Bulk Cancel and Delete Appointments

Bulk Cancel and Delete Appointments

This feature allows users to bulk cancel or delete multiple appointments at a time in the Appointment List area of the Scheduler.  (Website/Desktop version)

TIP: Users must have permission to view the Appointment List for this feature to be accessed.

ActionDescriptionGood to Know

Bulk Delete Appointments


Use the filters to find the appointments you need to delete.


Select individual appointments or "ALL" by clicking in the boxes to the left of the Appointment Type column.



THEN  choose "DELETE"


Confirm you want to delete all the selected appointments. 

When user selects "delete" option a message confirming the appointments were deleted will appear.

  • Users need "delete appointments" scheduler permission 
  • Billable, Non Billable and Travel appointments may be deleted in bulk

Bulk Cancel Appointments

Follow Steps 1 and 2 above same as deleting appointments


Select "Cancel"

A cancellation details window will open and show you how many appointments will be canceled.


Choose Staff Member or Cancellation Type.

Complete the remaining fields as needed.

After clicking "SAVE" system will confirm the changes are saved.

You will be brought back to the Appointment List view and you will be able to see the appointments you canceled and the Status that has been applied. (Canceled-Cannot Reschedule) or (Canceled-Needs Reschedule)

  • Users need "Edit Appointment" Scheduler Permissions
  • Only Billable and Non Billable appointments can be cancelled in bulk.
  • Previously canceled appointments cannot be canceled again using this feature
  • Travel appointments cannot be canceled in bulk at this time.
  • Appointments with a status Complete cannot be canceled in bulk.
  • If previously canceled appointments, travel appointments or appointments that are marked as "complete" are selected  these appointments will not be counted toward the appointments the system will cancel.
Tasks and Notifications

Staff will receive a notification for any appointments that were deleted or canceled in their Tasks and Notifications area of the Rethink system.

Cancellations ReportSimilar to when appointments are canceled individually; all appointments canceled in bulk will be counted towards the cancellations report.