Verifying Appointments

Verifying Appointments

IMPORTANT: Please check with your System Administrator and ask what requirements are needed in order for billable appointments in

your system to be marked as VERIFIED.

Verified appointments will be tagged with an appointment status:  Completed


Non Billable and Travel appointments only need to be Staff Verified since completing session notes and obtaining parent verifications

are not an option for these appointment types.

  1. All billable appointments that meet your company verification requirements will be marked "Completed"

    Desktop ViewMobile View

      2.  Completed appointments will be displayed with white lines 

3. Only appointments that have a status of  "Completed" will move over to your company's payroll reports.

Your company has the option to choose up to 3 requirements which will define a COMPLETED billable appointment in your system.

  1. Staff Verification: Submit Actual Times
  2. Parent Verification: Obtain Electronic Signature
  3. Session Note Entered: Complete Session Note Template within appointment

1.Staff Verification:  (Always Required) 

  1. The easiest way to find out which appointment needs your verification is to go to the Appointment List area of your calendar,
    enter a date range, then choose 'Needs Verification' in "Appointment Status" filter. 
  2. Select Staff Verification

       3. Enter in the actual start and end time and click "Verify"

  1. If the actual start time is different from what was scheduled then the actual time is what will appear on the calendar after you verify. 
  2. Once an appointment has been verified you may not edit the details of the appointment unless your company has provided you with that level of permissions.

Note: You may also verify an appointment by opening the appointment from the Individual Calendar section of the Scheduler.

2.Parent Verification: (optional-based on company settings)

Parents/guardians can verify appointments two ways. If you have provided them with a login to Rethink as a client contact they can follow a process similar to the staff verification outlined above. Alternatively the staff member can collect their e signature during the session without having them log in. This can be done via the desktop or mobile version of the web site. 

  1.  Open the appointment you want to verify
  2. Tap 'verification'
  3. Enter the name of the person who is verifying the appointment and their relationship to the client
  4. Capture the parent/guardian's signature and tap 'Verify'


3. Session Note

(See Session Note Self Help)

Contact us Support@rethinkbh.com 

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