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Users can now see appointments in the audit trail and can filter this information by appointment date, modified date, or appointment and series ids.
Action Item
Good to Know
Action Item
Good to Know
Provide Permission
In Company Account> Roles>Reporting Dashboards>
Select View/ Download Scheduling Reports
Users with this permission will also have access to the following reports under the scheduling section of the Reporting Dashboard (Cancellations, Staff Productivity, Billable Hours Summary, Client Log, Session Log)
By default this option will be checked for Role 4 Users
Records of Audit Trail will be available to the user based on Client Access Role Permissions
Access Audit Trail Report
Go to Reporting Dashboard
Select Audit Trail Report
Report Table Fields Overview
The Audit Trail Report Table includes the following columns:
To search for any appointments by appointment date
Enter a “from” date and a “to” date
Click “search”
By default Appointment Dates will be the start and end date of the current week.
The start and end dates entered may not exceed 7 days
All appointments with dates equal to the from and to dates entered display in order from the oldest to newest.
Users may search by appointment dates only or use in conjunction with the modification date search.
Modification Date Search Fields
To search for appointments that were modified from and to a date
Enter a “from” date and a “to” date using the Modification Date fields
Click “search”
By default Modified Dates will be the start and end date of the current week. The start and end dates entered may not exceed 7 days
All appointments that were modified within the date range entered will display in order from the oldest to newest.
Users may search by modification dates appointment dates only or use in conjunction with the appointment date search.
Appointment ID Search Field
Users may enter a single occurrence Appointment ID or Series Appointment ID
When entering an appointment id that is part of a series, all appointments that are part of the series will also display.
If a series id is entered, system will display only the “Create Appointment” record.
It is recommended to use this search field independent of the appointment and modification date fields.
This field cannot be used in conjunction with appointment date, and input in one field will erase existing input in the other.
If user enters an appointment id that does not exist a message will appear after clicking search. It will read: “This Appointment ID does not exist. Please enter a valid Appointment ID”.
Export Option
After the system generates the desired results, users may select the Export option to download an excel file of the results