Using Rethink's Child Activity Center

Step-by-step guide

Step One: Select Activities

  1. Log into Rethink and Click on My Students on the Main Menu Page

  2. Click on a student that needs activities added to their plan

  3. Select lessons tied to the student’s IEP from the Lesson Library. Lessons with an activity associated will be designated by the A icon.
  4. You can also search and select activities not tied to an IEP goal by clicking on the “Activity Center” tab
  5. Select activities by clicking on the + button under Add to Student
  6. In addition, you can preview details and view a demo of the activity by Clicking on Details or View Demo

    Activity Details:


    Activity Demo

Step Two: Customize the Activity (Optional)

  1. Visit the student’s Learning Plan, Select the Lesson Tied to the IEP Goal & Activity and click on “Edit Lesson”.

  2. From here, Edit the Goal and Objectives if you have not already customized your goal. You can choose to create a Goal with or without objectives as another option.
  3. Edit and Customize Targets for the Goal and the Activity
    1. You can now specify which targets you’d like to test the student on. 2. 
    2. Click on Add Target + 3. 
    3. Customize the Activity and Lesson by Selecting Rethink’s system targets 4. 
    4. Select an Objective that the target will be associated with (Objective 1, 2, or 3).

Step Three: Assign & Preview Activities (Optional)

You can check the box to assign activities to a student. Activities that are assigned will appear first when the student logs in to the Activity Center. You also have the option to demo the activity without collecting any false data.

Step Four: Help the Student Log In

  1. You can click on “Go to Child Center” to log in for the student
  2. Or you can retrieve the student’s login credentials so he can log in himself.
  3. Once your student logs in, he can select his own Avatar!
  4. Once your student selects an avatar, he will be directed to his assigned activities.
  5. If you have not assigned your student any activities, he will be directed to the categories page. The student can now select from any category for which you have added activities
  6. Within each category, the student will see the list of activities you have selected.
  7. Clicking on the activity name starts the first activity. If you have selected targets, the activity will only test the student on those targets. If you have not selected targets, the activity will present randomized targets.
  8. If the student responds correctly, she will see this image:
  9. If the student responds incorrectly, she will see this message:
  10. The system will then eliminate an incorrect response & present the question again. This process will repeat until the student responds correctly.
  11. Once the student completes the activity, she will see her results! She can try again or click on the home icon to play additional games.

Step Five: View Student Progress

  1. Log into the student’s program and visit the View Progress tab.
  2. Click on the Activities section (left hand side), then select the activity for which you’d like to view results, and click “Update Graph.”
  3. Then select the activity for which you’d like to view results, and click “Update Graph.” 
  4. You will then see a graph detailing the student’s progress! The Score Summary panel will display the % correct (on first attempt). Hovering over a data point will detail the # of questions attempted, and the# of correct responses.
  5. The Score Details panel will detail how many questions were correct on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th attempts.

    If you need help or support with the Activity Center, click on the Help Button in top right hand corner for different support options, live chat, curriculum support, technical support, and FAQs.