Student Selection to Student's Goal Page

User Story

As an admin, I need to navigate from the Student Dashboard to a selected student's "Goals & Analytics" page so I can manage their goals.


Acceptance Criteria

  1. Add a new item, "Goals & Analytics," to the dropdown menu in the Student Dashboard.

  2. On hover, the "Goals & Analytics" item changes color from white to gray.

  3. When clicked, the "Goals & Analytics" item directs the user to the selected student's "Goals & Analytics" landing page.


Figma: Select Student to Student’s Goals & Analytics Page


Screenshot (122).png


Project: 205670

UI Description: What’s New

Student Dashboard: Goals and Analytics Drop Down Item (#1)

  • Reads: Goals & Analytics

Student’s Goals and Analytics Page (#2)

User Interaction and Validation Notes: What’s New

Student Dashboard: Goals & Analytics Drop Down Item (#1)

  • Goals & Analytics replaces Learning Plan

  • Hovering/Scrolling over the ‘Goal & Analytics’ selection shows a gray box

  • Clicking on the ‘Goal & Analytics’ selection takes the User to the Student’s Goals and Analytics Page.


Workflow Description

  1. User begins with Admin Login to Dashboard

  2. User selects Students from top navigation

  3. User text enters the student’s name in the Search bar and/or selects View button for the specific student

  4. User is taken to the Student Dashboard to view the selected student

  5. User clicks on “Goals & Analytics” from the dropdown within the Student Dashboard (#1)

  6. User lands on the selected student’s Goals & Analytics page. (#2)