Training Center | MTSS Training | MTSS Suite

We need to add a new training center for MTSS PD.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to access MTSS trainings, so I can learn how to implement these practices in my school.

  • As a user, I want to know which trainings I have already viewed, so I can keep track of what I’ve already completed.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am an educator with access to MTSS PD, and have clicked on My Training, I will see the MTSS series

  • Given I am an educator WITHOUT access to MTSS PD, and have clicked on My Training, I will NOT see the MTSS series

  • Given I have not been unassigned from any module and have completed 1 MTSS training, I will see 1/X trainings completed (number dependent on # of trainings available)

  • Given I have added a MTSS training to my training plan, I will see that training listed under My Training Plan

  • Given I have clicked on the MTSS training series, I will see all trainings I am assigned to

  • Given I have not started a given training module, I will see the start button and a last score of N/A.

  • Given I have started a training module but have not taken the test, I will see the view training button and a last score of N/A

  • Given I have completed a test, I will see the view training button and my highest training score.


Test Design:

Add Training Block


  • In My Training, we will add a block called MTSS

Business Rules

  • Any user with access to MTSS Professional Development will have access to this series

  • We will show the number of trainings available to the user

  • Description will show: This course provides training on the key components of the integrated MTSS framework including Academic, Behavior, and Social and Emotional supports for Tiers 1, 2, and 3.

Main Training Display


  • The user will see a series of Filters on the left. The first filter (TYPE) will contain:

    • Introduction to MTSS

    • Tier 1 Strategies & Interventions

    • Tier 2 Interventions

    • Tier 3 Interventions

    • Family & Caregiver Engagement

  • If the user selects Tier 1, 2, or 3, they will see a second filter for Topic:

    • Academic

    • Behavior

    • Social and Emotional

  • When the user selects a type/topic, the related trainings will appear on the main display

  • We will show a column for training topic (name) and area, a button to start/resume training, start test, and last score

  • Clicking on start/resume training will take the user to the training screen (same layout as SEL)

  • Clicking on start test will launch the test

Business Rules

  • Implement exact same business rules My Training>SEL for Training, Test, and Score (90% for each certificate, worth 30 minutes)

  • List PD modules/categories in order provided on spreadsheet from Lin

  • We will default to first type in the list

  • Only topics allocated in jrich will show

  • Training activities may consist of HTML5, video, PDF, PowerPoint, or PNG

  • Note:

    • Training topics and categories are subject to change. Please refer to content spreadsheet for exact language & module numbers.



MTSS training Arrows


  • The next arrows should allow the user to click to the next content in Learn, practice, dive deeper, or activate the next in the interactive module

  • Once the user gets to the last pdf in Dive Deeper but they have not completed all content in the module, the right arrow should be inactive

  • Once the user gets to the last pdf in Dive Deeper and they have completed all content in the module, the right arrow should activate the quiz


Business Rules

  • The right arrow should show the user the next available content in the module or the interactivity

  • The right arrow should be inactive on the final pdf in dive deeper if there is content that has not been completed.

  • The left arrow should return the user to content just before the current content being viewed



Start test


  • Once users click on Start Test in the Table of contents, the test popup will open for the given topic in the module.


  • If the user clicks to close but has not completed the test, the inputted answers will be lost and it will not count as completed in the table of contents.

  • If the user clicks to finish and has completed the test, it will be count as completed and the table of content will show a check next to the test.


Business Rules

  • All answers must be answered to activate the finish button and to count the test as completed

  • Once the test is completed, the check should show in the table of contents