Reordering Targets and Steps

Reordering Targets and Steps

New Feature! As a BCBA if you need to reorder targets after data collection has started, you can now adjust the order.

Reordering Targets Video Overview: https://filecloud.rethinkfirst.com/url/j2bpztsw6wvnahrj


Description and Images



Description and Images


Client Program

In the client program, you will now see purple arrows that will allow you to change the order of targets that have been set up.


Reordering can be with or without automastery turned on.

Reording targets can be done prior to baseline data entered, after baseline data has been entered, and after teaching data has been entered.

Exception: Reordering targets will be disabled for a target if it has been mastered.

Goals without objectives:

Reording applies to opportunity based, frequency, duration, and interval data collection types

Reordering targets with goals without objectives:

Once a target has been mastered, it will be faded and unable to be reordered.

For targets without objectives, you will have the ability to use the purple arrow to reorder targets ito a new order. The exception is if a target has been mastered.

The new order will be reflected in the client program, data entry, graphing, reports, and on the mobile app.

Goals with objectives:

Reordering targets with goals with objectives: Within each objective, you have the ability to reorder targets.


For targets assigned to an objective where an objective has started, you will have the ability to use arrows to reorder targets into a new order within that objective. The exception is if a target has been mastered.

Goals set up with Task Analysis: forward, backwards, and total task

Reordering steps can be done with Task Analysis for all types of chains:

1.Forward Chain - the first step is disabled from reordering since it has data entered and has been mastered.


2. Backwards Chain - the last step is disabled from reordering since it has data entered and has been mastered.

3.Total Task - Reordering all steps has been disabled since data collection has started on all steps of this total task chain.


Forward Chain - Once data collection has begun on one of the steps in a forward chain that step can’t be changed or reordered. Steps without data entered can be reordered. Ex. 3 steps in a forward chain, step 1 has data entered, steps 2 and 3 can be reordered if needed.

  • After baseline all steps can be reorderd.

  • If 1 step has data collected or has been mastered that step can’t be reordered

Backwards Chain - Once data collection has begun on one of the steps in a backwards chain that step can’t be changed or reordered. Steps without data entered can be reordered. Ex. 3 steps in a backwards chain, step 3 has data entered, steps 2 and 1 can be reordered if needed.

  • After baseline all steps can be reorderd

  • If 1 step has data collected on it, that step can’t be reordered

Total Task - Once teaching data collection has ben begun on a total task, reordering steps will be disabled.

  • After baseline all steps can be reordered.

Reordering TA steps in maintenance and when reintroducing a program with task analysis data collection

For a programs with Task Anaysis data collection, reordering is disabled in maintenance and when reintroducing a task analysis.

This may be a future feature that we add as an enhancement to reordering.

Targets on hold

Targets on hold can be reordered, but these will not be shown in data entry and view data for users. The same rules apply for goals with and without objectives with targets on hold.


Targets on hold before and after reordering:


Reordered targets on mobile app:

If you reorder targets for a program and then log into the app, the new target order will be displayed. Both the website and app should display the same target order.

Client Program:

Data Entry/Mobile App: