Release 11/9/24

Release 11/9/24

Release Type: Regular

Impacted Services: Website, Mobile

New Features / Enhancements


New Features / Enhancements


Scheduler Permission by Staff Location (Desktop)

Tutorial: New Scheduler Permission- User and Staff Assigned to Same Location/Clients: Based on User’s Client Access

Enables logged-in staff to view their own appointments as well as the calendars of other staff members assigned to the same location.

DPH Telehealth Visit Type Selection

(Department of Public Health-Massachusetts)

Only for accounts with DPH enabled

tutorial: DPH Telehealth Type Field

DPH will begin requiring telehealth visits to be reported as Audio and Video or Audio only.

To accommodate this new requirement, a new field will display on the appointment screen with these options (for appointments that meet certain criteria). Please see the tutorial for more info.




Add Late Entry Appointment History Columns to Billing and Payroll Export

Tutorial: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BP/pages/4314988572

Users running the billing and payroll exports will have the ability to see when and who pulled an appointment as a ‘late entry’ for the first time.







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