Navigation My Assignment, assignment toggle options
Clicking on the To-Do (default), Missing, and Done toggle switch tabs will filter the displayed content accordingly.
The assignments will display with the most recent date showing on top of the list and the least recent date at the bottom of the list
Assignments that do not have a due date will display below assignments that have a due date
Assignments that have a due date that are passed the current date, due date displays in red text.
If student has no missing assignments, Missing tab will be hidden.
Assignments that have been completed by the student.
Empty State includes Lottie file animation and message: Nothing to show here.
Same Lottie File Animation: https://rethinkautism-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/daniel_mcnaney_rethinked_com/EcrN5td0czdGmJlYwBvXyt4BnGnQdj7RH_VswfO6URq6_w?e=WTg5Gw
Progress Tracking:
The system updates the assignment's status in real-time as the user interacts with it (e.g., "In-Progress" or "Complete").
In-Progress tag will display in To-Do or Missing tabs on assignments that have been started by the student.
Complete tags will display in Done tab on My Assignments page for assignments that have been completed by the students.
Assignment Card Hover State
When a user hovers over an assignment card, the card changes to blue to provide a visual cue.
Assignment Card Interaction
Clicking on an assignment card will open the assignment and the user will be able to start the activity or quiz.
Navigation tabs
Clicking on the My Assignments, Explore, and Goal Zone tabs will filter the displayed content accordingly.
Thumbnail Images
All thumbnail images should load correctly and maintain their aspect ratios while filling the width of the card.
Younger and Older Student Versions
We need to support the younger student and older student versions of the Student Center. In the future, the younger and older student centers will have different features.
The updated Student Center UI described in the requirements and designs are the same for the younger and older student centers. We should maintain the separation of the younger student and old student versions so that they can have different features in the future.
Workflow Description
Login and Initial View:
Upon login, users land on the Assignments tab in the "Today" toggle, which shows assignments due on the current day or upcoming assignments that are due.
Navigation and Content Filtering:
Users can switch between "To-Do," "Missing," and "Done" tabs to filter assignments by their status.
All grades can navigate between content pages: My Assignments, Explore, Goal Zone.
Assignment Interaction:
Users select an assignment by clicking on a card.
The selection leads to a detailed view or starts the assignment based on its status.
If the user selects a complete assignment, opening the assignment will display the assignment review pages.
Progress Tracking:
The system updates the assignment's status in real-time as the user interacts with it (e.g., "In-Progress" or "Complete").