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We need a way to see the full history of a student’s Attendance for absence and tardy so that patterns can be detected and appropriate interventions can be put in place.


User Story

As a teacher user, I need to see a full picture of the student’s attendance history so that I can determine patterns and provide the student with appropriate tools and intervention plans to help them develop healthy attendance habits.


  • To view the attendance, user clicks on the attendance tab.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same rules for top section containing the student demographics, Academic Needs, Other Details and the Year Selector drop down explained in Overview.

  • Given Attendance Tab is selected, user sees the attendance totals for the selected year.

User Story

As a teacher or admin user viewing the Attendance tab, I need to see a graphical representation that is easy to understand so that I get a clear understanding of the percentage of absence and tardy and the tier levels of each.

Absent Rate and Tardy Rate Box

  • To view more or view less from the Absent Rate and Tardy Rate box, user clicks on View More and/or View Less.

Hover / Click Bars

  • To view the specific information about absences or tardies for a specific day, user hovers over or clicks on the bar.

  • Absent or Tardy records are updated daily.

  • Mapping (See: Attendance Mapping | Powerschool)

    • Use ATTENDANCE.STUDENT_NUMBER to identify the student

    • Use ATTENDANCE.ATT_DATE in combination with ATTENDANCE ATTENDANCE_STATUS and STUDENTS ENTRYDATE to signal if an absence or tardy occurred.

Absent Rate and Tardy Rate Box:

  • Follow same rules as shown in Behavior | Student View for contents of Absent Rate, Tardy Rate, Tier designation, View More and View Less. (See Incident Rate Box in Acceptance Criteria on Behavior | Student View)

Hover / Click Bars

  • Given a bar is clicked on or hovered over, we will show the number of days the student has been absent or tardy. (See image: Hover/Click)

  • Given an attendance bar is hovered or clicked over, we will show the message: Total Days Absent: [number of days].

  • Given a tardy bar is hovered or clicked over, we will show the message: Total Days Tardy: [number of days].

User Story:

As a teacher or admin user, I need to see the list showing the specific dates of absence and tardies so that I identify patterns in attendance.


  • To view the chart for Absences, User clicks on the drop box and makes a selection or just views the default.

  • To view the chart for Tardies, User clicks on the drop box and selects Tardies.

Acceptance Criteria

Drop Down

  • The drop down contains:

    • Absences

    • Tardies

  • The default selection is Absences.

  • Given Absences is selected from the drop down, we will show the lists of Absences. (See image: Absences Selected)

  • Given Tardies is selected from the drop down, we will show the list of Tardies. (See image: Tardies Selected)

  • We will list the absences and tardies from the most recent to the least recent.

Account Settings

  • We will show a column Absences Tier and include the Tier assignment as specified in Account Settings. (See image: Absence Selected for Absence Tier column name.)

  • We will show a column Tardy Tier and include the Tier assignment as specified in Account Settings. (See image: Tardies Selected for Tardy Tier column name.)

  • We will show an ongoing Absent Rate and the Tardy rate calculation for each absences and tardy recorded as specified in Account Settings.

At Risk Students

User Story

As a teacher or admin, I need to know when a student’s attendance (Absences and/or Tardies) are increasing to a level that would require additional support so that I will know when it is time to research why the student is missing school.


Image Added
  • User sees the At Risk indicator when conditions are met for Absences and/ or Tardies.

Acceptance Criteria

At Risk Indicator

  • Given a student is within 2% of the maximum range for Tier 1 or Tier 2 (with standard rounding rules applied), then we will show an At Risk Indicator.

  • See: Attendance | Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report for Tiers and the percentage ranges for each tier.

  • See: Attendance Mapping | Powerschool for fields and calculations.

    • Fields include:





How Risk Indicators work for Attendance (Absences and Tardies): Rounding Rules

  • Absences and Tardies work the same way.

  • Use image: Attendance Settings as example (See left).

    • Given the absences calculation is below 7.5%, then we will NOT show an At Risk Indicator.

    • Given the absences calculation reaches 7.5%, then the Tier 2 At Risk indicator will show.

    • Given the absences calculation is between 7.5% and 9.49%, then the Tier 2 At Risk Indicator remains.

    • Given the absence calculation reaches 9.5%, then we will show the student as Tier 2. The Tier 2 At Risk Indicator would be removed.

    • Given the absences calculation reaches 12.5%, then the Tier 3 At Risk Indicator will show.

    • Given the absences calculation is between 12.5% and 14.49%, then the Tier 3 At Risk Indicator remains.

    • Given the absences calculation reaches 14.5%, then we will show the student as Tier 3. The Tier 3 At Risk Indicator would be removed.