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We need to create an area where educators can view completed assignments for their students and provide feedback.

User Story: As a teacher, I want to view worksheets my students completed and provide them with feedback, so I can ensure they are strengthening their SEL skills.

Main Dashboard/Program Tools


  • We will show a block called Manage Assignments on the Program Tools (for is admin roles) or Dashboard (all other roles) page

  • The user will click the Manage button to continue to the next screen


Business Rules

  • If the user belongs to a building that has SEL SEL Profiles OR Mental Health Lesson Profiles allocated AND has access to at least 1 classroom AND has permission to Lesson Library → Assign the Students, this block will show

Manage All Assignments


  • On this screen, the user will see a list of all items that have been assigned and/or completed by students

  • We will show one row for each assignable item

  • We will show a column for:

    • Domain

    • Area

    • Type

    • Grade

    • Tier

    • Last Assigned

    • Have Completed

    • Have Not Completed

  • The user may click the Load More button to load additional assignments

  • If the user clicks the print button,

  • we will print the assignments block as it currently appears

  • If the clicks export,

  • we will export the assignments block based on the current view

  • Admins will also be able to filter the assignments by region and/or building

  • Business Rules

    • We will list all videos, SEL/Mental Health activities, and quizzes where:

      • At least 1 student the user has access to is assigned the item within the date range (meaning, the item shows under due today within the date range) OR

      • At least 1 student the user has access to to has submitted the item within the date range

    • We will not show items that have not been either assigned or completed by students the user is currently assigned has access to

    • Domain will show the lesson domain associated with the item

    • Area will show the lesson area associated with the item. For mental health items, this column will show NA.

    • Type will show either Video, Activity, or Quiz

    • Grade will show the grade associated with the item

    • Tier will show the tier(s) associated with the item

    • Last Assigned will show the most recent date any student assigned to the user currently has access to was assigned the item. If the item has never been assigned, we will show --

    • Have Completed will show the number of students the user is assigned currently has access to who have submitted the item within the date range

    • Have Not Completed will show the number of students the user is assigned currently has access to who are assigned the item but have not submitted the item within the date range


    | Filter by Region


    • Admins will see a filter for Region above the report

    • Clicking on this will produce a list of all regions

    • Clicking on a region will filter the results based on the selected region

    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • Region filter will show for users with a role marked is admin AND have access to more than 1 region

    • We will list all regions the user currently has access to

    • Regions will be listed alphabetically

    • This is a single-select filter

    | Building Filter


    • Admins will see a filter for Building above the report

    • Clicking on this will produce a list of all buildings

    • Clicking on a building will filter the results based on the selected building

    Image Added

    Business Rules

    • Building filter will show for users with a role marked is admin AND have access to more than 1 building

    • We will list all buildings the user currently has access to

    • Buildings will be listed alphabetically

    • This is a single-select filter

    • If the user selected a region, we will only list the buildings associated with that region

    • If the user selects a building and then changes the region, the building filter will reset

    | Search by Keyword


    • If the user clicks the search button, they will be able to type in a keyword and search for an assignment

    Business Rules

    • If the user searches by keyword, we will search across domain name, area name, and lesson name

    | Classroom Filter


    • If the user clicks the classroom filter, they may select a classroom from the list.

    • This selection will filter the data on the screen to reflect assignments for students in the selected classroom.

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    Business Rules

    • The classroom filter will show all classrooms

      • the user is currently has access to AND

      • that have students assigned to at least 1 item or students who have submitted at least 1 item

    • We will list classrooms alphabetically

    • This is a single select filter

    • If the user filters by classroom, we will only show details for assignments for students in the selected classroom

    | Date Filter


    • If the user clicks on the date filter, they will see a variety of pre-set options and a calendar to select a date range.

    • The pre-set options are:

      • Past 7 days

      • Past 30 days

      • Past 90 days

      • Past year

    • If the user clicks on dates on the calendar, they will need to select 2 dates to create a date range.

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    Business Rules

    • If the user filters by date range, we will only show items actively assigned to at least 1 student the user has access to within the date range OR items completed by at least 1 student the user has access to within the date range

    | Empty State


    • If there are no assignments to show, we will show an empty state

    • Clicking on Go to Library will take the user to the Lesson Library

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    Business Rules

    • The empty state will show if no assignments exist based on filter settings and associated rules stated above.