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Students need to be able to view completed quizzes. We also need to improve the UI when the student first completes the quiz.

User Story: As a student, I want to view a quiz I completed, so I can learn more about what I got wrong.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a student who has just completed a quiz, I will see the new review quiz screen.

  • Given I am a student who has previously completed a quiz, when I click view for a completed/submitted quiz from either the Completed this Month or Activities tab, I should see my completed quiz.

  • Given I am a student who is viewing a previously completed quiz, I should see my quiz score on the view completed activity screen.


New Review Quiz Screen


  • When the student first completes a quiz, they will see a new screen prompting them to review their answers

  • This screen will tell the student how many questions were correct

  • When the student clicks the arrow, they will be taken to the first quiz question.

  • If the student did not answer the question correctly, this screen will show the correct answer and the answer the student selected.

  • If the student answered the question correctly, they will see a label of correct and the answer the student selected as the correct response.

  • The student may continue clicking through the quiz questions by using the forward and backwards arrows.

  • The student will click the close button to exit the quiz

Business Rules

  • Students may view completed quizzes, but may not make any edits.

  • If the student answered the question correctly, we will show a label of Correct

  • If the student answered the question incorrectly, we will show a label of Incorrect

View Previously Completed Quiz


  • When the student clicks the View button for a completed quiz the Completed this Month area,

  • They will be taken to the view completed quiz screen.

  • On this screen, we will show the quiz name, score, and completed date. They will also see the number of questions they answered correctly.

  • When the student clicks the arrow, they will be taken to the first quiz question.

  • If the student did not answer the question correctly, this screen will show the correct answer and the answer the student selected.

  • If the student answered the question correctly, they will see a label of correct and the answer the student selected as the correct response.

  • The student may continue clicking through the quiz questions by using the forward and backwards arrows.

  • The student will click the close button to exit the quiz

Business Rules

  • Students may view completed quizzes, but may not make any edits.

  • The student will see the most recent score they received for the quiz and the most recent date the quiz was completed

  • If the student answered the question correctly, we will show a label of Correct

  • If the student answered the question incorrectly, we will show a label of Incorrect