User Story
As a student user taking the SEL Self-Assessment, I want a text-to-speech function so that I can have the questions and answer choices read aloud to me.
Acceptance Criteria
Given an assessment question, when I land on a new question card, the question should be converted into speech and played through the device’s speakers or headphones.
Given an assessment question, when I click on the text-to-speech button, the question should be converted into speech and played through the device’s speakers or headphones.
The text-to-speech function should have a clear and distinct visual indicator, such as an icon or button, to signify its availability and distinguish it from other interface elements.
The text-to-speech button will be hidden and will appear after the first pronunciationlocated in the top right corner of the question card.
The text-to-speech button will read the question aloud to the user.
Given a multiple choice question, when I click on the answer choice, each answer choice should be converted into speech and played clearly.
All questions in the SEL Self-Assessment are multiple choice with the options in this order:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The text-to-speech function should maintain clarity and accurate pronunciation of text, ensuring that it can be easily understood.
The text-to-speech functionality should be available for both the questions and the answer choices throughout the assessment, providing consistent support for the user.