What I'm Working On

We need to create a parent-friendly version of the learning plan. This area will show simplified information on the lessons being worked on and a preview of any and all assignments in the student center. The idea is to keep parents informed & provide them with resources, without overwhelming them.



  • On this page, users will see a description reading “Below you’ll find a list of skills we’re currently addressing in class. Click the View button to learn more!”

  • We will show the number of lessons and activities currently assigned to the student

  • If the user clicks the print button, they will open a PDF of the lesson list

  • If the user clicks the home button, they will return to the dashboard.

  • If the user clicks on the student’s name, they may switch to the lesson list for another student (if applicable)

  • If the user clicks on Assignments, they will go to the assignments screen (see next section)

  • Below the description, the user will see a list of lessons and a view button.

  • When the user clicks the View button, they will see a pop-up modal with the lesson details

  • The lesson will show two sections

    • Goal & Objectives

      • By default, this area will be visible

      • Users will see an IEP symbol for any lesson marked as an IEP goal

      • The user will also see the goal and objectives (if applicable)

    • Teach the Lesson

      • If the user clicks on Teach the Lesson, this section will expand and the goal & objectives section will hide

      • Here, the user will see all lesson videos and materials

      • Clicking on a video will show the lesson video

      • Clicking on a PDF will open the PDF document



Business Rules

  • Family Member Users with permission to View Assigned Lessons will see this area if the student has at least 1 lesson on the current learning plan

  • Lessons is the default view when a user clicks on What I’m Working On from the main dashboard. If the student does not have any lessons on the current plan but does have an active assignment in the student center, the user will not see lessons and will instead go straight to assignments (pending permission settings).

  • Any student assigned to the user with at least 1 lesson on the current learning plan or 1 activity/quiz/video/assessment assigned in the student center will show in the student drop-down list

  • Users will see all lessons on the student’s current plan

  • When a user views a lesson, the goal & objectives section will be expanded and the teach section will be collapsed.

  • If no objectives are associated with the lesson, we will only show the goal & will not show a heading for objectives.

  • Any lesson marked as IEP on the current plan will show the IEP symbol

  • Users will not have the ability to remove lessons or make any edits.

  • Lessons will appear in the order in which they were assigned, with the most recently assigned lesson at the top of the list.



  • When the user clicks Assignments, the assignment screen will show.

  • On this page, users will see a description reading “Your child has been assigned the following activities to support their learning. Preview the assignments below by clicking on the View button. Your child will complete these activities by logging into their Student Center.”

  • If the user clicks the print button, they will open a PDF of the assignment list

  • If the user clicks the home button, they will return to the dashboard.

  • If the user clicks on the student’s name, they may switch to the assignment list for another student (if applicable)

  • If the user clicks on Lessons, they will go to the lessons screen (see previous section)

  • Below the description, the user will see a list of assignments and a view button.

  • When the user clicks the View button, they will see a pop-up modal with the assignment details (see below for details on each assignment type).


Business Rules

  • Family Member Users with permission to View Assignments will see this area if the student has at least 1 activity/quiz/video/assessment assigned in the student center

  • Any student assigned to the user with at least 1 lesson on the current learning plan or 1 activity/quiz/video/assessment assigned in the student center will show in the student drop-down list

  • Users will see all activities, videos, assessment, and/or quizzes currently assigned to the student

  • Users will not have the ability to remove assignments or make any edits.

  • Assignments will appear in the order in which they were assigned, with the most recently assigned item at the top of the list.

Abilities Practice Activities


  • When the user clicks View for an abilities activity, they will see a pop-up modal with a demo of the activity as it appears in the student center.

  • We will show a heading of Preview: INSERT NAME OF ACTIVITY

  • We will show a sub-heading of: Feel free to play around with the demo assignment below. Your inputs will not be saved.

  • The user may click through and complete the activity

  • The user will receive the same feedback as the student, but no score will be saved.

  • This will work exactly like the demo activity function for teachers



SEL Quiz


  • When the user clicks View for a SEL quiz, they will see a pop-up modal with a demo of the quiz as it appears in the student center.

  • We will show a heading of Preview: INSERT NAME OF QUIZ

  • We will show a sub-heading of: Feel free to play around with the demo assignment below. Your inputs will not be saved.

  • The user may click through and complete the quiz

  • The user will receive the same feedback as the student, but no score will be saved.



SEL Videos


  • When the user clicks View for a SEL Video, they will see a pop-up modal with the video as it appears in the student center.

  • We will show a heading of Preview: INSERT NAME OF LESSON VIDEO

  • We will show a sub-heading of: Feel free to play around with the demo assignment below.

  • The user may view the entire video



SEL Activities


  • When the user clicks View for a SEL activity, they will see a pop-up modal with a PDF of the activity as it appears in the student center.

  • We will show a heading of Preview: INSERT NAME OF ACTIVITY

  • We will show a sub-heading of: Feel free to play around with the demo assignment below. Your inputs will not be saved.

  • The user may download/print the PDF



SEL Assessment


  • When the user clicks View for a SEL Assessment, they will see a pop-up modal with a demo of the assessment as it appears in the student center.

  • We will show a heading of Preview: SEL Self-Assessment

  • We will show a sub-heading of: Feel free to play around with the demo assignment below. Your inputs will not be saved.

  • The user may click through and complete the assessment

  • No score will be saved.
