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Accoutn setttings manage


We need to add settings in Incidents area so that admin can add and modify a list that team members will see in a dropdown in the Student profile and MTSS Student Risk Report area. so that they can tag students that are receiving accomodations and services.

Jen- Does everyone see it in profile area whether they have MTSS or not?

Jen-Optional fields MTSS , Behavior Plans, Vizzle

, other option for teachers? Erin - Is there a scenario where a teacher should be able to add one


tag them in student proflile , Manage on MTSS area and be able to update it ( 2 plces Student profile and MTSS Student Risk repot


User Story

As an admin, I want to be able to add and modify a list of services and accommodations so that


Default list of services and accommodations

Acceptance Criteria

As a role 7 admin or highest admin role for a building with MTSS Interventions, I can add or delete a list of accomodations and services in the account settings.

As a role 4 with MTSS Interventions, I see the list of accomodations and services that the role 7 or highest admin role for district set up in the student profile.

Student Profile

User Story

As team member with a class of students, I want to be able to select from a list of accomodations and services and tag what students are receiving.


Default list of services and accommodations

Acceptance Criteria

As a role 4 w, I see the optional field with a list of accomodations and services in the student profile that the role 7 or highest admin role for district set up.

MTSS Student Risk Report

User Story

As team member with a class of students, I want to be able to select from a list of accomodations and services and tag what students are receiving.


Acceptance Criteria

As a role 4 w, I see the optional field with a list of accomodations and services in the student profile that the role 7 or highest admin role for district set up.