Mobile App Improvement with Minimum Number of Trials

Mobile App Improvement with Minimum Number of Trials

As an RBT or BCBA, you will now have a visual indicator if you HAVE MET or HAVE NOT MET the requirement for minimum trials for opportunity based data collection. In addition, if you attempt to sync and have not entered the minimum trials, you will receive a warning message.


Description and Images

Good to Know!


Description and Images

Good to Know!

Collect Data for Opportunity Based Programs without Prompts

Without prompts:

Minimum Trials MET; You will see a visual indicator of a blue check mark showing you that the requirement has been met.

If minimum trials are met, you will not receive any warning notification when you sync. Once you press sync, you will receive the sync confirmation message.


Collect Data for Opportunity Based Programs without Prompts

Without prompts:

Minimum Trials NOT MET; visual indicator of a blue exclamation mark showing you that the requirement has NOT been met.


If minimum trials are NOT met, you will receive a warning notification when you sync. The warning will state:

Yes - will continue with the sync

No - will return you to the data entry area

Data Collection for Opportunity Based Programs with Prompts

With prompts:

Minimum Trials MET; You will see a visual indicator of a blue check mark showing you that the requirement has been met.


If minimum trials are met, you will not receive any warning notification when you sync. Once you press sync, you will receive the sync confirmation message.


Data Collection for Opportunity Based Programs with Prompts

With prompts:

Minimum Trials NOT MET; visual indicator of a blue exclamation mark showing you that the requirement has NOT been met.


If minimum trials are NOT met, you will receive a warning notification when you sync. The warning will state:

Yes - will continue with the sync

No - will return you to the data entry area

Sync warning message

When pressing sync if you have NOT entered the minimum number of trial, you will receive a warning notification prior to syncing. You can continue syncing all data or return to data collection.

Yes - users can continue with the sync

No - user can cancel the sync and has the option to return to the data entry area.


No additional messaging will be shown if the minimum number of trials has been entered.

The warning message will not prevent user from syncing if minimum number of trials has NOT been entered.

This is only a warning message. If there is time remaining in the session to complete the minimum number of trials, the user can do this.

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