Entering Authorizations

Entering Authorizations

Tip: Know what your Funder Scheduling Rules are for  "Appointment Exceeds Authorized Hours"

  • If your company has selected "Do Not Allow"  then users will not be able to schedule more than the authorized units available, if authorizations are set up to distribute by 'service'.  *Please note that setting authorizations to distribute by 'authorization' does not currently adhere to the exceeding authorized hours rules.  


          Video guide demonstrating adding an authorization: 

Please note that information on Referring Provider, not covered in this tutorial, can be found below or here: https://rethinkautism.atlassian.net/l/cp/hZa7vo1J

TopicVisual SupportHelpful Information
  1. Navigate to the authorizations section of the client's profile then select the 'Add New Authorization' button for the correct Funder and Service Line 
  • Client must have a funder with service line added
  • For insurance type funders, a diagnosis is also required.

2. Select the answer to the question Authorization received?

  • By default when adding an Authorization our system will consider an "Authorization as Received" which is defined as "Yes"
  • If you are "waiting to receive an authorization" but need to schedule appointments you can mark as "Pending"
    • Authorizations marked as 'pending' allow scheduling to occur against the auth, but the appointments on the scheduler will display in Orange to indicate the pending status. 
    • Appointments completed with a pending auth will also show on the Billing report with this Pending status in the Validation column:
    • Once the client's authorization is updated to 'yes' for received, then all of the appointments will update to green in color on the scheduler and there will no longer be the validation warning in the Billing Export.  
  • If your funder does not require an authorization; you can mark it as "Not Needed"
  • Tip: Although a funder may not require an authorization, it is important you have a way to still set your scheduling goals based on the number of hours your program needs. 

   3. Enter Authorization Details:

  • Distribute by Service (most common) or by Authorization (similar to a 'bucket' auth of shared units across multiple services)
  • Authorization #
  • Start/End Date
  • Rendering Provider
  • Add Service or Add All Services

If distributed by Service then also:

  • Number of Units
  • Frequency
  • Scheduling Goal
  • Frequency

  • Referring provider is an optional field that can be added to the authorization if you funder requires this on claims, and if you have first added the Referring Provider to the client's Referring Provider Page

IMPORTANT: The Funder, Service Line and Diagnosis will auto populate. If you do not see the Diagnosis then you will need to go back into the client profile and enter one

TIP: If you do not need to restrict users by a daily, weekly or monthly frequency, Enter Auth# Units with a  "Total" Frequency.

You can always modify the Scheduling goal to reflect a daily, weekly and or monthly frequency if you want to provide a program level goal for scheduling hours.

  • Rendering Provider: Depending on your funder requirements you have the option to choose: Agency, Provider Assigned to Appointment or a Specific Provider. In order for providers to appear as options in this drop down, their NPI # needs to be added to their staff member profile.

  • Add multiple services to the same authorization by clicking "Add Service" to add individually, or "Add All Services" to add all service names under this client's funder.  

    • If you don't see the service name you are looking for in the drop-down menu, this means EITHER:

      • that the service has not been added to that funder on the Company Account>Funder page. 

      • OR that the service is set up on the Company Account>Funder page as no authorization is required.  
  • The scheduling goal allows you to target a specific intensity of service that is different from what has been authorized. For example, if the family does not accept all of the authorized hours. 

3.a Received a lump sum Authorization that does not specify hours by Service?

You may want to  "Distribute Units by Authorization" then you can add your services and add scheduling goal units.

Tip: If you want to have more control over your staff scheduling more hours than they should then you may want to 

  • Distribute Units By Service and enter in the Authorized Units. 

** If you choose to 'distribute by service', our system will not allow users to schedule more than is authorized as long as you have set the Exceed Authorized Hours Scheduling Rule in your company set up to "Do Not Allow"

*Distribute units by authorization does not currently trigger the Exceeding auth rules in Rethink nor does it trigger scheduling warnings for exceeding the scheduling goal.  

Please note:  When viewing the authorization details from the client authorization home page the system displays the amount in "hours".

However the system is still calculating the units and displays units in the billing reports. 

4. Uploading Authorizations
Just click on the  button then select the files from your computer
  • Currently, only one file can be uploaded to the authorization.
5. Deleting Authorizations
If there are no appointments connected to an authorization then you can click the  to the right of the button.
  • You will not see an option to delete if there are existing appointments scheduled against the authorization.  You would need to first delete or edit the appointments to a different authorization before the delete option will appear on the authorization.  
6. Copy Authorizations/ Add Multiple Services with "1 click"

7. Editing Authorizations: 

  • The system will not allow you to end date the authorization if future appointments exist for this authorization nor will you be able to reduce the units below what is already scheduled: 

Need Help?

Contact us support@rethinkbh.com 

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