We need a flow showing the impact to behavior tracking and behavior plan when the user makes changes to either of them.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/r0tY7YIDM4WRvKQ95oRS5B/Behavior-Tracking%2FBehavior-Plan?node-id=0-1&t=fXj4AkyJF4AP5Vg9-0 https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=38536-135034&t=0tOxyNRpizN6I1OK-0
From Behavior Tracking
User Story:
As a teacher who is making changes to an Archived Behavior Tracking, I need to understand how my decisions will impact the Behavior Plan that has this behavior in it so that I can manage both effectively.
UI: Archived Behavior Tracking Options
To change an archived behavior tracking, the user clicks on Change status button.
The Change Status pop-up shows.
Select Make Active
To make the behavior tracking Active, user clicks on Make Active from pop-up and the confirmation is shown.
User has same behavior with data type in Active Status
To replace an existing Active Behavior Tracking with an Archived Behavior Tracking, user selects Make Active from pop-up. (See Archived Tracking Pop-up).
Select Delete
To delete the behavior tracking, user clicks on Delete from the pop-up (See image: Pop-up) and is shown the explanation message.
Selecting Delete button, deletes the Behavior Tracking.
Selecting Cancel or X keeps the Behavior Tracking Archived.
If the behavior tracking is the last behavior attached to Behavior Tracking, and the user clicks on Delete from pop up (See image: Pop up), then the following confirmation message is shown.
Acceptance Criteria:
Select Make Active
Given an Archived behavior tracking that is part of a behavior plan is made active, the user can:
Re-attach it to an existing behavior plan (approval process necessary)
Attach it to a new behavior plan (approval process necessary)
Resume behavior tracking without having it attached to a Behavior Plan.
User has same behavior and type in Active status
Given user selects Make Active from Change Status pop-up (See image: Archived Tracking Pop-up) for an Archived behavior tracking that is attached to a behavior plan and they also have a current active behavior tracking with the same behavior and data type, then we will show Existing Behavior / Data Type Pop-up (See image)
Given Confirm is selected, then the archived behavior tracking will replace the active one.
Given Confirm is selected, the active behavior tracking becomes archived.
Given a change is made to the behavior plan, then the behavior plan goes through the approval process.
Select Delete
Given an Archived behavior tracking is part of a behavior plan and is not the last behavior attached to a behavior plan (See image: Not last behavior) is deleted, then
the user can no longer use this behavior tracking
the user cannot reattach it to an existing or new behavior plan.
the behavior plan where it is attached becomes a draft status copy and will need to be approved.
Given an Archived behavior tracking is part of a behavior plan and is the last behavior attached to a behavior plan (See image: Last Behavior), then we will show the Last Behavior Pop-up.
This follows the first two bullet point conditions as above.
the behavior plan where the behavior is attached becomes archived and cannot be reactivated.
User Story:
As a teacher who is making changes to an Active Behavior Tracking, I need to understand how my decisions will impact the Behavior Plan that has this behavior in it so that I can manage both effectively.
UI: Active Behavior Tracking Options
To change the status of an active behavior tracking, the user clicks on Change Status button.
The Change Status pop up shows.
To change the status to Archived, user clicks on Change Status button.
Select Archive
To confirm the change to archived, the user selects Archive.
To confirm the change to archived for the last behavior contained in a behavior, the user selects Archive.
Select Master
If user selects Master from the Change Status Pop up, then we will show the Mastered Confirmation pop-up.
To confirm the change to master the last behavior contained in a Behavior plan, user selects Master.
Acceptance Criteria
Select Archive
Given an Active behavior tracking is part of a behavior plan and is not the last behavior attached to a behavior plan (See image: Not last behavior) is archived, then
the user can reactivate this behavior tracking and resume tracking without re-connecting it to the Behavior Plan
the user can reactivate and then reattach it to a draft copy of an existing behavior plan or a new behavior plan.
Given an Active behavior tracking is part of a behavior plan and is the last behavior attached to a behavior plan (See image: Last Behavior), then we will show the Last Behavior Pop-up.
The behavior plan where the behavior is attached becomes archived and both the behavior tracking and the behavior plan can be reactivated.
Select Master
Given an Active behavior tracking is part of a behavior plan and is not the last behavior attached to a behavior plan (See image: Not last behavior) is mastered, then
the user cannot reactivate this behavior tracking and resume tracking in either Behavior Tracking alone or in combination with a Behavior Plan.
The behavior plan where the behavior tracking is attached becomes a draft copy of an existing behavior plan and will need to go through an approval process.
Given an Active behavior tracking is part of a behavior plan and is the last behavior attached to a behavior plan is Mastered (See image: Last Behavior), then
we will archive the behavior plan and it cannot be reactivated.
Select Delete
Follow same logic for Delete Button as shown in above section.
From Behavior Plan
User Story:
As a teacher who is making changes to an Archived Behavior Plan, I need to understand how my decisions will impact the Behavior Tracking(s) connected to the plan so that I can manage both effectively.
To change the status of the Archived Behavior Plan, user clicks on Change Status button.
Archived Behavior Plan Options with Mastered or Deleted Behavior Tracking
The Change Status Pop-up shows.
To delete the behavior plan, user clicks on Confirm.
To cancel the request and keep the behavior plan archived, user clicks on Cancel or X.
Archived/ Active Behavior Tracking
User selects Change Status from Archived Behavior Plan to Make the Behavior Plan Active.
Given user selects Make Active from the pop-up when they have an archived behavior tracking and they do not change it to Active before selecting Submit for Approval button, they see the error message.
Acceptance Criteria
Because we have to select Edit in the Behavior Plan to make any changes, then we have to go through the approval process again. Selecting Edit from an Active or Archived Behavior Plan should create a draft copy.
Changing Status of Archived Behavior Plan
Archived Behavior Plan Options with Mastered or Deleted Behavior Tracking
Given Change Status button is selected when there are only Mastered Behaviors from Behavior Tracking included, then the Behavior Plan cannot be made active, but can be deleted. (See image: Only Mastered or Deleted Behaviors).
Given Change Status button is selected when all Behaviors from Behavior Tracking have been deleted, then the Behavior Plan cannot be made active, but it can be deleted. (See image: Only Mastered or Deleted Behaviors).
Archived Behavior Plan with Archived or Active Behavior Tracking
Given Change Status button is selected when there are only Archived or Active Behaviors from Behavior Tracking included, then we will show the pop up (See image: Archived or Active Behavior Tracking)
Given user selects Make Active from the pop-up (See image: Archived or Active Behavior Tracking) but they have not made the Archived Behavior Tracking Active when Submit for Approval is selected, then we will show the error message: Please make archived behavior tracking active before submitting for approval. (See image: Make Behavior Tracking Active)
At least one Behavior Tracking must be active in order to submit for approval.
Editing Archived Behavior Plan
User Story:
As a teacher who is making changes to an Archived Behavior Plan, I need to understand how my decisions will impact the Behavior Tracking(s) connected to the plan so that I can manage both effectively.
User clicks on Edit button from Archived Behavior Plan.
User sees Edit Pop-up.
To Edit the Plan and begin the draft process, user clicks Yes.
To return to the Archived Plan, user clicks No.
Acceptance Criteria:
Edit button does not show if all of the behavior trackings attached to the Behavior Plan are Mastered or Deleted.
Edit button does show if any of the behavior trackings attached to the Behavior Plan are either Archived or Active.
Given Edit is selected when a Behavior Plan contains Archived or Active Behavior Tracking(s), then the Status of those Behavior Tracking(s) remains unchanged.
Given Yes is selected from the the Edit Plan pop-up, then we will make a draft copy of the plan that requires approval to be made active.
Given No is selected from the Edit Plan Pop-up, then we show the Archived Behavior Plan.
Editing Behaviors within Behavior Plan-Save for Future Development
User Story
As a educator who is making changes to a behavior plan, I need a way to edit the status of behaviors attached to the behavior plan so that I can ensure the behavior plan continues to support the student as they grow towards meeting their behavior goals.
Multiple Active Behaviors
To edit a behavior within a behavior plan, the user clicks on the X next to the selected behavior.
User selects either Archived, Master or Delete and confirm to change the status of the behavior tracking
Last Active Behavior
To edit the last active behavior, user clicks on their selection from pop-up and Confirm button.
To finalize the behavior plan user selects a status and confirm from the pop-up.
To finalize a behavior plan that has only one behavior plan attached to it when user deleted the behavior tracking, user selects status and confirm from pop-up.
Acceptance Criteria
This applies to behavior plans that are in a draft status (could have been formally active or archived behavior plans) where users are making changes.
Changing the status of behavior tracking attached to a behavior plan requires an approval process before being made active.
The behavior plan must have at least one active behavior to be submitted for approval.
Multiple Active Behaviors
Given this behavior is NOT the last active behavior within the behavior plan and the user selects X next to a behavior, then we will show the Edit Behavior Pop-up. (See image: Multiple Behaviors in Plan)
Selecting Archive and confirm button will archive the behavior tracking.
Selecting Master and confirm button will master the behavior tracking.
Selecting Delete and confirm button will delete the behavior tracking.
Last Active Behavior
Given this behavior is the last active behavior within the behavior plan and the user selects X next to the behavior, then we will show the Edit Behavior Pop-up. (See image: Last Active Behavior in the Plan)
Selecting Archive and confirm button will archive the behavior tracking.
Selecting Master and confirm button will master the behavior tracking.
Selecting Delete and confirm button will delete the behavior tracking.
Given no further active behavior are within the plan and user has selected confirm button for the pop-up (See image: Last Active Behavior in the Plan), then the user sees the Finalize Behavior Plan Pop-up. (See image: Finalize Plan)
Finalize Plan
Given user selects Archive and confirm button, then the behavior plan is archived.
Given user selects Master and confirm button, then the behavior plan is mastered.
Archived Behavior Plans can be made active again if they are returned to a draft status.
Mastered Behavior Plans are final and cannot be made active again.
Finalizing the Behavior Plan does not affect the status(es) of the behavior tracking(s) attached to them.
Behavior Tracking(s) retain their last status at the time the Behavior Plan is finalized and follow the rules for archive, master or delete behavior tracking.
Finalize Plan that contains only one Behavior Tracking Attached to it and is Deleted
Given user has deleted the only behavior tracking attached to the behavior plan, then we will show the Finalize Behavior Plan Pop-up. (See image: Deleted Behavior Tracking).
Selecting Archive and confirm button will archive the behavior plan.
Selecting Delete and confirm button will delete the behavior plan.