Attach (Move Goals) | Students' Goal and Analytics Page

User Story:

As an Admin or Teacher, I need to move goals that are currently attached / designated as part of an unattached tracking, Intervention Plan or Behavior Tool to other designations such as a 504, or an IEP so that goal tracking follows as the student’s needs change.


Project: 205670

UI Description: What’s New



  • text

User Interactions and Validation Notes: What’s New

Item 1

  • Text

Workflow Description

  1. User clicks on View for a selected student from the Classroom Goal and Analytics page

  2. User enters students' Goal and Analytics Page with the Current Tab selected

  3. User clicks on Attach Goal icon from left side panel.

  4. Attach goal pop-up shows and User selects where the goal will be attached.

  5. User selects Next button to advance screen.

  6. User specifies criteria for the new Attached goal and Saves work

  7. User views success message and selects from options to close or view the new plan.



  • Way to edit attachments/un-attach existing goals?

  • Way to keep tracking consistent when attaching/un-attaching goals?