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The ELA / Math Modal allows User to enter integration metadata, define benchmark criteria for percentile rank / raw score, and complete field mapping for required / custom fields.


UI Description: Integration Settings

  1. Benchmark Tab

    • Quantity fielddropdown contains: 3, 4, 5, 6

      • 3 is the default

      • The default shows three lines containing: Benchmark label, Percentile Range and Tier Mapping

    • Scoring type options: Percentile Range, Raw Score

    • Percentile Range is the default

    • Benchmark label is optional select from dropdown or text entry

    • Scoring Type: If Percentile range is selected in scoring type, then Percentile Range is the heading

      • Tier 1 has a locked maximum value of 100%

      • Tier 3 has a locked minimum value of 0%

    • Scoring Type: If Raw Score is select in scoring typeselected, then user must enter a value for minimum score (Min Score) and maximum score (Max Score)

      • Default Score ranges are determined by an equal division from Min Score value to Max Score value for the number selected in Quantity field

      • Tier 1 has a locked maximum value that matches the value entered for Max Score

      • Tier 3 has a locked minimum value that matches the value entered for Min Score

  2. Field Mapping Tab

    • Upload Sample Template button upload the heading of the data set selected and prefills the Select field drop down with those headings

    • Required Fields: If Percentile Range is selected from Scoring Type, then the required fields are: StudentID, CompletionDate, PercentileRank, ScaledScore

    • Required Fields: If Raw Score is selected from Scoring Type, then the required fields are: StudentId, CompletionDate, RawScore,

    • Show Tooltip is optional : Optional checkbox with default as unchecked

      • Clicking checkbox for Show Tooltip opens a text box

      • User text enters Tooltip contents

    • Select Field dropdown : Dropdown contains the headings from Unload Sample Template

      • User clicks on Select field dropdown arrow and makes a selection

    • Add Note: Clicking Add note opens an optional text enter box

      • User types note and selects Save to have note appear

      • Users can remove note by clicking Cancel

    • Clicking Add custom Custom Field opens : Opens an additional line to Custom enter the Field, optional text entry field description, Show Tooltips checkbox, Select field dropdown, and Add Note.

    • Save button saves : Saves all work completed

    • Cancel removes button: Removes all work completed and restores to the default for all fields


User Interaction and Validation Notes: Integration Settings

  • Benchmark Tab

    • Quantity Field: single select, required

    • Scoring Type: single select, required

    • Benchmark label: Smart select or custom enter with 30 character limit; optional

      • Dropdown contents listed in alphabetical order: At/Above, Avg, HiAvg, High, Intervention, LoAvg, Low, On Watch, Urgent, Other

      • As additional custom entries are made we add them to the list in alphabetical order

      • Always maintain an 'Other” option as the last on the list

    • Scoring Type: Percentile Range

      • If user edits Quantity Field (4, 5, 6), then additional lines are created.

      • If user edits Quantity Field (4, 5, 6), then percentile ranges are determine by an equal division from 100% to 0% for the number selected in the Quantity field

      • If user edits Quantity Field (4, 5, 6), then Tier Mapping locks the top most line as Tier 1 and the bottom most line as Tier 3.

      • The top most line contains the locked maximum value as 100%

      • The bottom most line contains the locked minimum value as 0%

      • Score ranges assigned to the Tiers are mutually exclusive and all inclusive

      • Tiers are shown in this order from top to bottom: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3.

      • There must be at least one of each for Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3

      • The Percentile Ranges contain the highest values for the top-most line ( Tier 1) and lowest values for the bottom-most line (Tier 3)

    • Scoring Type: Raw Score

      • Max Score limit is 3000

      • Min Score limit is 0

      • Maximum Score (Max Score) must be larger than Minimum Score (Min Score)

      • If user edits Quantity Field (4, 5, 6), then additional lines are created.

      • If user edits Quantity Field (4, 5, 6), then score ranges are determine by an equal division from Max Score value to Min Score value for the number selected in the Quantity field

      • If user edits Quantity Field (4, 5, 6), then Tier Mapping locks the top most line as Tier 1 and the bottom most line as Tier 3.

      • The top most line contains the locked maximum value as the value entered for Max Value field

      • The bottom most line contains the locked minimum value as the value entered for Min Value field

      • Score ranges assigned to Tiers are mutually exclusive and all inclusive

      • There must be at least one of each for Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3

      • The Raw Score Ranges contain the highest values for the top-most line ( Tier 1) and lowest values for the bottom-most line (Tier 3)

  • Field Mapping Tab (Start Here)

    • Upload Sample template button: Required: csv,

    • Required Fields: must have selection or error message shown

    • Show Tooltip: optional, shows text entry box when clicked

      • Given Show Tooltip is selected, then the text box entry is required

      • Textbox entries have no character limits

    • Select Field: Require, dropdown contains all of the labels from the uploaded sample template

    • Add Note: Optional; shows text entry box when clicked

      • Save selected, then note is shown below Select field

      • Cancel selected, then the note is removed and Add not function is restored

    • Add Custom Field: optional, if selected shows fields to text enter: Custom Label, Custom Description, Show Tooltip, Select Field, Add note

      • If selected, then Custom Label, Custom Description, and Select Field are required

      • If selected, can be removed by clicking on x to remove the line.

    • Save button: Save button saves the updates made

    • Cancel button: Cancels updates made

Workflow Description-(Start here)

  1. Item 1

    • Users enter the Resources tab to manage curriculum content, accessing a comprehensive list of resources.

  2. Searching and Filtering:

    • To locate specific resources, users utilize the search functionality and apply filters based on type, language, and status.

  3. Adding Resource:

    • When adding a new resource, the user clicks "Add Resource" to launch the resource builder tool and input new resource details.

  4. Saving and Organizing Resources:

    • After creating a resource, the user saves it, and it's automatically integrated into the curriculum with the designated status tag.