Behavior | Student View | MTSS Dashboard Report

We need to see the overall picture of a student’s behavior history so that appropriate interventions can be created and monitored to support the student. There may be differences to the contents of the graphs/charts beneath the graphs when users have our products vs. integrating data from elsewhere.



Using Powerschool-Graph

User Story

As a teacher user, I need to see a full picture of the student’s history of behavior incidents so that I can provide the student with appropriate tools and intervention plans to help them reach their potential in this area.


  • To view the number and frequency of incident reports, user clicks on Behavior Tab.

(PowerSchool Integration)



Total Incidents Box

  • The box shows the Tier Recommendation, Total Incident number, and the frequency number of incidents for each day of the week



Graph Features

  • To view the specifics for each of the days with incidents, user clicks on or hovers over the bar for the day.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same rules for top section containing the student demographics, Academic Needs, Other Details and the Year Selector drop down explained in Overview.

Powerschool Integration

  • Given the account has integrated Powerschool for incidents, then we will use Powerschool data to determine Tier Levels, show Tier Notices, and provide Approaching and At risk icons that follows the settings the user provided.

  • Mapping (See Behavior Mapping | Powerschool)

    • Use INCIDENT Student_ID to identify student

    • Use INCIDENT Date to identify the date the incident was recorded

  • We will count the number of incidents to determine the Tier Level. (See: Behavior | Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report).

Total Incidents Box

  • We will show the total incidents and the corresponding Tier Level within the box to the right of the graph as the default view. (See image: Right of graph)

    • The tier level settings is determined in Behavior | Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report.

    • Updates to the number of incidents is calculated daily. (See Behavior Calculation Rules in Behavior Mapping | Powerschool)

    • Given the number of incidents is within the Tier 1 limits in account settings, then the color inside the box will be white.

    • Given the number of incidents is within the Tier 2 range in account settings, then the color inside the box will be orange.

    • Given the number of incidents is within the Tier 3 range in account settings, then the color inside the box will be pink. (Example shown)

  • The box shows the frequency totals of each day of the week.

    • The incident frequency mini-chart shows the total number of incidents that occurred on each day of the week and is updated daily for the entire current school year.

Graph Features

  • Given user hovers or clicks on a day of the week where there are no incidents, we will show the hover state that reads: 0% of incidents occurred on [Day of Week]. (See image: Hover/Click look at Tuesday)

  • Given user hovers or clicks on a day of the week where incident(s) have been recorded, we will show a percentage of the total incidents that were recorded on that day. (See image: Hover/Click)

    • Percentages are calculated by taking the total number of incidents that occurred on a specified day and dividing it by the total number of incidents.

      • Example from Monday: 2 divided by 14= 14.2%.


Using Powerschool-Chart below

User Story

As a teacher or admin user, I need to see a list of the incidents so that I can see that date, day of the week and if there is an intervention plan in place for the student.

As a teacher or admin user, I need to be able to view an intervention plan so that I can evaluate if the criteria set within the intervention plan is still appropriate for the student.



  • User with PowerSchool Integration views this behavior table chart


Viewing the Intervention Plan

  • To view an intervention plan, user clicks on the Intervention plan button for the date the incident occurred.




Acceptance Criteria

  • We will list the incidents by date beginning with most recent at the top and the remaining listed from most recent to least recent.

  • Given there are more than 10 we will show pagination.

  • Given an intervention plan is in place at the date/time the incident was in place, then we will show the intervention plan button.

  • Given user clicks on the intervention plan button, we take the user to the intervention plan.

    • Intervention plan buttons can repeat. (See image: Same Plan)

    • Example: Given an incident occurs on 10/4/23 and also on 10/11/23 while the same intervention plan is In-Progress, clicking on either one will take the user to the same intervention plan. (See image: Intervention Plan)

  • See also section: Return Student to Tier 1 (Below)

  • See also section: Tier Notices

  • See below section: Quarter Selection.

  • See Section: Intervention Plan Buttons


Using RethinkEd -Graph

User Story

As a teacher user, I need to see a full picture of the student’s history of behavior incidents so that I can provide the student with appropriate tools and intervention plans to help them reach their potential in this area.


  • To view the number and frequency of incident reports, user clicks on Behavior Tab.



Total Incidents Box

  • The box shows the Tier Recommendation, Total Incident number, and the frequency number of incidents for each day of the week


Graph Features

  • To view the specifics for each of the days with incidents, user clicks on or hovers over the bar for the day.


Acceptance Criteria

  • We will count only Incidents reports that are in the Approved Status.

  • Follow same rules for top section containing the student demographics, Academic Needs, Other Details and the Year Selector drop down explained in Overview.

  • Total Incidents Box

    • We will show the total incidents and the corresponding Tier Level within the box to the right of the graph as the default view. (See image: Right of graph)

      • The tier level settings is determined in Behavior | Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report.

      • Updates to the number of incidents is calculated daily.

      • Given the number of incidents is within the Tier 1 limits in account settings, then the color inside the box will be white.

      • Given the number of incidents is within the Tier 2 range in account settings, then the color inside the box will be orange.

      • Given the number of incidents is within the Tier 3 range in account settings, then the color inside the box will be pink.

    • The box shows the frequency totals of each day of the week.

      • The incident frequency mini-chart shows the total number of incidents that occurred on each day of the week for major and minor incidents and is updated daily for the entire current school year.

      • Major Incidents Percentage

        • Calculate the Major Incidents Percentage by adding all of the Major incidents for the numerator and adding all of the incidents both major and minor as the denominator and dividing.

        • Example: 1 / 10 = 10% (See image: Incident Frequency. Look at Major incident percentage.

  • Minor Incidents Percentage

    • Calculate the Minor Incidents Percentage by adding all of the Minor incidents for the numerator and adding all of the incidents both major and minor as the denominator and dividing.

    • Example: 9/10 = 90% (See image: Incident Frequency. Look at Minor incident percentage.

Graph Features

  • Given user hovers or clicks on a day of the week where there are no incidents, we will show the hover state that reads: 0% of Major or Minor incidents occurred on [Day of Week]. (See image: Hover/Click look at Wednesday)

Major Incidents

  • Given user hovers or clicks on a day of the week where Major incident(s) have been recorded, we will show the number of Major incidents and the percentage of major incidents that were recorded on that day. (See image: Major/Minor Hover Click)

    • Percentages are calculated by taking the total number of Major incidents that occurred on a specified day and dividing it by the total number of Major incidents.

      • Example from Monday: 1 divided by 1= 100%.

Minor Incidents

  • Given user hovers or clicks on a day of the week where Major incident(s) have been recorded, we will show the number of Minor incidents and the percentage of Minor incidents that were recorded on that day. (See image: Major/Minor Hover Click)

    • Percentages are calculated by taking the total number of Minor incidents that occurred on a specified day and dividing it by the total number of Minor incidents.

      • Example from Tuesday: 6 divided by 10= 60%.


Using RethinkEd-Chart Below

User Story

As a teacher or admin user, I need to see a list of the incidents for each specific student so that I can see that dates each incident was recorded.


Viewing an Incident Report



  • To view a particular incident report, user scrolls over to highlight the row and then clicks on the row.

Viewing an intervention plan

  • To view an intervention plan, user clicks on the intervention plan button.



Acceptance Criteria

  • We will count only Incidents reports that are in the Approved Status.

  • We will list the incidents by date beginning with most recent at the top and the remaining listed from most recent to least recent.

  • Given there are more than 10 we will show pagination.

  • Given there is a major incident, it will be marked with a red “MAJOR” icon

  • Given there are multiple incidents in an incident report, each incident type will be shown in a separate row.

Viewing an Incident Report

  • Given user hovers over and then clicks on a row, then they will be taken to view the incident report. (See image: Click to View Incident Report)

    • This functionality also applies to Powerschool shown above.

Viewing an intervention plan

  • Given user clicks on the Intervention plan button, they are taken to the intervention plan. (See image: Intervention Plan Button.)

  • Intervention plan buttons can repeat. (See image: Intervention Plan Button)

    • In this example clicking on either of the intervention plan buttons takes user to view the same intervention plan.

    • See section: Intervention Plan Button



Tier Notices

User Story:

  • As an admin or teacher user who is investigating a student’s incident(s), I need to be alerted when the number of incidents has reached a Tier 2 or Tier 3 Level so that I can make sure we are considering the student’s intervention needs.






Acceptance Criteria:

  • Tier Notices are only present for the current school year: they are not shown for school years in the past.

  • Tier Notices are for both integrated accounts (Powerschool) and also RethinkEd Accounts.

  • Tier Level Notifications occur when the number of incidents reaches the criteria for Tier 2 and Tier 3 as specified in Behavior | Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report.

  • Tier Notices are shown when there is no intervention plan in place. (Plan Statuses: Pre-Planning or In-progress)

    • Given there is an intervention plan in the statuses of Archived or Mastered at the time the student’s incident number reaches the next tier (Tier 2 and/or Tier 3), then we will send a Tier Notice. ---Talk about this.

    • Given there has been no intervention plan in place from the start of the school year to the time the Tier notice has been triggered, then the Plan heading in the chart shows: None.

  • Given the user selects Take Action from the Tier Notice, then then are taken to Create Intervention Plan with the Behavior Tab showing.

  • Given Take Action button is not selected, then the Tier Notice remains until:

    • a Tier 3 Notice has been triggered and replaces it.

    • the student is returned to Tier 1 after 9 weeks without any incidents has passed. (See section: Returning Students to Tier 1)


At Risk Indicators

User Story:

  • As an admin or teacher who is concerned about a student(s) moving to a more intensive tier, I need to know when the student is getting close to the tier cut off so that I can intervene beforehand.


  • Use default settings for Integrated and Rethink Ed Accounts to see top of the range for incidents.

  • Explain the next image here.



Acceptance Criteria:

Integrated Accounts (Powerschool) - See image: Integrated Account

  • Given the number of incidents has reached 1, then the Tier 1 At Risk Indicator will show.

  • Given the number of incidents has reached 5, then the Tier 2 At Risk Indicator will show.

Rethink Ed Account-See image: Settings

  • Given the number of major incidents has reached 1 OR the number of minor incidents has reached 3, then the Tier 1 At Risk Indicator will show.

  • Given the number of major incidents has reached 5 OR the number of minor incidents has reached 10, then the Tier 2 At Risk Indicator will show.



Intervention Buttons

User Story

As an admin or teacher user who is considering creating a new intervention plan, I need to view current and past intervention plans so that I can assess the effectiveness of past supports to help me determine the best course of action moving forward.


  • To view an intervention plan, the user clicks on the Intervention Plan button and is taken to view the intervention plan.

  • The user will see the T2 Plan Pre-Planning button for a tier 2 plan in pre-planning


  • The user will see the T2 Plan - In Progress button for a tier 2 plan in progress

  • The user will see the T2 Plan - Archived button for a tier 2 plan that is archived

  • The user will see the T2 Plan - Mastered button for a tier 2 plan that is mastered

  • The user will see the T3 Plan Pre-Planning button for a tier 3 plan in pre-planning

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - In Progress button for a tier 3 plan in progress

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - Archived button for a tier 3 plan that is archived

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - Mastered button for a tier 3 plan that is mastered


Acceptance Criteria

  • Intervention Buttons are included on Star Early Literacy (SEL), Star Reading, Star Math, Behavior, SEL.

  • Given user has clicked on an intervention plan button, they will be taken to view the intervention plan.

  • 8 Tier Button variations include:

    • T2 Plan Pre-Planning (yellow)

    • T2 Plan In Progress (yellow)

    • T2 Plan Archived (yellow)

    • T2 Plan Mastered (green)

    • T3 Plan-Pre Planning (red)

    • T3 Plan In -Progress (red)

    • T3 Plan -Archived (red)

    • T3 Plan- Mastered (green)

  • A plan that has the status of In Progress will be the priority to show to the user

  • Given the there is a Plan in Pre-Planning and a Plan In Progress for the student, we will show the In-Progress Plan button for the specified tier level.

  • Given a student has the same intervention plan in the same status (Pre Planning, In Progress, Mastered, Archived) that extends into another testing window, then we show the same button twice-once in the previous testing season and once in the current testing season.

    • Given the user changes the status of the plan within the current testing season, we will update the button to reflect the change thus showing only one button with the most current updated status.

  • Given there is no intervention plan in place when an assessment is integrated and a user creates an intervention plan before the next assessment is integrated, the plan created will show in the Plan column even if it was after the dates.

    • The intervention plan will show in two rows if no other intervention plan is created when the next assessment is integrated.

  • The appearance and updates of the Intervention Plan Tier Buttons follows the dates included in the intervention plan and the dates in the Define School Year settings.

    • We only show one Intervention Plan Tier Button

    • If there is an update to the intervention plan, the intervention plan button is updated (T2 Pre-planning can be replaced with T2 In-Progress) for changes made during the specific date ranges.

      • Given the date range/time period has passed, then the button in shown in it’s final variation for that time period.

      • Only one Intervention Plan Tier button will be shown at a time for each given subject area.

  • Given there are multiple plans in different statuses, the most recent Intervention Plan will be shown according to the date.

    • If there is an Archived plan and a user begins a new plan that is in Pre-Planning, the Pre-Planning Intervention Plan will be shown instead on the table.

    • If there is an In-Progress Plan, this plan will be shown by default.


User Story

As a teacher or admin user who is documenting students growth in managing their behavior, I need to see the results of a reset to Tier 1.

Returning Student to Tier 1--Still working on this


  • To find out more about returning to Tier 1, user clicks on the row to see the dialog box.

  • To close the dialog box, user clicks on Close.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given a student has not received any incident reports in a given time period that is set in Behavior | Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report, then we will show the date the student has been reset to Tier 1 in the chart. (See image: Returned to Tier 1)


Quarter Selection - Not implementing at this time

User Story:

As an admin or teacher who is viewing a specific student’s cumulative incidents for this school year, I need to see the breakdown for each of the preceding time periods so that I will know if the student is improving.


Integrated Account (Powerschool)

  • User sees the default selection.

How it works: Selecting a time period.

  • To select a specific time period, user clicks on the Year drop down.

Rethink Ed Account

  • To view incident specific to a Quarter, User clicks on Year drop down and selects the quarter.


Acceptance Criteria:

Contents of School Year Drop Down:

  • School Year Drop Down is for both integrated (powerschool) and non-integrated accounts.

  • Future Development: We expect that preceding years will be added to the drop down in the future. (See image: Default School Year Drop Down. Look for box containing 2021-2022.)

  • Settings determine what the time periods and the corresponding dates will include. (See: Define School Year Settings.)

    • Default time period is Quarters.

    • Given highest level admin has selected a different time period (Semesters, Seasons, Trimesters, Grading Period, Quarters, etc), then the drop down will reflect those specifications.

How it works: Contents

  • The default selection is the entire school year.

    • Given the default year is selected, all quarters within that year that have passed/current will show with the blue checkmark. (See image: Default School Year Drop Down. Look for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 checked in blue.)

  • Selection criteria that is dark print is available to user.

  • Selection criteria that is in light print is not available to the user until the date for the time period has occurred. (See: Define School Year Settings.)

    • Given the entire school year has not yet passed, we will show the upcoming quarters lighter. (Look for Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 in image: Default School Year Drop Down).

    • Given the the entire school year has not yet passed, we will show the Quarters darker. (Look for Quarter 1 in image: Default School Year Drop Down).

    • Given a quarter has begun but is not yet completed, then we will show it darker. (Let’s assume the date is within the range of Quarter 2 in this example.)

  • Given the user has NOT changed the the default setting, then they will see a cumulative count of all the incidents from the first day of school up to the current date.

How it works: Selecting a time period

  • At this time user can only select one time period to view. (See image: Quarter 2 Selected)

  • Given user has selected a specific time period to view, then we will show only incident information that occurred during that time period. (See: Define School Year Settings.)

    • Given a specific quarter is selected, then we show a view of the entire selected time period on the last day of that quarter.

      • Notice arrows showing the differences between slides. (See image: Quarter 2 Differences)

      • We show the heading of the graph as: Quarter 2 Behavior

      • We show the heading in the Total Incident Box as: Quarter 2 Incidents

      • We show the selection in the year drop down as: Quarter 2.

      • The contents of the Total Incident Box are what happened during just Quarter 2. (Notice the difference between the images: Quarter 2 Differences and Default School Year Drop Down.)

      • The contents of the graph are what happened during just Quarter 2.

      • The chart below also will include only incidents that happened during the time period selected.

  • Given user is viewing a quarter in the past and there is a Tier Notice, the tier notice will show lighter and not be active.

    • Viewing past quarters is static.

Rethink Ed Account

  • RethinkEd Accounts have the same functionality for selecting time periods.

    • See image: Empty State Quarter 1.


Feedback Requests

User story

As a teacher or admin user I need to understand what the term “Tier Recommendation” means so that I will be able to analyze the student data more effectively.


Tier Recommendation (Without RethinkEd Incidents)

  • To view the Tier Recommendation information, the user clicks on the information icon next to Tier Recommendation.

  • To remove the Tier Recommendation information, the user clicks on the close button inside the modal.


Tier Recommendations (with RethinkEd)

  • To view the Tier Recommendation information, the user clicks on the information icon next to Tier Recommendation.

  • To remove the Tier Recommendation information, the user clicks on the close button inside the modal.





Acceptance Criteria

Tier Recommendation (Without Rethink)

  • Tier Recommendation comes from Behavior | Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report

  • Given the settings for Behavior cut scores have been left in the default, then the Tier Recommendation will read:

    • Tier Recommendations are set by your District and are based on the number of incidents. Tier 1: 0 to 1 incidents, Tier 2: 2-5 incidents, 6 or more incidents.

  • Given the settings for behavior cut scores have been edited, then we will include the selections made by the user on the modal.

  • Tier settings apply for one year.

    • Given the use DID NOT select the same Tiers in previous or subsequent school years, then we will apply their selections to the school year for which they were selected in the Modal for Tier Recommendations.


Tier Recommendation (With Rethink)

  • Tier Recommendation comes from Behavior | Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report

  • Given the settings for Behavior cut scores have been left in the default, then the Tier Recommendation will read:

    • Tier Recommendations are set by your District and are based on the number of incidents. Tier 1: 0 to 1 Major or 0-3 Minor, Tier 2: 2-5 Major or 4-10 Minor Tier 3: 6 or more Major or 11 or more Minor.

  • Given the settings for behavior cut scores have been edited, then we will include the selections made by the user on the modal.

  • Tier settings apply for one year.

    • Given the use DID NOT select the same Tiers in previous or subsequent school years, then we will apply their selections to the school year for which they were selected in the Modal for Tier Recommendations.