VBMAPP and Curriculum Guides

VBMAPP and Curriculum Guides

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LEVEL 1Operational DefinitionPageItem #Matched LessonCurriculum Area
MandEmits 2 words, signs or PECS (can use prompts)61Making Requests By Giving a Picture CardExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Generalizes 6 mands across 2 people, settings and examples of a reinforcer63Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits mands (no prompts)64Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Emits mands without prompts (Except what do you want)62/5Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction
TactTacts People, Objects, Pictures, Body Parts61-3, 5Labels Objects, Pictures, People, Body Parts)Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing, Summarizing

Spontaneously tacts (no prompts)64Labels Objects and PicturesExpressive Language/Labeling, Describing, Summarizing
Listener Responding

Attends to a speaker’s voice by orienting toward the speaker

71Visually Tracking a PersonPre-Academic/Attending

Responds to hearing his own name72Makes Eye Contact in Response to NamePre-Academic/Attending

Looks at, touches, or points to the correct family member, pet or other reinforcer73

-Identifies objects

-Identifies Pictures

-Identifies Familiar People

Receptive Language

Performs 4 different motor actions without a visual prompt74Follows One Step InstructionsReceptive Language

Identifies objects and pictures75

-Identifies objects

-Identifies Pictures

Receptive Language
Visual Perceptual Skills and Matching to SampleVisually tracks moving stimuli for 2 seconds71Visually Tracking an ObjectPre-Academic/Attending

Grasps small objects with thumb, index finger and middle finger (pincer grasp)72Imitating actions with objectsMotor Skills

Visually attends to a toy or book73Visually Tracking an ObjectPre-Academic/Attending

Places items in a container, stacks blocks, or places rings on a peg74

-Completes Start to Finish Activities

-Imitates Fine Motor Movements

Play and Leisure


Matches any identical items75-Matches Shapes, Letters, Numbers, Words, Matching BookPre-Academic/Matching
Independent playManipulates and explores objects for 1 minute81Doing Activities for Increasing Lengths of timePlay/Leisure

Shows variation by independently playing with 5 different items82Completing Activities with Beginning and EndPlay/Leisure

Plays with toys in novel environment83Program for Generalization in a current play program.

Independently engages in movement play (swing, dance, rock, jump, climb)84Demonstrates Motor Responses Using EquipmentMotor

Independently engages in cause-effect play85

-Doing Activities for Increasing Lengths of Time

*Engaging in Pretend Actions



Social behavior and Social playVisually tracks and shows interest in peoples’ movement, including eye contact81Visually Tracking a PersonPre-Academic/Attending

Indicates he wants to be held or physically played with82Using GesturesSocial/Emotional

Spontaneously looks at other kids83Making Eye Contract to Start an ActivitySocial/Emotional

Spontaneously engages in parallel play near other kids84Initiating Play When InstructedSocial/Emotional

Spontaneously follows peers or imitates their motor behavior85

-Imitating a Peer

-Demonstrating New Responses Through Observation

Motor ImitationSpontaneously imitates the motor behaviors of others91-5

-Imitating a Peer

-Imitates Gross Motor Movements

-Imitates Actions with Objects




Echoic (EESA Subtest)Scores at least 2 on the EESA subtest91

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Imitating Actions Paired with a Sound


Scores at least 5 on the EESA subtest92

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Imitating Actions Paired with a Sound


Tacts 6 non-reinforcing items.93

-Labeling Objects

-Labeling Pictures

-Labeling Categories

Expressive Language/Labeling

Describing and Summarizing

Scores at least 15 on the EESA subset.94

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Modulating Voice Volume


Scores at least 25 on the EESA subtest.95

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Modulating Voice Volume

Spontaneous Vocal BehaviorSpontaneously emits sounds101Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits five different sounds102Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits 10 different sounds with varying intonation103Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits different whole word approximations104Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously vocalizes whole words or phrases with appropriate intonation/rhythm105

-Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximations

-Using a Variety of Statements to Make Requests

-Uses Simple Sentences

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Level 2Operational DefinitionPageItem #Matched LessonCurriculum Area
MandMands for missing items- no prompts except what do you need?116

-Makes Requests by Pointing

-Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device

-Asks for Missing Objects

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Mands for others to emit actions needed to enjoy a desired activity (e.g., “open,” “push”)117

-Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Emits different mands that contain 2 or more words, not including I want118

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Uses a Variety of Statement to Make Requests

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits mands119

-Makes Requests by Pointing

-Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device

-Uses a Variety of Statement to Make Requests

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Emits mands without prompts (Except what do you want)62/5Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction
TactTacts People, Objects, Pictures, Body Parts61-3, 5Labels Objects, Pictures, People, Body Parts)Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing, Summarizing

Spontaneously tacts (no prompts)64Labels Objects and PicturesExpressive Language/Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing
Listener RespondingAttends to a speaker’s voice by orienting toward the speaker71Visually tracking a PersonPre-Academic/Attending

Responds to hearing his own name72Makes Eye Contact in Response to NamePre-Academic/Attending

Looks at, touches, or points to the correct family member, pet or other reinforcer73

-Identifies objects

-Identifies Pictures

-Identifies Familiar People

Receptive Language

Performs 4 different motor actions without a visual prompt74Follows One Step InstructionsReceptive Language

Identifies objects and pictures75

-Identifies objects

-Identifies Pictures

Receptive Language
Visual Perceptual Skills and Matching to SampleVisually tracks moving stimuli for 2 seconds71Visually Tracking an ObjectPre-Academic/Attending

Grasps small objects with thumb, index finger and middle finger (pincer grasp)72Imitating actions with objectsMotor Skills

Visually attends to a toy or book73Visually Tracking an ObjectPre-Academic/Attending

Places items in a container, stacks blocks, or places rings on a peg74

-Completes Start to Finish Activities

-Imitates Fine Motor Movements

Play and Leisure


Independent playManipulates and explores objects for 1 minute81Doing Activities for Increasing Lengths of timePlay/Leisure

Shows variation by independently playing with 5 different items82Completing Activities with Beginning and EndPlay/Leisure

Plays with toys in novel environment83Program for Generalization in a current play program.

Independently engages in movement play (swing, dance, rock, jump, climb)84Demonstrates Motor Responses Using EquipmentMotor

Independently engages in cause-effect play85

-Doing Activities for Increasing Lengths of Time

-Engaging in Pretend Actions



Social behavior and Social playVisually tracks and shows interest in peoples’ movement, including eye contact81Visually Tracking a PersonPre-Academic/Attending

Indicates he wants to be held or physically played with82Using GesturesSocial/Emotional

Spontaneously looks at other kids83Making Eye Contract to Start and ActivitySocial/Emotional

Spontaneously engages in parallel play near other kids84Initiating Play When InstructedSocial/Emotional

Spontaneously follows peers or imitates their motor behavior85

-Imitating a Peer

-Demonstrating New Responses Through Observation

Motor ImitationSpontaneously imitates the motor behaviors of others91-5

-Imitating a Peer

-Imitates Gross Motor Movements

-Imitates Actions with Objects




Echoic (EESA Subtest)Scores at least 2 on the EESA subtest91

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Imitating Actions Paired with a Sound


Scores at least 5 on the EESA subtest92

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Imitating Actions Paired with a Sound


Tacts 6 non-reinforcing items93

-Labeling Objects

-Labeling Pictures

-Labeling Categories

Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing and Summarizing

Scores at least 15 on the EESA subset94

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Modulating Voice Volume


Scores at least 25 on the EESA subtest95

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Modulating Voice Volume

Spontaneous Vocal BehaviorSpontaneously emits sounds101Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits five different sounds102Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits 10 different sounds with varying intonation10


Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits different whole word approximations104Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously vocalizes whole words or phrases with appropriate intonation/rhythm105

-Making Requests by Using Word or Sound Approximations

-Using a Variety of Statements to Make Requests

-Uses Simple Sentences

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Level 2Operational DefinitionPageItem #Matched LessonCurriculum Area
MandMands for missing items- no prompts except what do you need?116

-Makes Requests by Pointing

-Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device

-Asks for Missing Objects

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Mands for others to emit actions needed to enjoy a desired activity (e.g., “open,” “push”)117

-Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Emits different mands that contain 2 or more words, not including I want118

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Uses a Variety of Statement to Make Requests

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits mands119

-Makes Requests by Pointing

-Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device

-Uses a Variety of Statement to Make Requests

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Emits new mands without specific training1110

-Makes Requests by Pointing

-Makes Requests by Giving a Picture Card

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Makes Requests Using a Voice Output Device

-Uses a Variety of Statement to Make Requests

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction
TactTacts 25 items when asked “what’s that?”116Labels Pictures and ObjectsExpressive Language/ Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing

Generalizes tacts across 3 examples of 50 items, tested or from a list of known generalizations117Labels Pictures and ObjectsExpressive Language/ Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing

Tacts 10 Actions118Labels Verbs in PicturesExpressive Language/Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing

Tacts 50 2 component verb-noun or noun-verb combinations119Describes PicturesExpressive Language/Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing

Tacts a total of 200 nouns and/or Verbs or other parts of speech1110Utilize the Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing Lessons in Expressive LanguageExpressive Language/Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing
Listener RespondingSelects the correct item from a messy array of 6 with objects or pictures126

-Identify Pictures

-Identify Objects

Receptive Language/ Identification

Generalizes listener discriminations in a messy array of 8 with different examples of items.127

-Identify Pictures

-Identify Objects

-Identify Colors

-Identify Shapes

-Identify Body Parts

Receptive Language / Identification

Performs specific motor actions on command128

-Following One Step Instructions

-Demonstrating Verbs

Receptive Language / Instruction Following

Follows two-component noun-verb and/or verb-noun instructions129

-Following Two Step Instructions

-Following Multi-Step Instructions

Receptive Language / Instruction Following

Selects the correct item in a book, picture scene or natural environment when named for items tested or from an accumulated list of known words.1210

-Identify Pictures

-Identify Community Helpers

-Identify Colors Identify Shapes

Receptive Language/ Identification
Visual Perceptual Skills and Matching to SampleMatches identical objects or pictures in a messy array126

-Matching Identical Pictures

-Matching Identical Objects

-Matching Shapes

-Matching Letters


Sorts similar colors and shapes given models127

-Matching Shapes

-Matching Categories

-Matching object to picture


Matches identical objects or pictures in a messy array of 8128

-Matching Identical Pictures

-Matching Identical Objects- Younger and Older


Matches non-identical objects or pictures in a messy array of 10129

-Matching Non-Identical Objects

-Matching Non-Identical Pictures


Matches non-identical objects to pictures or vice versa in a messy array of 101210

-Matching Objects to Pictures

-Matching Non-Identical Objects

-Matching Non-Identical Pictures

Independent PlaySearches for a missing or corresponding toy or part of a set for 5 items or sets136

-Doing Activities for Increased Lengths of Time

-Completes Activities with a Beginning and End

-Naming What is Missing

-Asking for Missing Objects

-Naming What Goes Together



Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing, & Summarizing

Independently demonstrates the use of toys according to their function137

-Doing Activities for Increased Lengths of Time

-Completes Activities with a Beginning and End


Plays with everyday items in creative ways138Engages in Pretend ActionsPlay/Leisure

Independently engages in play on structures and playground equipment139Demonstrates Motor Responses with EquipmentMotor

Assembles toys that have multiple parts1310Completes Activities with a Beginning and EndPlay/Leisure
Social Behavior and Social PlayInitiates a physical interaction with a peer136

-Initiating Joint Attention

-Showing Objects to People

-Requesting from Peer

-Using Gestures


Spontaneously mands to peers137

-Initiating Joint Attention

-Requesting from Peer


Engages in sustained social play with peers without adult prompts or SR+138

-Doing Activities for Increased Lengths of Time

-Plays with Peers

-Takes Turns


Peer Interaction- Inclusion

Spontaneously responds to the mands from peers139

-Responding to a Peer’s Questions and Comments

-Answering a Peer’s Questions

-Requesting from Peer

-Initiating Joint Attention

-Demonstrating New Responses


Interacting with Others

Spontaneously mands to peers to participate in games or play1310

-Initiating Joint Attention

-Requesting from Peer

-Plays with Peers

-Takes Turns

Play/Leisure Peer


Motor ImitationImitates 10 actions that require an object146

-Imitating Actions with Objects

-Imitating Actions with Objects paired with Sound

Motor Skills Pre-Academic/Imitation

Imitates 20 different fine motor actions147Imitates Fine Motor MovementsPre-Academic/Imitation

Imitates 10 different 3 component actions148Imitating Sequences Actions with ObjectsPre-Academic/Imitation

Spontaneously imitates 5 functional skills in the natural environment149

-Imitates Gross Motor Movements

-Imitates Actions with Objects


Imitates any novel motor action modeled by an adult with or without objects1410

-Imitates Gross Motor Movements

-Imitates Fine Motor Movements

-Imitates Actions with Objects

Echoic (EESA Subtest)Scores at least 50 on the EESA subtest

-Imitating Sounds

- Imitating Sounds and Words

-Modulating Voice Volume


Scores at least 60 on the EESA subtest

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Modulating Voice Volume


Scores at least 70 on the EESA subtest

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Modulating Voice Volume


Expressive Language/Speech & Grammar

Scores at least 80 on the EESA subtest

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Modulating Voice Volume


Expressive Language/Speech & Grammar

Scores at least 90 on the EESA subtest

-Imitating Sounds

-Imitating Sounds and Words

-Modulating Voice Volume


Expressive Language/Speech & Grammar

LRFFCSelects 5 different foods or drinks when each is presented in an array of 5 and asked a verbal fill in (e.g., “you eat …”)156Identify object by functionReceptive Language/Identification

Selects the correct item for LRFFC fill in statements of any type157

-Identify by attribute, category, or function

-Identify parts of objects

-Identify by function

Receptive Language/Identification

Select the correct item from an array for verb-noun LRFFC what, which, or who questions.158

-Identify by attribute, category, or function

-Identify Community Helpers

-Identifying Places by Function

-Identifying Objects by Function

-Identifying Parts of Objects

Receptive Language/Identification

Selects an item given different verbal statements about each item (e.g., find an animal, what barks, who can hop?)159

-Identifying Objects by Function

-Identifying Objects by Attribute Identifying Parts of Objects

Receptive Language/Identification

Spontaneous tact the item of LRFFC with a visual array1510

-Labels Parts of Objects

-Labels Functions of Objects

-Labelling Adjectives

Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing
IntraverbalCompletes different fill in the blank phrases156, 8Completes Fill InsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Provides first name when asked, what’s your name?157Answers Social QuestionsExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Answers different “what” questions.159

-Answering General Knowledge Questions

-Answers Questions about a Picture

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Answers “who” and “where” questions1510

-Answering General Knowledge Questions

-Answers Questions about a Picture

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction
Classroom Routines and Group SkillsSits at a group snack or lunch table without negative behavior166

-Keeps Hands Appropriate While Sitting

-Follows Classroom Routines


Group Participation-Inclusion

Puts away personal items, lines up and comes to table with 1 verbal prompt167

-Follows Multistep Instructions

-Following Group Instructions

-Follows Classroom Routines


Following Academic/School Readiness

Group Participation-Inclusion

Transitions between classroom activities with 1 gestural or verbal prompt168

-Follows Multistep Instructions

-Following Group Instructions

-Follows Classroom Routines


Following Academic/School Readiness

Group Participation-Inclusion

Sits in a small group without disruptive behavior or attempting to leave169

-Keeps Hands Appropriate While Sitting

-Follows Classroom Routines


Group Participation-Inclusion

Sits in a small group, attends to teacher and responds to teacher SDs1610

-Raises Hand to Answer Questions

-Visually Tracks a Person

-Follows Classroom Routines

Academic/School Readiness


Group Participation-Inclusion

Linguistic StructureEmits 2 word utterances of any type except echoic168

-All Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing lessons

-Makes Requests by Using a Word or Sound Approximation

-Uses a Variety of Statement to Make Requests

-Using Simple Sentences

-Completes Fill Ins

-Answers Choice Questions

-Answers Questions about an Object, Picture, Topic, Calendar, Seasons, Holidays -Answering Social Questions

Expressive Language

Emits functional prosody (rhythm stress intonation)169Modulating Voice VolumeExpressive Language/Speech and Grammar

Level 3Operational DefinitionPageItem #Matched LessonCurriculum Area
MandSpontaneously mands for different verbal information using a WH question word1711

-Asks “what is that?”

-Asks “who is that?”

-Asks What a Person is Doing

-Asking for and Reporting Information

-Asking for Clarification

-Asking “wh” Questions in Response to Verbal Information

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Politely Mands to stop and undesirable activity, or remove and aversive MO1712Demonstrates AssertivenessPeer Interaction-Inclusion

Mands with 10 different adjectives, prepositions or adverbs (e.g., “my crayon is broken,” “don’t take it out,” “go fast”)1713

-Uses a Variety of Statements to Make Requests

-Uses Simple Sentences

Expressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Gives directions, instructions, or explanations as to how to do something or how to participate in an activity1714Describes How to Do SomethingExpressive/Labeling, Describing, and Summarizing

Mands for others to attend to his own intraverbal behavior (e.g., listen to me, here’s what happened)1715

-Raises Hand to Ask for Help

-Requesting from Peer

Group Participation-Inclusion Social/Emotional
TactTacts color, shape, and function of objects when each object and question is presented in a mixed order (e.g. what color is a refrigerator, what shape is a valentine?)1711

-Labeling Colors

-Labeling Shapes

-Labeling Function of Object

Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing & Summarizing

Tacts Prepositions1712-Labeling PrepositionsExpressive Language/Labeling, Describing & Summarizing

Tacts adjectives and adverbs (Excluding colors and Shapes)1713

-Labeling Adjectives

-Describing similarities and differences.

-Describing Pictures

Expressive Language/ Labeling, Describing & Summarizing

Tacts with complete sentences containing 4 or more words1714Uses Simple SentencesExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Has a tact vocabulary of 1000 words tested or from an accumulated list of known tacts1715

-Labeling objects

-Labeling Pictures

-Labeling Colors

-Labeling Shapes

-Labeling FFC

-Labeling Adjectives

-Labeling Prepositions Describing Pictures

Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing & Summarizing
Listener RespondingSelects items by color and shape1811Identifies Object by Attribute, Function, or CategoryReceptive Language/Identification

Follows instructions involving prepositions1812Places Objects According to PrepositionReceptive Language/Instruction Following

Selects items according to adjectives1813Identifies Object by Attribute, Function, or CategoryReceptive Language/Identification

Follows 3 step directions for 10 different directions1814Following Multi-Step InstructionsReceptive Language/ Instruction Following

Has a total listener repertoire of 1200 words tested or from an accumulated list of known words.1815Identifying Pictures, Colors, Objects, Shapes, Verbs in Pictures, adjectives, LRFFC, Community Helpers, Emotions, Sounds, OppositesReceptive Language/Identification
Visual perceptualSpontaneously matches any part of an arts and crafts activity to another person’s sample1811Doing an Art ProjectPlay and Leisure/Independent Play

Matches Non identical pictures or objects1812Matches Non-Identical Objects and PicturesPre-Academic/Matching

Completes 20 Block Designs, shape puzzles or similar tasks with at least 8 pieces.1813Completing Activities with a Beginning and EndPlay and Leisure

Sorts 5 items from 5 different categories without a model1814

-Sorting Objects and Pictures

-Matching Categories

Receptive Language Pre-Academic/Matching