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The classroom report provides educators with a detailed overview of student check-in and check-out tools. The Check-In, Check-Out Classroom Report allows teachers to view information about the students with CICO Interventions and offers opportunities to view the details or record data for the CICO Intervention for the student.


As a RethinkEd user, I want to view a comprehensive classroom report of all check-in/check-out activities so that I can easily monitor and track the behaviors of my students.

UI Description

  • Filters

    Student: Dropdown menu (single select) that displays list of students with CICO tools in the classroom

    Search Bar

    • User can search by student first and last names, grade level, behavior(s), and team member first and last names to refine the table search.

    • Kendo Search Bar component with the ability to delete text entered by selecting the 'X' that displays once text is entered in the search bar.

  • Filters

    • Grade: Dropdown menu (single select) that displays all grades of the students in the specific classroom

    • Behavior(s): Dropdown menu (multi-select) that includes all behaviors associated with the CICO tools for the students in the classroom.

    • Created By: Dropdown menu (single-select) that includes all team member names who have created a CICO tool for a student in the selected classroom.

    • Status: Dropdown menu (multi-select) that includes the values: Active, Archived, Draft, Goal Mastered Goal

  • Check-In, Check-Out Table:

    • Table columns will display in this order:



      Creation Date, Last Recorded Date, or Date Range for CICO Tool?

      • Student Name: First name and Last name. Student name is a link that navigates user to the Student Dashboard > Behavior Support > Check-In, Check-Out Screen

      • Grade: Displays grade level of the student

      • Behavior: Displays one or more behaviors selected for the CICO Tool.

        • Multiple behaviors are separated by a comma (Example: Sleeping, Interrupting)

        • Behaviors will wrap to the following line if they extend the Behavior row width.

      • Date Created: Display the date the tool was created. (Mon. DD, YYYY).

      • Last Data Recorded: Display the date of the last recorded data point.

        • Mon. DD, YYYY

        • If data has not been recorded, display ‘N/A’.

      • Created By: First name and Last name of team member who created the CICO tool.

      • Status: Active, Archived, Draft, Active, ArchivedActionGoal Mastered

        • Display as a status chip in the table

        • Goal Mastered will display as a green ‘Mastered’ status chip

        • Active displays as a RethinkEd blue ‘Active’ status chip

        • Draft and Archived display as a grey status chip

      • Actions: View, Record, Delete

        • View opens the Data Express > View Data Graph

        • Record opens the Data Express > CICO

      Create CICO
        • Delete displays a Delete Confirmation Pop-up Message. Upon confirmation, the Check-In, Check-Out tool will be deleted.

    • Create New Tool button

      • Selection Pop-up Modal Displays:

        • Header: Create Check-In, Check-Out

        • Body Text: ‘For which student are you creating the tool?’

        • Dropdown selection for ‘Select Student’:

          • Search bar at the top of the dropdown menu to search for student first or last name.

          • Displays list of all students in the selected Classroom.

          • Cancel button: Navigates user to the screen they were viewing.

          • Create button: Navigates user to the Create CICO page.

    • Record Data button

    • Date Range Selection:

      • A date picker component with calendar picker and dates display in input field as Month DD, YYYY (Example: Apr 10, 2023 - Apr 24, 2024)

      • Upon opening date picker component, pre-set date selection values display next to calendar picker:

        • School Year

        • Last 7 days

        • Last 14 days

        • Last 30 days (default)

        • Last 90 days

        • Last 180 days

      • User can select a custom date range using the calendar picker.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Search Bar

  • Status Filters

  • Actions

  • Date Picker Component

Workflow Description

  1. User navigates to ‘Classrooms’ from the top navigation bar and selects a classroom to view.

  2. The user selects ‘Reports’ from the left side bar navigation in the Classroom view.

  3. The user selects ‘Behavior’ and the ‘Check-In, Check-Out tab’ to view the classroom CICO details.

  4. The user selects ‘CICO’ from the dropdown menu next to the classroom name to view the Classroom CICO Report.

  5. The user will view the CICO Tools for students in the classroom and will be able to take action on a tool: View, Record Data, Create CICO.