Versions Compared


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  • Tier Notices remain on the Student Overview Page for:

    • ELA and Math (Tier 2 or Tier 3) when no intervention plan has been created before the next test administration completion date. Most Tests (Star: Reading/Math , iReady: Reading/Math, NWEA Map: Reading/Math) are given several times throughout the school year.

    • Behavior (Tier 2 or Tier 3), no intervention plan has been created and the student’s data indicates that their Tier Level remains the same.

    • SEL (Tier 2 or Tier 3), when no intervention plan has been created before the next test administration (SEL has two administrations: Fall and Spring during that school year) OR the subsequent test administration indicates that the student’s Tier Level has not changed.

    • Attendance (Tier 2 or Tier 3), when the User DID NOT select Take Action button and view Intervention Plans and/or the Student’s Tier Level has not changed.

  • Tier Notice are removed from Student Overview Page for:

    • ELA and Math (Tier 2 or Tier 3), when an intervention plan has been created before the next test administration

    • Behavior (Tier 2 or Tier 3) when an intervention plan has been created.

    • SEL (Tier 2 or Tier 3) when an intervention plan has been created before the subsequent test administration

    • Attendance when the User selected Take Action button and viewed the Intervention Plans page.

  • Tier Notices are replaced from the Student Overview Page for:

    • ELA and Math when a student’s score on a subsequent test(s) falls within a the range of a different tier. (Example: Student scores in Tier 2 range on first test and no intervention plan was created. Then student takes another test and now they score in the Tier 3 range. We show a Tier 3 Tier Notice)

    • Behavior when an intervention plan has not been created and student’s number of incidents has increased from a Tier 2 range to a Tier 3 range. We show a Tier Notice for Tier 3.

      • Note: There is a reset period established in Settings that restores a student to Tier 1 after a set time period has passed without any incidents.

    • SEL when an intervention plan has not been created and the student’s score on the second test falls within a different Tier.

    • Attendance when no action button HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED and the student’s attendance reaches criteria for a different Tier, then we show the new Tier.

      • Note: There are 2 Attendance Tracking methods (Days Based, Percentage Based) so criteria for replacing a Tier Notice is unique to the Tracking method selected.

Donut Graphs

  • Graphs are calculated by:

    • Settings criteria for Tiers determined by District Level Admin

      • Example Test score ranges from Settings:

        • Tier 1: 80%-100%

        • Tier 2: 40%-79%

        • Tier 3: 0% - 39%

    • A total count of students at that building in the same grade level

      • Example (Math Graph) Total Students enrolled in Grade 9 at Sunnyside Highschool: 100

        • 10 score in Tier 1 (within 80%-100%)

        • 50 score in Tier 2 (within 40% -79%)

        • 30 score in Tier 3 (within 0% - 39%)

        • 10 are enrolled at the school and grade level but haven’t taken the test.

    • Math Donut graph would show:

      • 10% Tier 1

      • 50% Tier 2

      • 30% Tier 3

      • 10% NO DATA

  • Bolded Tier in Donut Graph

    • This represents the tier where the student scored.


  • Category

  • Tier Recommendation

  • Plan

At Risk / Approaching Indicators