LEVEL 1 | Operational Definition | Page | Item # | Matched Lesson | Curriculum Area |
Mand | Emits 2 words, signs or PECS (can use prompts) | 6 | 1 | Making Requests By Giving a Picture Card | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction |
Generalizes 6 mands across 2 people, settings and examples of a reinforcer | 6 | 3 | Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximation | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |
Spontaneously emits mands (no prompts) | 6 | 4 | Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximation | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |
Emits mands without prompts (Except what do you want) | 6 | 2/5 | Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximation | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |
Tact | Tacts People, Objects, Pictures, Body Parts | 6 | 1-3, 5 | Labels Objects, Pictures, People, Body Parts) | Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing, Summarizing |
Spontaneously tacts (no prompts) | 6 | 4 | Labels Objects and Pictures | Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing, Summarizing | |
Listener Responding | Attends to a speaker’s voice by orienting toward the speaker | 7 | 1 | Visually Tracking a Person | Pre-Academic/Attending |
Responds to hearing his own name | 7 | 2 | Makes Eye Contact in Response to Name | Pre-Academic/Attending | |
Looks at, touches, or points to the correct family member, pet or other reinforcer | 7 | 3 | -Identifies objects -Identifies Pictures -Identifies Familiar People | Receptive Language | |
Performs 4 different motor actions without a visual prompt | 7 | 4 | Follows One Step Instructions | Receptive Language | |
Identifies objects and pictures | 7 | 5 | -Identifies objects -Identifies Pictures | Receptive Language | |
Visual Perceptual Skills and Matching to Sample | Visually tracks moving stimuli for 2 seconds | 7 | 1 | Visually Tracking an Object | Pre-Academic/Attending |
Grasps small objects with thumb, index finger and middle finger (pincer grasp) | 7 | 2 | Imitating actions with objects | Motor Skills | |
Visually attends to a toy or book | 7 | 3 | Visually Tracking an Object | Pre-Academic/Attending | |
Places items in a container, stacks blocks, or places rings on a peg | 7 | 4 | -Completes Start to Finish Activities -Imitates Fine Motor Movements | Play and Leisure Motor | |
Matches any identical items | 7 | 5 | -Matches Shapes, Letters, Numbers, Words, Matching Book | Pre-Academic/Matching | |
Independent play | Manipulates and explores objects for 1 minute | 8 | 1 | Doing Activities for Increasing Lengths of time | Play/Leisure |
Shows variation by independently playing with 5 different items | 8 | 2 | Completing Activities with Beginning and End | Play/Leisure | |
Plays with toys in novel environment | 8 | 3 | Program for Generalization in a current play program. |
Independently engages in movement play (swing, dance, rock, jump, climb) | 8 | 4 | Demonstrates Motor Responses Using Equipment | Motor | |
Independently engages in cause-effect play | 8 | 5 | -Doing Activities for Increasing Lengths of Time *Engaging in Pretend Actions | Play/Leisure Play/Leisure | |
Social behavior and Social play | Visually tracks and shows interest in peoples’ movement, including eye contact | 8 | 1 | Visually Tracking a Person | Pre-Academic/Attending |
Indicates he wants to be held or physically played with | 8 | 2 | Using Gestures | Social/Emotional | |
Spontaneously looks at other kids | 8 | 3 | Making Eye Contract to Start an Activity | Social/Emotional | |
Spontaneously engages in parallel play near other kids | 8 | 4 | Initiating Play When Instructed | Social/Emotional | |
Spontaneously follows peers or imitates their motor behavior | 8 | 5 | -Imitating a Peer -Demonstrating New Responses Through Observation | Social/Emotional | |
Motor Imitation | Spontaneously imitates the motor behaviors of others | 9 | 1-5 | -Imitating a Peer -Imitates Gross Motor Movements -Imitates Actions with Objects | Social/Emotional Motor Motor |
Echoic (EESA Subtest) | Scores at least 2 on the EESA subtest | 9 | 1 | -Imitating Sounds -Imitating Sounds and Words -Imitating Actions Paired with a Sound | Pre-Academic/Imitation |
Scores at least 5 on the EESA subtest | 9 | 2 | -Imitating Sounds -Imitating Sounds and Words -Imitating Actions Paired with a Sound | Pre-Academic/Imitation | |
Tacts 6 non-reinforcing items. | 9 | 3 | -Labeling Objects -Labeling Pictures -Labeling Categories | Expressive Language/Labeling Describing and Summarizing | |
Scores at least 15 on the EESA subset. | 9 | 4 | -Imitating Sounds -Imitating Sounds and Words -Modulating Voice Volume | Pre-Academic/Imitation | |
Scores at least 25 on the EESA subtest. | 9 | 5 | -Imitating Sounds -Imitating Sounds and Words -Modulating Voice Volume | Pre-Academic/Imitation | |
Spontaneous Vocal Behavior | Spontaneously emits sounds | 10 | 1 | Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximations | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction |
Spontaneously emits five different sounds | 10 | 2 | Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximations | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |
Spontaneously emits 10 different sounds with varying intonation | 10 | 3 | Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximations | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |
Spontaneously emits different whole word approximations | 10 | 4 | Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximations | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |
Spontaneously vocalizes whole words or phrases with appropriate intonation/rhythm | 10 | 5 | -Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximations -Using a Variety of Statements to Make Requests -Uses Simple Sentences | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |
Level 2 | Operational Definition | Page | Item # | Matched Lesson | Curriculum Area |
Mand | Mands for missing items- no prompts except what do you need? | 11 | 6 | -Makes Requests by Pointing -Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card -Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation -Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device -Asks for Missing Objects | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction |
Mands for others to emit actions needed to enjoy a desired activity (e.g., “open,” “push”) | 11 | 7 | -Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card -Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation -Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |
Emits different mands that contain 2 or more words, not including I want | 11 | 8 | -Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation -Uses a Variety of Statement to Make Requests | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |
Spontaneously emits mands | 11 | 9 | -Makes Requests by Pointing -Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card -Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation -Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device -Uses a Variety of Statement to Make Requests | Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction | |