SEL Self-Assessment Text-to-Speech



User Story

As a student user taking the SEL Self-Assessment, I want a text-to-speech function so that I can have the questions and answer choices read aloud to me.


  • The user clicks the SEL assessment to open the assessment.

  • Upon opening the assessment, the student user will have the question read aloud to them if the auto-narrate checkbox is selected in Self-Assessment settings.

  • The user will click the text-to-speech button to have the question read aloud again.

  • The user selects an answer choice and the text is read aloud to them.

    • The text is read aloud to the user each time the user clicks on an answer choice.


  • The user clicks to change the language on the assessment to Spanish.

  • The text is read aloud to the user is Spanish.

  • The user clicks the text-to-speech button to have the question read aloud in Spanish again.

  • The user selects an answer choice and the Spanish text is read aloud to them.

    • The text is read aloud to the user each time the user clicks on an answer choice.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given an assessment question and I have selected the checkbox in Self-Assessment settings for auto-narrate, when I land on a new question card, the question should be converted into speech and played through the device’s speakers or headphones.

  • Given an assessment question, when I click on the text-to-speech button, the question should be converted into speech and played through the device’s speakers or headphones.

  • The text-to-speech function should have a clear and distinct visual indicator, such as an icon or button, to signify its availability and distinguish it from other interface elements.

  • The text-to-speech button will be located in the top right corner of the question card.

    • The text-to-speech button will read the question aloud to the user.

  • Given a multiple choice question, when I click on the answer choice, each answer choice should be converted into speech and played clearly.

  • All questions in the SEL Self-Assessment are multiple choice with the options in this order:

    • Strongly Disagree

    • Disagree

    • Neutral

    • Agree

    • Strongly Agree

  • The text-to-speech function should maintain clarity and accurate pronunciation of text, ensuring that it can be easily understood.

  • The text-to-speech functionality should be available for both the questions and the answer choices throughout the assessment, providing consistent support for the user.

  • The default text-to-speech language will be English to match the default language for the question and answer choices.

  • When I change the language to Spanish, the question will be converted into speech in the Spanish language and played through the device’s speakers or headphones.

    • Given I am a user who wants to listen to the question with Spanish speech again, I will click on the TSS button.

  • Given I am a user who changes the language to English, the question will be converted into speech in the English language and played through the device’s speakers or headphones.

    • Given I am a user who wants to listen to the question with English speech again, I will click on the TSS button.


User Story

As a user, I want to be able to manage the self-assessment voiceover settings so that I can select a preferred text-to-speech voice and choose auto-narrate options.


  • The user opens the Student Center.

  • The user clicks the profile icon and selects Self-Assessment Voiceover Settings.



  • The Self-Assessment Voiceover Settings modal opens.

  • The user can choose to select the checkbox next to “Automatically narrate Self-Assessment”

    • This applies to both English and Spanish languages.

  • The user clicks the Text-to-Speech button (volume icon) to preview the voice.

  • The user selects the preferred voice.

  • The user clicks Save to save changes.

  • The user clicks Cancel to return to the settings before changes were made.



  • The user clicks Spanish to switch the language to Spanish for the voiceover.

  • The user clicks the Text-to-Speech button (volume icon) to preview the voice.

  • The user selects the preferred voice.

  • The user clicks Save to save changes.

  • The user clicks Cancel to return to the settings before changes were made.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with the SEL/SEL Product, I will have access to and see the Self-Assessment Voiceover Settings in the Student Center.

  • Given I am a user who clicks the profile icon in the Student Center and I have the SEL/SEL Product, I will see the Self-Assessment Voiceover Settings selection option in the dropdown.

  • Given I am a user who clicks the Self-Assessment Voiceover Settings, the Self-Assessment Voiceover Settings modal will open.

  • Given I am a user who opens the Self-Assessment Voiceover Settings modal, I will see the checkbox for Automatically narrate self-assessment deselected by default.

  • Given I am a user who selects the checkbox Automatically narrate self-assessment, I will have the question text in the self-assessment automatically read aloud when I land on each new question card.

  • Given I am a user who does not select the checkbox Automatically narrate self-assessment, I will not have the question text in the self-assessment automatically read aloud when I land on each new question card.

  • Given I am a user who wants to preview a voice, I will click on the volume/audio button to listen to the voice preview.

    • The voice preview for each voice option will be: "The time has come,’ the Walrus said, ‘To talk of many things: Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax. Of cabbages and kings"

  • We will have the first voice selected by default for both the English language and Spanish language options.

    • The default voices are:

      • English > Jenny (Female, United States)

      • Spanish > Nuria (Female, Mexico)

  • For each voice option, we will show the default name according to the voice gallery, the gender, and the country. (NAME, GENDER, COUNTRY).

  • Given I am a user who has not opened the Self-Assessment Voiceover Settings modal, the first voice option in both the English and Spanish languages will be selected as the text-to-speech audio for the student self-assessment.

  • Given I am a user who clicks Save button, all changes that were made will be saved.

  • Given I am a user who click Cancel button, the modal will return to the state it was in before changes were made.

  • The Self-Assessment Voiceover Settings will only be applicable to the (SEL) Student Self-Assessment.