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The ELA / Math Modal allows User to enter integration metadata, define benchmark criteria for percentile rank / raw score, and complete field mapping for required / custom fields.


Azure devops macro

UI Description: Add New Integration

  1. Subject dropdown:

    • Contains alphabetical list: Attendance, Behavior, ELA, Math.

  2. Company dropdown:

    • Company dropdown is a smart search containing an alphabetical ordered list of all companies that have at least one integration for the selected subject

    • Search results are optimized to appear within 2 seconds under normal load conditions.

    • Company drop down contains a field for text enter custom entry

    • Custom additions become part of the alphabetical ordered list

  3. Assessment Name:

    • Required text entry field with no character limitations

  4. Description:

    • Optional text entry field with no character limit.

User Interaction and Validation Notes: Add New Integration

  1. Subject dropdown:

    • Subject drop down is single select, required field

    • User select ELA to add a new English Language Arts integration

    • User selects Math to enter a new Math integration

  2. Company dropdown

    • Users can refine the companies displayed by typing in the search bar or selecting options from dropdown filters.

    • The search function should validate input and return relevant results.

    • Users select Custom and text enter a new Company

  3. Assessment Name:

    • Users can click inside of field and text enters name of assessment

  4. Description:

    • Clicking inside the field makes it active.

User Interaction and Validation Notes: Integration Settings Benchmark Tab

  1. Benchmark Tab

    • Subject drop down is single select, required field

    • User select ELA to add a new English Language Arts integration

    • User selects Math to enter a new Math integration

UI Description: Integration Settings Benchmark Tab

  1. Benchmark Tab

    • Quantity field dropdown contains: 3, 4, 5, 6

      • 3 is the default

      • The default shows three lines containing: Benchmark label, Percentile Range and Tier Mapping

    • Scoring type options: Percentile Range, Raw Score

    • Percentile Range is the default

    • Benchmark label is optional

    • If Percentile range is selected in scoring type, then Percentile Range is the heading

      • Default percentile ranges are determine by an equal division from 1100% to 0% for the number selected in the Quantity field

      • Tier 1 has a locked maximum value of 100%

      • Tier 3 has a locked minimum value of 0%

    • If Raw Score is select in scoring type, then user must enter a value for minimum score (Min Score) and maximum score (Max Score)

      • Default Score ranges are determined by an equal division from Min Score value to Max Score value for the number selected in Quantity field

      • Tier 1 has a locked maximum value that matches the value entered for Max Score

      • Tier 3 has a locked minimum value that matches the value entered for Min Score

User Interaction and Validation Notes: Integration Settings Field Mapping Tab

  1. Field Mapping Tab

    • Company dropdown is a smart search containing an alphabetical ordered list of all companies that have at least one integration for the selected subject

    • Search results are optimized to appear within 2 seconds under normal load conditions.

    • Company drop down contains a field for text enter custom entry

    • Custom additions become part of the alphabetical ordered list

  1. Field Mapping Tab

    • Users can refine the companies displayed by typing in the search bar or selecting options from dropdown filters.

    • The search function should validate input and return relevant results.

    • Users select Custom and text enter a new Company

Workflow Description

  1. Resource Management:

    • Users enter the Resources tab to manage curriculum content, accessing a comprehensive list of resources.

  2. Searching and Filtering:

    • To locate specific resources, users utilize the search functionality and apply filters based on type, language, and status.

  3. Adding Resource:

    • When adding a new resource, the user clicks "Add Resource" to launch the resource builder tool and input new resource details.

  4. Saving and Organizing Resources:

    • After creating a resource, the user saves it, and it's automatically integrated into the curriculum with the designated status tag.