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Need to create a classroom/group report for behaviors tracked within the classroom.

User Stories:

  • As a classroom teacher who has 25 students, I need a way to see the data types I am using for of each of my students so that I can have a quick overview at my fingertips whenever I need it.

  • As a classroom teacher who is responsible for providing services to students with IEP’s, I need a quick way to determine if the goals and/or objectives we are tracking are part of an IEP goal(s) so that I can remain in compliance.

  • As a classroom teacher who needs to keep students' behavior goals fresh, I need a quick way to see the end date for behavior tracking so that I will know if it may be time to adjust the parameters of behavior goals.

  • As a classroom teacher who needs to make changes to the status of my student(s) behavior tracking, I need a quick way to view, edit and archive behaviors so that I can respond quickly when adjustments are needed.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a User with access to MTSS interventions (all tools) and permission to Behavior Support and Classrooms > View Reports, > Add/Edit Behaviors, > View Classrooms, > Manage Classrooms

  • Given the user selects Behavior Tracking from the tab selection, the Behavior Tracking Report will show with column data for Active Behaviors, Behaviors with Data, Data Points, Objectives Mastered, Goals Mastered, and Behaviors in Progress from Behavior Tracking in Data Express.

  • Given the user selects Create Behavior link or Record Data and the pop-ups show, they will contain an alphabetical list of students in that classroom.

  • Given the user hovers over a number contained under a column heading and a specific student, the hover state shows the specific information for that item collected from Data Express.

  • Given the above statement is true I am a user who hovers over a number in the Active Behaviors column, I will see a list of active behaviors that matches the list of active behaviors in the Student Behavior Tracking area.

  • Given I am a user who selects a particular student from the student column, the screen will show the Student Behavior Tracking screen for that particular student for the active behaviors currently being tracked from Behavior Tracking.


Section 1: Tab Selection and Links


  • To view Classroom report, User enters through Classroom Dashboard and selects Behavior from side panel and Tracking from the top blue tab.

  • User clicks on Behavior Tracking tab to view behavior tracking for classroom students.

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  • To view more details about a student’s active behaviors, user clicks on the arrow next to the Student name.

  • To close the more details expander, the user clicks on the arrow a second time.

  • To view more information about a specific behavior, user clicks on the behavior name.

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  • To close the modal, user clicks on X.

  • To view the Behavior Tracking for the behavior, user clicks on View Tracking.

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Create Behavior Tracking

  • To create behavior tracking for a student, the user clicks on Create Behavior Link.

  • User selects student for Create Behavior from Pop-up.

  • User selects Create button to begin set up for Behavior Tracking.

Record Behavior

  • To record an entry for behavior, User selects Record Behavior.

  • User selects student for record data from Pop-up.

  • User selects Record button to be taken to the behavior tab in Data express for the selected student.

View Selected Student’s Active and Inactive Behavior Tracking

  • User clicks on student name under Student column heading to view individual student’s Behavior Tracking.

Business Rules:

  • Users with access to MTSS interventions (all tools) and permission to Behavior Support and Classrooms > View Reports, > Add/Edit Behaviors, > View Classrooms, > Manage Classrooms will see this screen.

  • If user selects Create Behavior link:

    • Create Behavior pop-up appears.

    • Pop-up contains list of student from the selected classroom listed in alphabetical order.

    • If User selects a student and then clicks on Create button, they go to Select Behavior to Track.

  • If User selects Record Data link:

    • Record data pop-up appears.

    • Pop-up contains list of students from the selected classroom listed in alphabetical order.

    • If user selects a student and then clicks on Record button, they go to Data Express and land on the Behavior Tab for the student selected.

  • If User selects Behavior Tracking from the tab selections, the report contents follow the same rules for classroom reporting as is already established.

  • If User selects the Student Name link, they are taken to Student Behavior Tracking area for that individual student and land on the Active Tab. (see image: Selected Student Name)

Classroom Report Features:

  • Given objectives have been included in behavior tracking and there are no objectives mastered, then a 0 will show under objectives mastered. (See Kicking in Classroom Report).

  • Given objectives have not been included in behavior tracking, then - will show under objectives mastered. (See Teasing in Classroom Report).

  • Given a behavior is selected, we will show the model for that behavior. (See image: Hitting Model).

    • We will show the behavior selected as the heading of the modal.

    • Given a goal has been established from Create Behavior Tracking, the goal will show with user customizations included.

    • Given objectives have been established from Create Behavior Tracking, then all objectives will show with user customizations included.