up Client Contact and Staff Reminders under the Company Account will not automatically enlist all client contacts and staff to receive appointment reminders. Staff with permission may control staff reminder settings within their profile

    • Staff with permissions and access to clients may manage the client contact reminder settings as needed (client contacts will not have a way to manage their own reminder settings at this time)

  • Notifications will include client initials, not client’s full name

  • The system does not send new appointment reminders right after appointments are created. The system sends new appointment reminders based on settings chosen at the company account level and client/staff profile level

Cancelled/Deleted Appointment Reminder Settings

  1. Click Edit Cancelled/Deleted Appointment Reminder

  2. Edit templates to reflect what you want the notifications to say for reminders regarding modified appointments

  3. Click Save


  • The Cancelled/Deleted Appointment Reminder Settings do not have Days/Hours fields as notification will be sent immediately

  • Reminders for cancelled or deleted appointments will be sent by default if you have opted in for new appointment reminders. To opt out of cancelled/deleted appointment reminders, you will also have to opt out of new appointment reminders

Modified Appointment Reminder Settings

  1. Click Edit Modified Appointment Reminder

  2. Edit templates to reflect what you want the notifications to say for reminders regarding modified appointments

  3. Click Save


  • Modified appointment reminders will be sent if the following fields are edited: date, time, staff or client assignment.

  • The Modified Appointment Reminder Settings do not have Days/Hours fields as notifications will be sent after the changes have been saved.

  • Reminders for modified appointments will be sent by default if you have opted in for new appointment reminders.

  • To opt out of modified appointment reminders, you will also have to opt out of new appointment reminders

Reminder Templates

Users may customize reminder templates for new appointments as well as cancelled/modified appointments when the client or staff reminder options are selected and Email or SMS are also selected

When creating/editing templates, click “Add Template Fields” to add fields that will pull from the appointment and autopopulate on the notification such as Appointment Date, Appointment Time, Client Contact Name, Client Name, and Staff Name

  • Users can customize and add additional text if needed


Staff Reminders



Helpful Knowledge



Helpful Knowledge

Navigate to Staff Members>Click on the Staff Members Name>Scheduler Preferences>Reminders

  1. Select the checkbox next to Email and/or SMS depending on the communication channel(s) that specific staff would like to receive appointment notifications through

  2. Use the drop down menus to change the company’s default reminder settings for how many hours or days in advance the user would like to receive notification before appointment start time

  3. Click Save

  • EX: A company sets up reminders in the Company Account for staff to receive notification 1 hour before appointment start time. Staff can override that here to choose if they want to receive the reminder 2 hours before appointment start time or 1 day in advance

  • If selecting to receive notifications via SMS, a phone number is required before clicking save

  • Staff can choose to not receive appointment reminders by not selecting the checkboxes next to Email or SMS under the Reminders tab

  • The Reminders tab will not appear in the staff profile unless reminders for staff are first enabled under the Company Account

  • Staff members will receive reminders for both non-billable and billable appointments

To give staff the ability to turn on and edit appointment reminders, navigate to Company Account>Roles>Edit Permissions>Under Staff Member Info, select “View/Edit Reminders”




  • Only Staff Members with the Permission “View/Edit Reminders” has the ability to turn on and edit the reminders on their profile or other staff profiles that user has permission to access


Client Reminders



Helpful Knowledge



Helpful Knowledge

Navigate to Clients>Click on the Client’s Name>Contacts>Add New Contact or Click Edit on a Current Contact

  1. Select the checkbox next to Email and/or SMS depending on the communication channel(s) that specific client contact would like to receive appointment notifications through

  2. Use the drop down menus to change the company’s default reminder settings for how many hours or days in advance the client contact would like to receive notification before appointment start time

  3. Click Save

  • EX: A company sets up reminders for a client contact to receive notification 1 hour before appointment start time. This can be overridden here if the client contact would like to receive notification 1 day in advance or 2 hours in advance instead

  • Client Contacts can choose to not receive appointment reminders by not selecting the checkboxes next to Email or SMS

  • Email checkbox will be enabled only if the contact has an email addresses listed in their contact page

  • If SMS is selected, a phone number is required to enter before clicking save

  • The Reminders field will not appear in the client contact page if not first enabled under the Company Account

  • Client Contacts will receive reminders for billable appointments ONLY


Reminders on the Appointment Level



Helpful Knowledge



Helpful Knowledge

When creating a billable appointment on the Scheduler, if there is an asterisk* next to the Client Contact Reminders field, it is required to select a Client Contact before saving the appointment. If there is no asterisk next to the Client Contact Reminders field, it is optional to add

You can enter multiple client contacts (if multiple client contacts have their reminder settings enabled under the clients profile)

You can select just one of the Client Contacts in the drop down menu

You can select “None” to not send any client contact reminders for the appointment

If client contact(s) do not have their reminder settings turned on from the client’s profile, user will see the following message on the appointment level, “There are no contacts to select”


  • Users will not be able to select a client contact on the appointment level if the contact does not have reminders set up under the client’s profile

    • If this happens and a client contact reminder is required under the Company Account, the user will still be allowed to save this appointment as there are no client contacts to select from

  • If a client contact is removed from the client profile, they will also be removed from any existing appointments

  • Users can always go back and add a client contact at a later time for appointments in the future

  • When removing a client contact from an existing appointment, the client contact will not receive a notification that they have been removed from the appointment and they will also not receive any reminders from that point forward regarding that appointment

Select or Deselect the checkbox next to “Send Reminder to [STAFF NAME]” depending on if that staff member would like to receive a reminder for that appointment

Keep the checkbox selected to send staff an appointment reminder

Deselect the checkbox to not send the staff member an appointment reminder:


  • Users will not be able to select the staff checkbox to receive an appointment reminder if reminders have not been set up under that staff’s profile

  • The staff checkbox will not appear on the appointment level if staff reminders are not first enabled under the company account

When scheduling Non-billable appointments, client contact reminders are not available but you can still select for a staff member to receive an appointment reminder



When scheduling Travel appointments, neither client contact nor staff reminders are available



Entering Client Contact Reminders are not available on the Mobile Browser

Users will see a message next to the Client Contact Reminders field on the mobile browser advising users to “Go to desktop application to add/edit client contact reminders.”


  • Staff members will receive notification after an appointment was created on the mobile browser if their reminders are set up in their profile. If they do not want a notification for that appointment, this would need to be deselected on the appointment level through the desktop application

  • If appointments are modified (date/time change), cancelled, deleted, or there is a staff change or a client change on the mobile browser and there is a client contact added to that appointment via the desktop, client contact(s) will receive those notifications


Actions taken after an Appointment has been created







Changing Date/Time on an Appointment

  • Changes to the date/time will result in a modification reminder being sent to the staff and or client contact(s) added on the appointment level

  • The notification will be sent after the modifications are saved

  • Modification template will be used for date and/or time changes

  • Staff and Client Contact(s) will receive modification notifications prior to the appointment reminder notification if a modification was made well in advance before their new appointment reminder is set to alert them

  • If the original appointment reminder was first received, then the appointment was modified, the staff and client contact(s) will receive the modification notification. They will also receive a new appointment reminder for the new date/time.

Changing Client Assignment on an Appointment

  • If the client assigned to an appointment is changed after the reminder was sent to the contacts of the original client, the same client contacts who received the previous reminder will receive a cancellation notification

  • If the client assigned to an appointment is changed after the reminder was sent to the staff member, the staff member will receive a cancellation notification regarding the appointment with the previous client and then they will receive a new appointment reminder for the appointment with the updated client

  • The new client contact added to the appointment will receive the new appointment reminder

  • If the client is changed before the appointment reminder went out to the original client contacts and staff member, then no notification will be sent to the original client contact nor staff about the change. Depending on when their reminder settings are set up to notify them, the staff and new client contact will receive an appointment reminder at that time


Changing Staff Assignment on an Appointment

  • If the staff assigned to an appointment is changed after the original staff member received a reminder about this appointment, the original staff member will receive a cancellation notification

  • If the staff assigned to an appointment is changed after client contact(s) received an appointment reminder, the client contact(s) will receive a cancellation notification for the appointment with the original staff member and then they will receive a new appointment reminder with the new staff member

  • The new staff assigned to an appointment will receive the new appointment reminder

  • If the staff assigned to an appointment is changed before the staff and client contact(s) have received an appointment reminder, no one will be notified of this change. The new staff member and client contact(s) will both receive a new appointment reminder notification dependent on their reminder settings


Cancelled Appointment

  • Cancellation reminders are sent after the cancellation is saved

  • Cancellation Template will be used for cancelled appointments

  • Staff and Client Contact(s) will receive a cancellation notification prior to the appointment reminder notification if a cancellation was made well in advance before their new appointment reminder is set to alert them

  • Once an appointment is cancelled, any action taken on the cancelled appointment (such as changing the dates, times, or deleting the cancelled appointment) will not trigger a notification for staff or clients

Deleted Appointment

  • Cancellation reminders are sent for deleted appointments after the deletion is saved

  • Cancellation Template will be used for deleted appointments

  • Staff and Client Contact(s) will receive a cancellation notification prior to the appointment reminder notification if a deletion was made well in advance before their new appointment reminder is set to alert them

  • If the appointment was deleted after the appointment was cancelled, the staff and client contact(s) will receive two cancellation notifications, one when the appointment was cancelled and one when the appointment was deleted

    • Will be improving this in future releases

Appointment Series

  • Modifying and deleting whole appointment series does not trigger appointment reminders to staff or client contact(s)

    • Including occurrences that you already received a reminder for

  • For series appointments, if a user makes a change to a whole series such as changes the recurrence, days of the week, removes a day or adds a day, changes date range, changes the # of occurrences, etc. the system does not send any reminders

  • Reminders are only sent if user cancels, deletes, or modifies a single occurrence appointment



Good to Know:

  • If an appointment is scheduled under 60 minutes before the appointment start time, the system will send a notification to that staff member and client contact(s) immediately

  • Changing appointment details such as the Place of Service, Location, Tag, Service, Pay Code, entering notes in the appointment note field, or staff verifying the appointment will NOT send out notifications

  • When disabling reminders from the company account, the system no longer sends reminders even if they are already selected on existing appointments


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