Behavior Tab: Features and UI Explanation


When selected, the Behavior tab is underlined and highlighted in blue. The default view is the current year. Behavior Incidents are counted for the entire school year and DO NOT carry over to any subsequent school years. We start the count fresh with each new school year.

There are two options for counting Behavior Incidents:

  • Integrated

  • Non-Integrated

The non-integrated approach is Our Behavior Incidents Product.

Note: See Admin Settings: Behavior Tab for the differences in Settings between the two options.

Both will show headings and values for Incident Date, Tier Recommendation and identification of an Intervention Plan. Selecting an Intervention Plan takes the User to view the Intervention Plan. These three items are the limit for Integrated Behavior unless custom fields are created.

The differences between the two options include:

Integrated Behavior data has fewer fields but has an option to include custom fields.

If requested by the district and if the data set will work, then custom fields can be added. Custom fields create additional headings for the chart in the Student Dashboard: Behavior Tab. Beneath those heading are values unique to the student. Custom fields give more information about the incident BUT at this time no functionality can be applied to Custom fields. Custom fields are “pluck and drop” only.


Non-Integrated (Our Behavior Incidents Product) has more fields but does not have an option to include custom fields. Selecting a line in the chart allows the User to view the Incident Report.

Implementation Pro Tip: In order for incidents to be counted in MTSS Dashboard, the Incident Report must have an “Approved” Status.

Note: The Recommendation is to chose only one of the options for reporting Behavior Data. If the district is using both, then MTSS Dashboard will show integrated data within the Admin and Classroom Dashboards and non-integrated data within the Student Dashboard. This is a known issue for future development.

Note: The Recommendation is to chose only one of the options for reporting Behavior Data. If the district is using both, then MTSS Dashboard will show integrated data within the Admin and Classroom Dashboards and non-integrated data within the Student Dashboard. This is a known issue for future development.


Dashboard > Students (top navigation) > Search or Select Student (Click View) > Student Dashboard > Behavior Tab

Slice 1 - 2024-05-21T132628.649-20240521-172628.png
Integrated: showing Tier Recommendation


Slice 1 - 2024-05-21T135817.583-20240521-175817.png
Non-Integrated: with Major / Minor Tags


Challenge item:

Using the Tier Recommendation for the Non-integrated example, can you explain how the At Risk Indicators work?



Page Contents: Year Drop Down and Tier Notices

Please also see: Overview Page: Features and UI Functionality for more information about the 3 items below:

Year Drop down

  • Defaults to the current school year.

  • Contains all past school years in the order of most recent to least recent


Tier Notices (if applicable:)

  • Shown if the student’s score is within the Tier 2 or Tier 3 range for Behavior

  • If Take Action is selected, User is taken to Create Intervention Plan


At Risk Indicator (if applicable)

At Risk Indicators function differently depending upon the option chosen for collecting Behavior Data. The Admin Settings Behavior Tab is a helpful reference.

  • Integrated Behavior will show an At Risk Indicator when the maximum value for the range of behavior incidents has been reached for Tier 1 and Tier 2.

    • The indicator is removed if the number of incidents continues to grow and reaches the minimum value range for subsequent Tiers. (Tier 2 and Tier 3)

  • Non-integrated Behavior differentiates between Major and Minor incidents. At Risk Indicators are shown for Tier 1 and Tier 2 when either the maximum value for the range of behavior incidents for Major OR Minor is reached.

    • The indicator is removed if the number of incidents continues to grow and reaches the minimum value of range for subsequent Tiers (Tier 2 and Tier 3) for either Major or Minor incidents .


Supplemental: Return to Tier 1

  • Both Integrated and Non-integrated Behavior have the same Return to Tier 1 default setting of 9 weeks which applies only the current school year.

    • The number of weeks is editable by the District Level Admin with the options of 1 to 36 weeks.

  • Return to Tier 1 “restores” a student to Tier 1 Status if the student has has no further incidents for a set number of weeks within a single school year.

    • The same functionality resumes for movement among Tiers, At Risk Indicators and Tier Notices if further incidents occur after the re-set.

    • There is documentation within the Tier Recommendation Box (right of graph) and Chart (beneath the graph) showing information about Returning to Tier 1.

      • Return to Tier 1 happens automatically according to Admin Settings.


Page Contents: Tier Recommendation Box, Graph and Chart

Tier Recommendation Box:

The Tier Recommendation Box is a complement to the graph. The Tier Recommendation Box (right of graph) shows the current Tier Recommendation based on the number of incidents established in Admin Setting Behavior Tab for each Tier Level. The Tier Recommendation Box also shows documentation of when a student has been “restored” to Tier 1 after a set period of time elapses without any incidents.

The Tier Recommendation Box changes color to indicate the Tier Level. The colors are:

  • Tier 1: White

  • Tier 2: Orange/Yellow

  • Tier 3: Red/Pink

Within the Tier Recommendation box is a total number of incidents broken down by the day of the week the incident occurred. Depending upon the data collection method chosen (Integrated or Our Incident Product), the Tier Recommendation Box will house different information.

If Integrated Behavior is used, then the Tier Recommendation box contains

  • Incident Counts

    • total number of incidents; does not separate Major and Minor Incidents

  • Day Mapper

    • collects the frequency of incident occurrences for each day of the week; does not separate Major and Minor Incidents

If Non-integrated Behavior (our RethinkEd Incident Product) is used, then the Tier Recommendation box contains:

Incident Counts

  • Total Incidents

    • count of Major and Minor Incidents combined

  • Total Major Incidents

    • count of only Major Incidents

  • Total Minor Incidents

    • count of only Minor Incidents

Day Mapper

The Day Mapper shows an analysis of Major and Minor incidents (total count and percentage for each)

  • Major Incidents-collects the frequency of incident occurrences for each day of the week a Major Incident occurred

  • Minor Incidents-collects the frequency of incident occurrences for each day of the week a Minor Incident occurred



The graph shows a picture of the number of incidents for each day in bars. The Graph contains a scale along the left side (y-axis) with intervals of 1 incident. The (x-axis) shows labels for each day of the week.

The graph counts/shows all accumulated incidents for the school year, maintaining those which occurred before and after a re-set (“restore”) to Tier 1 may have occurred.

The bars contain a hover feature where if the User hovers/clicks on the bar, it will reveal more detailed information about incidents occurring on that day.

If Integrated Behavior is used, then the hover/click shows the percentage of incidents that occurred on that day

If Non-integrated Behavior (our RethinkEd Incident Product) is used, then graph shows a bar for both Major and Minor incidents occurring on each day.

  • Major incidents is a darker bar

    • Hover/Click reveals the percentage of Major incidents occurring on the selected day

      • Formula: Total number of major incidents on day X / Total number of major incidents for all days

  • Minor incidents is a lighter bar

    • Hover/click reveals the percentage of Minor incidents occurring on the selected day

      • Formula: Total number of minor incidents on day X / Total number of minor incidents for all days



The Chart (located beneath the Graph) contains a history of incidents recorded for the current school year. Incidents are listed as the most recent to the least recent. The default headings are different depending upon the option selected for collecting Behavior Data (Integrated Behavior or Non-integrated Behavior).

Integrated Behavior contains (without any custom fields):

  • Date of Behavior (heading: Date)

  • Day of the week the behavior occurred (heading: Day of Week)

  • Tier Recommendation (heading: Tier Recommendation)

    • Tier Recommendation contains an information icon that when hovered/clicked reveals the settings for calculating the Tiers established by the District Level Admin.

  • Plan Status (heading: Plan)

    • Intervention Plan Statuses possibilities are:

      • T2 (Pre-Planning, In-Progress, Mastered, Archived)

      • T3 (Pre-planning, In-Progress, Mastered, Archived)

      • None; meaning that no Intervention Plan has been created.

Integrated Behavior (with custom fields)

Custom fields are dependent upon the data set provided.

For example if a data set has headings and values for Major and Minor Incidents, it could be included within the chart. However, we would not be able to count the number of occurrences or show Major and Minor incidents within the Tier Recommendation box. This is a growing area for development so stay tuned for more updates.

For example if a data set has headings and values for Major and Minor Incidents, it could be included within the chart. However, we would not be able to count the number of occurrences or show Major and Minor incidents within the Tier Recommendation box. This is a growing area for development so stay tuned for more updates.

Non-integrated Behavior (Our Behavior Incidents Product) contains the same items as above plus:

  • Time (heading: Time)

    • Shows the time the incident was recorded. Taken from the incident report

  • Location (heading: Location)

    • Shows the location selected in the Incident report

  • Incident Type: Description (heading: Incident Type)

    • Shows the incident type selected in the Incident report

  • Major / Minor Tag (no heading, shown next to the value for incident type)

    • Identifies the incident as either Major or Minor based on selection in the incident report

      • If viewing previous years data, Major/Minor may not be included since adding Major/Minor to Incidents was a more recent development

    • Major is a red tag

    • Minor is an orange tag

  • De-escalation Strategy (heading: De-escalation Strategy)

    • Shows the de-escalation strategy selected in the Incident report

  • Line Selection

    • Hovering over a line turns it a darker gray indication selection.

    • If a user clicks on a darker gray line, then they are taken to the incident report for that line item.