Create/Edit Plans | View Plans | Classrooms | Intervention Tracking

This is the screen the user will use when creating a new plan or updating an existing plan

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to create a new intervention plan for my student, so I can address their needs

  • As a user, I want to update an existing intervention plan, so I can ensure I continue to meet my student’s needs

  • As an educator I want to select the date range, intervention name, and tier level so that my intervention plan will contain the necessary information for tracking the success of the plan.

  • As an educator I want to specify the status of the plan and evaluate a plan(s) in progress so that intervention plans can be properly categorized and monitored.

  • As an educator I want to include strengths and perceived motivations of the student(s) so that the success of the intervention plan is customized for the student.

  • As an educator I want to specify the goal and select an intervention strategy for the intervention plan so that the focus of the intervention plan can be clearly communicated to multiple stakeholders.

  • As an educator I want to establish a monitoring tool and determine who will be responsible for the intervention plan so that the plan is managed effectively.

  • As an educator, I want to add documents so that I have supported evidence for the intervention plan I am pre-planning and creating.

  • As an educator, I want to view documents that I or my colleagues have uploaded so that I can incorporate the suggestions of all stakeholders into the student(s) plan.

  • As an educator, I want to remove items I have previously uploaded so that I can replace them with new documentation that reflects the social/emotional and academic growth of the student.

  • As an educator, I want to log some notes and preview the notes of other educators so that I can fully understand the insights of my colleagues.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a user selects a classroom, the full list of students enrolled in that classroom will show in the Classroom drop down.

  • Given a student who does not have an intervention plan is selected from the classroom drop down, a blank entry will show with the default tab as ELA.

  • Given a student has a current in-progress intervention plan for a specified content area (ELA, Math, Behavior, Social) and a second plan is created and selected for in-progress for the same content area, the Intervention Plan in progress pop-up will show.

  • Given a user selects a student and a content area where multiple intervention plans with the status of Pre-Planning or In Progress exist, the Select intervention Plan pop-up will list all of that student’s intervention plans for the specified content area.



General Concept


  • The user will see a screen to create a new plan or update the existing plan, as well as a discussion box



  • To select another student, user clicks on Student name drop down.


  • To select the subject area, the user clicks each tab. ELA is the default tab.


Common User Path: Multiple Plans

  • User selects a student and content area where two or more intervention plans are in Preplanning or in progress, the user sees Select Intervention Plan Pop-up.



  • User clicks inside circle next to the plan they want to work on.

  • User clicks on X to remove pop-up without making a selection.

  • User clicks select button to select the plan.

Common User Path: Attempt Two In Progress Plans

  • User attempts to change a second intervention plan to in progress and sees pop-up message.


  • To replace the in progress plan, the user selects yes button.

  • To cancel the request and return to the screen beneath it, user clicks on Cancel or X.

Business Rules

  • If the user is updating an existing plan, all previously selected options and discussion will show

  • The student name drop down contains all of the students in the classroom.

    • Selecting a student from the drop down who does not have any intervention plans shows the content selected blank entry to begin a new intervention plan.

  • If student name has an intervention plans in any of the plan statuses clicking on that name selects the student.

  • Common User Path: Multiple Plans

    • If there are multiple Intervention plans, only one can be in progress.

    • If user selects a student and content area where there are multiple Intervention Plans (one in progress, others in Pre-Planning), the Select Interventions Plan Pop-up shows.

    • Select Interventions Plan Pop-up contains the plan name and the status (Pre-Planning or In Progress)

    • Clicking inside the radio button next to the intervention plan opens the selection and removes the po-up.

    • Click on the X removes the pop-up and restores the screen beneath it.

    • Selection works as a toggle.

  • Common User Path: Attempt two in progress plans

    • Only one in progress plan per content area can exist at a time.

    • If user attempts to make a second plan in progress, Intervention Plan in Progress pop-up shows.

    • If Yes is selected on pop-up, the plan the user is currently working on replaces the previous in progress plan.

      • The previous in progress plan is archived.

    • If cancel or X are selected, request is canceled with plan returning to its status (pre-planning, archived, mastered), former in progress plan remains and pop-up is removed.




  • When the user clicks on the schedule, they will see a calendar to select a start and end date


Business Rules

  • End date cannot be before start date

  • This is a required field

  • End date determines when the plan will be due for review

Plan Name, Tier, Plan Status, and Progress Status


  • The user will next type in the name of the plan

  • The user will select if the plan is for Tier 2 or Tier 3

  • The user will next select the Plan Status as:

    • Pre-Planning

    • In Progress

    • Mastered

    • Archived

  • For any plan In Progress, the user will also select the Progress Status as:

    • New Plan

    • No Progress

    • Partial Progress

    • Limited Progress

    • Adequate Progress

    • Substantial Progress


Editing Status Changes


  • When viewing/editing intervention plans that are In Progress and that have Vizzle assignments attached to them, if the user changes status to pre-planning, the user will see the following message: You are about to change the status of the intervention plan. Active Vizzle assignments will be unassigned. Are you sure?

  • If the user clicks confirm, the Vizzle assignments will be unassigned in Vizzle and the assignment will be removed from the intervention plan.

  • If the user selects cancel, the plan will remain in In Progress.


  • When viewing/editing intervention plans, if the user changes status to MASTERED, the user will see the following message: You are about to change the status of the intervention plan to Mastered. This action cannot be undone. Are you sure?

  • If the user clicks confirm, the plan will be MASTERED and cannot be undone

  • If the user selects cancel, the plan will remain in current status



  • When viewing/editing intervention plans, if the user changes status to ARCHIVED, the user will see the following message: You are about to change the status of the Intervention Plan to Archived. This action cannot be undone. Are you sure?

  • If the user clicks confirm, the plan will be ARCHIVED and cannot be undone

  • If the user selects cancel, the plan will remain in current status .


Business Rules

  • Plan name will default as Plan 1, Plan 2, etc

  • For new plans, we will default to Pre-Planning

  • Progress Status is only available when the plan is in the Pre-Planning state

  • If the plan is just marked as In Progress, we will default the progress state to New Plan

  • create a new plan --> Pre-Planning and in Progress are available

  • editing existing Pre-Planning  --> In Progress and Archived available (no Mastered)

  • editing existing In Progress --> all option available

  • Mastered and Archived statuses can't be changed

Strengths and Possible Motivations


  • The user will type in the box to enter strengths and possible motivations


Business Rules

  • required for any plan In Progress or Mastered

Goals & Interventions


  • The user may click on a goal from the menu

  • They may also search for a goal

  • The user can also click in the box to enter their own goal

  • Once a goal is selected, the interventions menu will filter to show suggested intervention

  • If the user types in a custom goal, the interventions list will not be narrowed down and the intervention that is selected will be linked and saved with the custom goal for that user only.

  • If the user types in a custom goal and a custom intervention, the goal and intervention will be saved and linked together for that user only so if the user selects that same goal the intervention will show at top of list

  • If the user selects a goal and then types in a custom intervention, the goal and custom intervention will be saved and linked together for that user only and the intervention will show if the goal is selected

  • The user may also search for an intervention by name or type in their own intervention

Content team will provide a spreadsheet with the grade, goal, subject, Tier, and interventions.


Behavior Drop Down:




Business Rules

  • Content team to provide goal bank and list of interventions

    • Behavior Goal drop down (See image: empty state) is the same for Interventions, Self-Monitoring, Behavior Contracts, Data Tracking(Behavior Tracking), Behavior Plans. (See Self-Monitoring Select Behavior for more information about Behavior Goal Bank.)

  • Goals will show based on the subject area and student’s current grade

  • If the user selects a goal from the bank, they will see a list of interventions tied to the goal and tier level

  • The user may also search for any other intervention listed in Account Setup that is tied to the student grade, tier level and the subject for the plan (i.e. Math)

  • Goals and interventions are required for any plan In Progress or Mastered

  • Goal is single select

  • Interventions is multi-select

  • The user may click the Add goal button to add another line for goal and interventions

Monitor progress and who is responsible


  • Users will type in to state how they will monitor progress


  • Users will select which team member(s) are responsible for implementing the plan by clicking in the checkbox.



Business Rules

  • These fields are required for any plan in progress or mastered

  • How will you monitor progress is a text entry.

  • Drop down is a multi-select and works as a toggle.


Add Assignment

UI: Design

  • To add an assignment, users click Add Assignment button

  • They will see a dropdown with Vizzle or other assignment

  • If the user clicks Vizzle assignment, the assignment modal will open

  • The user can search for assignments by key word and narrow the search by subject, level, and topic

  • Once they select an assignment, they can click the next button

  • Then they can preview, select days or date range, select single/muliple play and save


  • Once saved, they will see assignments listed with the score once completed or n/a if not complete by students yet

  • Users can click view once the assignment has completed to view the assignment

  • If the Vizzle score is N/A and the assignment has not been completed, the user will see an edit action which will open the assignment modal to make changes to assignment.


Business Rules



  • The user may click in the notes box to enter a new note

  • Once the plan is saved, the note will appear in the saved notes below


Business Rules

  • Saved notes will show the date and time the note was entered, the team member’s name who entered the note, and the plan state when the note was entered



  • To show attachments user clicks on Show attachment.



  • The user may click on the attachment to open it on their computer

  • Clicking Browse files button allows user to browse files from their computer.

  • Clicking X will remove the attachment.

  • If the user clicks Hide attachments, this area will collapse and be hidden again.



Business Rules

  • File limit of 100

  • If the user clicks Show Attachments, the screen will expand to show (See image: upload feature) attachments and allow the user to upload additional attachments or remove existing ones.

  • If user selects the X next to the uploaded document, then it will be removed.

  • This feature is independent of the Save and Cancel buttons at the bottom of the page.

Empty State-All Four Tabs


  • User selects Intervention Plan from side navigation.



  • User selects student by clicking on View next to the student’s name on the Intervention Home page.

  • User sees default empty state view for ELA.



  • To open the empty state view for additional content areas, user clicks on the tabs for Math, Behavior, Social.





Business Rules:

  • User selects Intervention Plans ( See image: Classroom Name) from Classroom to view the intervention plan homepage.

  • User selects View to view or create a student intervention plan. (See image: Select Cadmen Floyd)

  • If user selects View for a specific student, we default showing the ELA tab.

    • If View is selected for a student who does not have a first intervention plan created for a tab area, then we will show the empty screen for the selected tab. (See remaining images: ELA Tab, Math Tab, Behavior Tab, Social Tab)