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Create a container to house the name of the goal selected and the functionality to support basic actions a User may want to take to manage the goal. Basic functionality includes:


  • Top of page container holding goal information, optional external dropdown selector and action icons


  • Goal Name

    • Name of the goal selectedIf edited by User on the Customize

  • Goal

    step, then shows the edited goal

    Goal Name Hover (Include this here or save for future?)

    • The Goal name contains a hover and an edit icon to edit the name of the goal.

  • Goal Type

    • TBD descriptionshows the library where the goal came from: Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Foundational Academics

  • External Plan

    • optional drop down to select : IEP or 504additional plans outside of our products

  • Escalator Icon (Include this here for save for the future?)

    • houses Goal Escalation Path Options

  • Print Icon

    • Print option

  • Three Dots

    • TBD description

User Interactions and Validation Notes

  • Goal Name

    • Taken directly from the goal selected as a default

    • If edited by User on the Customize Goal step, then shows the edited goal

  • Goal Name Hover

    • If User hovers over the goal name, then the Hover Overlay is shown.

    • If User clicks on the edit icon from the Overlay, then the goal name becomes editable

    • User types to rename the goal

  • Goal Type

    • The Lesson Type in Skills = the Goal Type in Goals and Analytics

    • Skills goal types include: Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Foundational Academics

  • External Plan

    • Optional, with default set to ‘None’

    • To document an External Plan, the User clicks on the drop down and selects from the following options:

      • None

      • IEP

      • 504

  • Escalator Icon

    • TBD

  • Print Icon

    • Clicking on Print Icon will print the page

  • Three Dots

    • TBD

Workflow Description

To edit the Goal Name:

  • User hovers over Goal Name to show optional editing icon (pencil/paper)

  • User clicks on edit icon

  • User types the replacement Goal Name.

To document an external plan:

  • User clicks on External Plan dropdown

  • User selects choice: IEP, 504

To document Goal Escalation:

  • User clicks on Escalator Icon to show Escalation options

  • TBD

To Print the page:

  • User clicks on print Icon

  • What can we show?

To complete additional actions:

  • User clicks on three dots

  • TBD