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Students need to be able to view completed quizzes. We also need to improve the UI when the student first completes the quiz.

User Story: As a student, I want to view a quiz I completed, so I can learn more about what I got wrong.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a student who has just completed a quiz, I will see the new review quiz screen.

  • Given I am a student who has previously completed an activitya quiz, when I click view for a completed/submitted quiz from either the Completed this Month or Activities tab, I should see my completed quiz.

  • Given I am a student who is viewing a previously completed quiz, I should see my quiz score on the view completed activity screen.

New Review Quiz Screen


  • When the student first completes a quiz, they will see a new screen prompting them to review their answers

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  • This screen will tell the student how many questions were correct

  • When the student clicks the arrow, they will be taken to the first quiz question.

  • If the student did not answer the question correctly, this screen will show the correct answer and the answer the student selected.

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  • If the student answered the question correctly, they will see a label of correct and the answer the student selected as the correct response.

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  • The student may continue clicking through the quiz questions by using the forward and backwards arrows.

  • The student will click the close button to exit the quiz

Business Rules

  • Students may view completed quizzes, but may not make any edits.

  • If the student answered the question correctly, we will show a label of Correct

  • If the student answered the question incorrectly, we will show a label of Incorrect

View Previously Completed Quiz


  • When the student clicks the View button for a completed quiz the Completed this Month area,

  • They will be taken to the view completed quiz screen.

  • Here the student will see a copy of the completed quiz submitted to the teacher.

  • On this screen, we will show the quiz name, score, and completed dateOn this screen, we will show the quiz name, score, and completed date. They will also see the number of questions they answered correctly.

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  • When the student clicks the arrow, they will be taken to the first quiz question.

  • If the student did not answer the question correctly, this screen will show the correct answer and the answer the student selected.

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  • If the student answered the question correctly, they will see a label of correct and the answer the student selected as the correct response.

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  • The student may continue clicking through the quiz questions by using the forward and backwards arrows.

  • The student will click the close button to exit the quiz

Business Rules

  • Students may view completed quizzes, but may not make any edits.

  • The student will see the most recent score they received for the quiz and the most recent date the quiz was completed

  • If the student answered the question correctly, we will show a label of Correct

  • If the student answered the question incorrectly, we will show a label of Incorrect