We need to create a template for Behavior Plans so that the User can customize the behavior plan form.
User Stories:
As a multi-school district level Administrator, I need to be able to easily adapt a behavior plan template to meet the requirements of my state and ensure that all of my staff is using the same behavior plan.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a multiple school District- Level Administrator with access to MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior plans enabled) AND who is a Role 7 (if multiple account levels exist) and permission to Behavior Support → Add/Edit Templates, I will be able to customize the behavior plan form.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=28854%3A232524
Section 1: Alerts
UI: Design
To edit settings for Alerts, user clicks on Alerts from side navigation.
To select MTSS Interventions for Behavior Plans, user selects MTSS Interventions tab or Manage button from the card.
Business Rules:
Users who are multiple school district-Level Administrators who are a role 7, with access to MTSS Interventions (All Tools or Behavior Plans enabled) and permission to Account Set Up → Data Setting Edit will be able to edit the alert setting for Behavior Plans.
If user selects Alerts from side navigation, then the Alerts page will show.
If a user selects MTSS Interventions Tab or the Manage Button from the card, then the alerts setting for Behavior Plans will show. (See image: Card-Manage Button)