User Story
As an internal employee at RethinkEd, I need to see and search the full list of Integrated Assessments so that I can determine when to Add New Assessments or edit existing ones.
UI Description: Assessment List Page
Search Bar:
Description: Search bar is a smart search where user searches for existing Assessment by typing the assessment name or Company that made the assessment.
Required: Yes
Type of Input: Search
Validation Criteria:
Without Search selected, user sees alphabetical ordered list by Assessment Name.
Given the Assessment Name contains multiple entries, then the secondary criteria for determining alphabetical order is Company Name followed by Subject as the tertiary criteria
Given user has typed a minimum of 3 characters for either the Assessment name or Company Name, the search results begin to populate in the list shown.
Add Assessment Button
Description: A button that opens the Add Assessment Modal where user enters the information for the new Assessment
Required: Yes, in order to Add a new assessment
Type of Input: Button
Validation Criteria:
If selected, then Add Assessment Modal opens for User.
If not selected, then button is present on screen and active
Company Sorting Selector
Description: A dropdown containing an alphabetical list of Companies with at least one integration for at least one subject area
Required: Yes
Type of Input: Dropdown
Validation Criteria:
If selected, then list within the dropdown shows an alphabetical list of Companies with at least one integration
If a company is selected from the dropdown, then the Assessment list shows all of the integrations for that company
Subject Sorting Selector
Type of Input:
Validation Criteria: